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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Briar Patch
Whenever a creature attacks you, it gets -1/-0 until end of turn.

DreadKhan on
Thantis the Warweaver
2 years ago
I've always been fascinated by Thantis as a deck, nice to see something even if it's not the Stax build I'd inevitably run (with considerable glee I might add), this seems considerably more fun to play against. I'm curious how your deck ends up working when you get it down to 100, I struggled mightily with a deck once but ended up pretty happy with the result.
For stuff you could pull, Sunder Shaman seems visibly awful, with numerous better and much easier to cast solutions existing. I have never, ever had Clackbridge Troll work out even half-decent for me, maybe you'll be luckier? I'm not sure how many redundant copies you need of the 'everyone has to attack' effect, other than Goad sources which protect you, unless you actually have a big body to block with you might not want people swinging at you, so that might let you cut Goblin Spymaster? You might cut Grand Melee for not being on a body, and Thantis doesn't want to block someone else's Deathtouch creature. I think I understand your plan to use Fogs to force people to swing and grow Thantis, then a Fog renders their attack otherwise moot, have you tested this concept out much? I usually find Fogs to be bad cards unless my deck can derive enormous advantage from 1 extra turn, and that simultaneously stopping one attacker will be enough. Anyways, I worry you won't have enough actual cards that matter with so many fogs, obviously if you've tested this out before and it works well then ignore this! I really love setting up Deathtouch and Trample on a big body, but I can never decide on a good ratio. Deathtouch without Trample is awful on a big creature, but Trample without Deathtouch is still pretty useful, so I tend to run one or two Deathtouch sources like Ohran Frostfang to have the option of 1-shotting someone while not having too many when I'm stuck with a big Deathtouch creature, a frustrating situation in my experience. When I have a deck with Green in it, and I'm less than 4 colours, there is a good chance I'll be running relatively few ramp artifacts, Green just does a better job, why play a Signet with Green in it when you could dig out your preferred land for the same mana, possibly a dual? Artifacts are magnets for removal in some metas, and if you don't run any/many, it opens you up to running more hate against such cards, if you later think you might want to (after playing it). I get that you're giving people tokens, but is Briar Patch actually relevant enough to run? Same with Revenge of Ravens or Hissing Miasma, not sure you want to deter people from swinging against you, but I might be misunderstanding your deck's game plan here. What exactly does your deck intend to do with the mana you generate from untapping your lands via Wilderness Reclamation, I guess Fogs?
As for some general advice, I wouldn't cut any lands beyond 33 with a 6 mana Commander, it's probably the lower end of what you'd want to risk. I would keep an eye on your land count when playtesting, if getting to 8 mana by the time you inevitably need to recast Thantis isn't consistent, you might want to sneak in some MDFC lands, but at this point I'd build the deck first and see what it can do at this land count.
Very much hate to suggest a card, but since I suggested pulling some Fogs, maybe you could replace several fogs with a Dawnstrider to make space in the deck?
Good luck with your building!
Epicurus on
Warweaver's Chant
3 years ago
Hello Snakeman!
Saw your post on the AyCD thread, but unfortunately I'm no good at suggesting cuts. I did want to comment anyway, though, because I really like Thantis (though I've never built her myself) and I've envisioned her a bit differently than what you have here.
In my opinion, you should run a lot more attack-consequent cards. In other words, cards that punish your opponents for attacking you.
On the top of that list is No Mercy, which some people don't like to use because it causes hurt feels. To me, though, it's a no-brainer. Here's a few others I like:
In addition to that list, I might also suggest Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant and Parasitic Impetus, both of which feed your theme, and Druids' Repository, which is great ramp in any attack heavy deck.
There I go, making things even more complicated, hahaha...
rdean14 on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
I think it works really well with her powers as someone who sees and alters fates. I'd like to see a card, preferrably a commander, with a unique built-in pillowfort method.
Current methods or deterrence:
Full Protection: Blazing Archon, Peacekeeper, and Glacial Chasm
Conditional Protection: Arboria, Elephant Grass
(Mana) Tax effects: Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, Archangel of Tithes, Archon of Absolution, Forbidding Spirit, Elephant Grass, Windborn Muse, Baird, Steward of Argive, and War Tax (My favorite, I love the politics!)
Other costs: Norn's Annex, Reclamation, Flooded Woodlands
Hurt the attacking creature: Barbed Foliage, Briar Patch, Sarkhan the Masterless, Lightmine Field, and Lost in the Woods
Hurt the attacking player: Revenge of Ravens, Hissing Miasma, Blood Reckoning, Marchesa's Decree, Riddlekeeper? (Is this even a downside? It's not a cost, per the rules.)
Protect/Help you, the defending player: Revenge of Ravens, Righteous Cause, Orim's Prayer, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Search the Premises, Thantis, the Warweaver, Slumbering Dragon
I don't count Aurification-style effects, as the damage was already dealt.
austintayshus on
5 years ago
Hi Chromebot, I love phelddagrif but this doesn't look like a group hug deck to me. You've got Dictate of Karametra and Dictate of Kruphix and Temple Bell and Rites of Flourishing , but that's about it for your group-hug package. You've also got a lot of protection like Briar Patch and Illusionist's Gambit , .
I would take out some of those protection cards and add some more group hug effects like Howling Mine and Font of Mythos and Tempt with Discovery and Minds Aglow and Veteran Explorer .
I think you've got a good start to this deck and I'd like to see where it goes. :)
griffstick on Help with Forced Attack Deck
7 years ago
Slumbering Dragon, Riddlekeeper, Marchesa's Decree, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Hissing Miasma, Crown of Doom, Briar Patch, Blood Reckoning, Barbed Foliage, Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts, Hixus, Prison Warden, No Mercy, Dread, Vengeful Pharaoh, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed