Realm-Cloaked Giant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Realm-Cloaked Giant

Creature — Giant


(You may cast Realm-Cloaked Giant from exile if you sent it on an adventure.)

Cast Off

Sorcery — Adventure

Destroy all non-Giant Creatures.

(Then send this card on an Adventure in exile. You may cast the creature portion from exile.)

(You may cast Cast Off for from anywhere that you have the permission and capability to cast this, then exile this on an adventure instead of putting this into your graveyard. When you have not chosen to cast Cast Off, this card is treated only as Realm-Cloaked Giant in whatever zone this is in.)

(When not exiled on an adventure, Adventure cards function identically to modal double faced cards when regarding to the interactions of cards that look at them or attempt to cast them.)

GrimlockVIII on Ruhan, Round Two...FIGHT!

11 months ago

I was gonna say that the inclusion of Realm-Cloaked Giant is a spicy board-wipe piece got dayum

Apollo_Paladin on Naya Adventures

1 year ago

Heyo, you have some decent synergy going here for someone claiming to have no idea haha +1

Mondrak, Glory Dominus could be an interesting fit here with all of your token generation adventure options you're already running. He's also got the capacity to sacrifice them and survive your own Realm-Cloaked Giant boardwipe.

I would personally drop Lucky Clover down from a 4x to a 3x (you already have 4 Innkeepers for draw, and more than 1 Clover in play isn't generally that desirable - you just need enough copies to ensure you reliably get 1 most games, which I think 3 copies plus your existing cheap synergy draw can accomplish.

Also, this is purely opinion, but with your mana curve I think dropping 1 land down to 22 could be done. You have 3 Questing druids and 4 Showdown of the Skalds for library advantage, and reducing the frequency of hitting multiple lands with each of these would increase your overall efficiency.

Both of these drops would make room for a couple copies of Mondrak (or something else) should you want to give other options a try in this deck.

Hope some of this helps, and nice job on the build either way. Feel free to add me on Arena if you ever want to test decks or discuss builds (Add: Apollo_Paladin#83413)


SufferFromEDHD on Ruhan, Round Two...FIGHT!

1 year ago

This is a really solid build of an overlooked commander.

Clout of the Dominus is worth a spot.

Obsidian Battle-Axe you have a few other warriors in the main deck that would benefit from this. Could go wider and add Anger. Or both?

Negate could be upgraded to Dovin's Veto.

Divine Reckoning quality removal for this strategy.

Realm-Cloaked Giant is awesome tech! Maybe Cyclone Summoner since they are very similar.

Calamity Bearer something to think about. Narrow but definitely interesting.

Epicurus on Calamity upon our Gates! (RGWU Giant Tribal)

2 years ago

Love it!

Having trouble trying to think of suggestions, but one thing does come to mind. I don't see any board wipes besides Realm-Cloaked Giant. They might be useful for the early game when opponents could be going wide while you build the resources to start dropping biggies.

All the classics like Wrath of God and such would factor in here. But also Earthquake, Starstorm and the like would be better late game when you have your giants on the board, because you can control the amount of damage dealt to everything. For that matter, spells like Anger of the Gods might be handy both early and late.

Hope that's helpful at all. Cheers!

zretrareo27 on RW EDH Brion Stoutarm 2022

2 years ago

Made quite a lot of changes recently, ordering some better tempo cards as well. Added more mana rocks for tempo and removed some of the recursion as I don't seem to get to my big creatures fast enough to use it. Added more board wipes that work in my favor Realm-Cloaked Giant adventure saves my commander and Calamity Bearer and Realm-Cloaked Giant, and Solar Blaze saves Calamity Bearer, Capashen Unicorn, Hofri Ghostforge, Magus of the Disk, and Stinkdrinker Daredevil. False Prophet and Planar Collapse limit the amount of tiny creatures on the field.

Jabberjaw46 on Oloro

3 years ago

Authority of the Consuls slows opponents and helps your lifegain strategy

Fumigate is a good wipe for life gain, I would replace your Realm-Cloaked Giant

Witch of the Moors

Serra Ascendant

Karlov of the Ghost Council

multimedia on Equip/Aura Galea

3 years ago

Hey, what you have so far is a strong start at upgrading the precon for your first deck, nice Hammer of Nazahn upgrade.

Currently you need to cut 24 cards to get to 100 cards. Some advice is start with cutting some lands because 43 lands is too much. Reduce it to 36 and if you think you need more mana then add more low converted mana cost (CMC) ramp sources or draw sources instead of lands.

Some lands to consider cutting:

All these lands always enter the battlefield (ETB) tapped and you have other lands that always do this too, but those other lands are better than these.

The next cuts to consider are some high CMC cards to reduce the mana curve.

Further cuts are some cards that are not as good as others here or have similar or the same effects.

Heirloom Blade and Reflections of Littjara are tribal cards that care about only one type of creature. That's not the strategy here since you have many different creature types. Skyclave Cleric  Flip and Tangled Florahedron  Flip are double face cards (DFC) that can be lands or played as the front face of the card and that can be helpful. The problem is the front face of the card is not worth playing even though they might be lands. Bala Ged Recovery  Flip is an example of a good DFC upgrade since front face is a good card and the bonus is that could be a land.

Suppression Field is a powerful card, but it affects equipment equip costs since that's an activated ability. Even if you control Puresteel Paladin with metalcraft activated you still have to pay 2 mana to equip the equipment to a creature you control. Puresteel will reduce the equip cost to 0, but then Field makes you pay an additional 2 mana to activate the equip ability. If an equipment is in your hand and you cast it or already on the battlefield you can't free equip if you control Field.

You have ways to get around having to pay for equip with attach. Difference is you're not equipping when you attach an equipment to a creature you control. The key word here is attach which bypasses the need to activate equip. You can free attach an equipment with Galea, Kindler of Hope, Halvar, God of Battle  Flip or Hammer of Nazahn. With Galea only if you cast an equipment from the top of your library, with Halvar only if the equipment is already equipped to another creature you control and with Hammer only if you cast the equipment or the equipment ETB. Free attach has synergy with Suppression Field, but the interaction is limited.

Good luck with your deck.

amicdeep on Losing friends 101

3 years ago

the deck curve alot more tempo than control. i have a few suggestions for cheap power houses that would fit the list Dream Trawler, seems like a much better top end creater Realm-Cloaked Giant, may be one of the better board wipe options available Timeless Dragon, is a nother deceptivly strong card, fining a land intanst speed is always good, but also making a 4/4 from your gy later in the game Angel of Sanctions, falls under same boat but with solid removal added.

Declaration in Stone, is a solid and very cheap path alternative Elspeth Conquers Death, may be one of the best control toppers for he price, removal, protection and reanimate are all very relevant modes Fact or Fiction, is probably one of the best draw spells in modern and its budgets friendly Supreme Will, is a solid utility spell. hope some of these sugestions are useful to you

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