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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Insect


Sacrifice a Goblin: Clickslither gets +2/+2 and gains trample until end of turn.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

1 month ago

Additionally, I would Mainboard Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and/or Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip the latter of which being a valid Kiki-Jiki duplicate target. It's another option to go infinite, or simply increase the good parts of a boardstate.

Personally, I'd sideboard the Stax elements like Orb of Dreams and Winter Orb, even if there's some interaction with Throne of the God-Pharaoh. I might be undervaluing the card draw aspect, but Gempalm Incinerator only targeting creatures greatly devalues it for me.

Goblin Chirurgeon, I consider it essential to protecting valuable goblins on board since there's no way to bring them back from the graveyard. Your love for fancy lands might also have you consider Safe Haven. Similarly, Castle Embereth, Spinerock Knoll, and Den of the Bugbear each fits.

Goblin Goliath, offers much the same effect as Siege-Gang Commander while also giving a damage-doubling effect on tap.

While not being a sac outlet Battle Squadron offers an effect similar to Clickslither and Voracious Dragon while still being a Goblin, and not taking goblins off the board.

Goblin Warchief needs help with Haste enabling, whether pre-infinite or not, I think another option to win on board same turn is needed. Goblin Bushwhackerfoil, Goblin Chieftain, and Roar of Resistance offer this, while Ardoz, Cobbler of War can additionally capitalize on it.

Gauntlet of Might, Dolmen Gate, and Herald's Horn are good preference options. I keep wanting to add Basilisk Collar because of Goblin Sharpshooter, but it'd be a wasted slot too often.

Conspicuous Snoop is a fun card, which I now realize goes infinite with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on top of the library.

WarpedZerghead on Overpopulation

4 years ago

2 enchantments that compliment the commander/deck: Goblin Bombardment Impact Tremors

Also check out Clickslither, Voracious Dragon and Burn at the Stake for potential 1-shotting someone. Winter Orb and Fires of Invention is a busted combo too.

xram666 on Krenko, Token Boss

5 years ago

Nice deck. +1 from me.

And I have some suggestion from my Krenk deck Krenko's Mob

For Token Produktion: Goblin Instigator, Beetleback Chief and Kuldotha Rebirth

Some finishers: Clickslither, Burn at the Stake and Massive Raid

No goblins but absoluty nuts: Ogre Battledriver and Kruin Striker

And last but not least: Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician, Quest for the Goblin Lord and Obsidian Battle-Axe (Krenko is a warrior)

Confetti_wap on gObLiNs

6 years ago

Garbage Elemental is not EDH legal, considering the set it is from lol. Considering replacing it with Clickslither. I love goblins, cool deck!

ersatz_olorin on Krenko, Infinite Boss

6 years ago

Reckless One and Clickslither would be good additions

BabyK on Goblin Commander

6 years ago

Run Krenko, Mob Boss and lots of low cmc goblins and goblin token generation like Goblin Rally, with a finisher of Clickslither with Fling or Patron of the Akki and Goblin War Strike. It gets nuts, fast. Keldon Warlord likes this deck as well

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