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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Arena | Legal |
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Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Duel Commander | Legal |
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Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Death Wind
Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn.

TypicalTimmy on Skelly Mannder
2 years ago
I also need to make a correction. When I said that a creature whose toughness is reduced to zero, a la -X/-X, it's complicated.
It does "die", because "dying" is a term meant to denote moving from the battlefield, specifically, to the graveyard, specifically.
When toughness is reduced to 0, be it through combat damage, non-combat damage, or -X/-X, the creature does in fact die.
The difference here is that a creature who dies thanks to combat damage or noncombat damage is also "destroyed".
Destroyed is prevented with indestructible.
But you do not "destroy" a creature with a spell such as Death Wind. This is why a card such as Heliod, God of the Sun can die to a Death Wind but not a Murder.
The point here is that there becomes a little bit of confusion as to how these all interaction with Regenerate.
If a creature was hit by a Terminate or a Lightning Bolt or blocked by a huge 7/7, it would have either been outright Destroyed, sustained lethal noncombat damage, or been dealt lethal combat damage.
It dies.
Regenerate then says;
- "Wooah there partner! Just one darn tootin' second here! You can't go to the graveyard just yet. Get that damage outta here, and bingo bango bongo your ass is tapped."
Problem is, -X/-X isn't damage.
It isn't removed.
So it's toughness is still zero.
So the next time state based actions occur, if it still has Toughness 0, to the graveyard it goes.
Polaris on Does Flanking bypass Indestructible?
3 years ago
DragonWolf is correct. Marking damage on something and reducing its toughness are different things. Lethal damage destroys a creature, as do explicit effects like Murder. A creature with 0 toughness isn't destroyed; it just dies, the same as if it had been sacrificed.
Indestructible prevents a creature from being destroyed, so as long as its toughness is still more than 0 it will survive regardless of damage.
If you want to remove an indestructible creature, your options are to reduce it to 0 toughness (i.e. Death Wind, Soul-Scar Mage), force a sacrifice (i.e. Tribute to Hunger), exile removal (Sever the Bloodline), or removing the indestructibility first (Bonds of Mortality, Turn to Frog).
TypicalTimmy on Does Flanking bypass Indestructible?
3 years ago
So we know if a creature had Indestructible, dealing lethal damage won't kill it. For example, my opponent had a Heliod, God of the Sun and I deal 7 damage to it, combat, non-combat or a mixture, he won't die.
However, a Death Wind for -6/-6 will kill him.
My understanding is that even if you hit him with a Lightning Bolt for 3 damage, as long as that 3 remains marked on him, a Death Wind for -3/-3 will kill him.
Furthermore, DW at -3/-3 and then blocking with a 4/4 will kill him.
If all of this is correct, does Flanking also work? For example, I attack with some 5/5 who happens to have Flanking. Heliod blocks.
Heliod gets -1/-1 until end of turn due to Flanking. Since he doesn't have this ability, he gets the penalty.
He moves from a 5/6 down to a 4/5. Then he is dealt 5 combat damage.
On him, until end of turn, he has 5 combat damage marked and -1/-1 marked.
Therefore, just as with the above examples, he should still die, despite having indestructible, correct?
MagicMarc on The "Rain of Gore" Debacle
4 years ago
Actually, the namesake card for the op title: Rain of Gore. My favorites are: Carnival of Souls, Vile Requiem, Death's Duet, Season of the Witch, Death Rattle for sure and Death Bomb. More;
Metallic Mastery, Seething Song, Song of Blood, Songs of the Damned, Apocalypse, All of the death cards like Certain Death, Death Baron, Death Cloud, Death Speakers, Death Stroke, Death Watch, Death Wind,Death Wish. Deathrender, Death's Approach, Death's Duet, and Kiss of Death, and pretty much anything with death in the name. Yet more;
Battle Screech, Chaos Lord, Reign of Chaos, Clinging Darkness, Dark Bargain, Darkest Hour, Darkness, Scion of Darkness, Tombfire, Burnt Offering, Soul Bleed, Soul Burn, Soul Feast, Soulblast, and Soulshriek.
Tarzunga on
Victory or Seppuku
4 years ago
MrKillStar thank for your feedback. Some of those cards I actually considered but other's didn't even cross my mind, let's break it down.
Massacre Wurm is actually one that I tottally forgot about, it does fit well in the deck, gotta figure out what to cut tho, it was hard enough already had to cut around 20 cards before posting the changes to the deck...
Liliana of the Dark Realms has been in the deck before, several times, I do like her but when it comes to practical terms it does give me 1 or 2 swamps but my table never allows me to ult her, the few times I was able to ult her I won the game soon after and they know they can't let that happen, so I decided to remove her considering most times I play her to die next turn.
Lake of the Dead is nice, and I considered it before, but for the price it costs I'd rather not add it, I don't have the money for it.
Grim Return has been in the deck since it's first version, this is the only version of the deck where I actually cut it out, because I realized altho the card is good most of the times it would just be in my hand doing nothing because I'd want to save it for better creatures, although now with the new rules where the commander does hit the grave before being moved to the command zone, it would allow me to steal the commanders, hmmm might reconsider it. But again, idk what to cut in order to add that one, for 2 more mana Thrilling Encore does a better job.
Bloodcurdling Scream/Howl from Beyond, I only knew the latter of those but I prefer Hatred for that purpose. Actually I chose this name for the deck exactly because of Hatred as it was the main win-con when I first did it.
Tainted Strike would be a great addition if our playgroup played with the 10 infect death, but we changed it to 20 infect in our playgroup to be more "fair". Long story short some years ago a dude won with infect, like big time and people got triggered that it wasn't fair, yada yada, so the majority voted on changing the infect rule between us to 20 instead of 10, way to kill infect decks... So it's not worth in this context as it is basicly the same as cmdr dmg. However if I ever change playgroup sure I'll add Tainted Strike, I have a copy somewhere here.
The big X spells I'd rather just have a few of them, the ones currently in the deck, although you did suggest some interesting stuff, but I don't want many of those. As for Death Wind I had it in the deck before but I decided to replace it with Defile, most of the times it will have the same potential effect because the deck is mono-black plus I have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth but I will be spending only 1 mana instead. Black Sun's Zenith is already in it btw.
I do like the versitality of Damnable Pact, it can be used to finish off an opponent or simply for you to draw, and I have considered adding it a few times but I don't see anything worth trading for it.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your input, I'll take a better look at your suggestions and see if there's something I can trade for any of those.
MrKillStar on
Victory or Seppuku
4 years ago
Pretty interesting deck :3
I could suggest:
Massacre Wurm - small-scale boardwipe (+Sudden Spoiling); MW also supports your Forbidden Orchard + Illness in the Ranks
to slowly drain your opponents out.
Liliana of the Dark Realms - Her ultimate would help you a lot to cast big Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire. It might not always work, but you can at least fetch few swamps out of the deck.
Lake of the Dead - A bit pricey land from Reserved List, but it might help a lot aswell.
Grim Return - This could be good, when your commander kills something, just cast this, stealth the killed creature and re-do it next turn? Maybe.. just maybe.
Bloodcurdling Scream/Howl from Beyond - Ramp up, cast this and swing for lethal c.dmg with Umezawa?
Tainted Strike - Sneaky infect? Also insant for only one !
Big black spells with X? Consume Spirit - any target with lifesteal; Damnable Pact - possible card draw or finisher;Death Cloud - big mean cloud!; Death Wind - single target version of Black Sun's Zenith; Profane Command - this card is just great.
Black Market can be silly on its own, even sillier in token decks though... I personally buff it even more with Desecrated Tomb + Tortured Existence
(+Phyrexian Altar to go infinite etb/etg triggers). I think any deck running black could use Tortured Existence, just to recover any creature from your graveyard you need at the moment and/or for madness.
PolarBearSoup on
Zaxara, the Exemplary: Hydra Infestation
4 years ago
I have a Saheeli X spell deck, but Zaxara really piqued my interest when I saw it. Everyone loves hyrdas, and getting board presence of big X spells feels great.
Astral Cornucopia will help your mana and give you a token - It's a steep cost but does fit the theme.
Mass Manipulation has been a powerhouse for me in Saheeli. I appreciate the might be harder for tri-colour, but Zaxara helps with that a lot.
Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista are again big X artifact spells, the latter able to win you the game with the infinite mana combo.
Bloom Tender - If you are running Freed from the Real and Pemmin's, then he is a backup inclusion for the infinite mana route.
Chimeric Mass is a nice way to protect your creature based board from sorcery speed sweeps.
Battle at the Bridge, Death Wind, Disembowel, or Erebos's Intervention offer X based spot removal to compliment your X based counterspells which I like the inclusion of here!
Dark Salvation works as smaller creature (depending on your mana) removal and generates you some additional tokens
StupidDroid on Poison -1/-1 Counters
5 years ago
The official reminder text for Indestructible is "(Damage and effects that say 'destroy' don't destroy this)". Even though Erebos, God of the Dead has Indestructible, he will still die if his toughness is zero or less. This can be caused by your opponent's infect creatures, or effects like Death Wind that otherwise reduce his toughness.