Bloodhall Priest

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodhall Priest

Creature — Vampire Cleric

Whenever this enters or attacks, if you have no cards in hand, this deals 2 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast this for the madness cost instead of putting this into your graveyard.)

immakinganezehaldeck on Anje Reanimator (Casual CEDH)

2 years ago

11/23/22 - Madness update

I'm really low on madness cards. Needs to be far higher for an anje deck.




Removed most end game threats + interaction that didn't have madness, since madness tech needs to be there in high density and the deck can win through that stuff mainly.

Saccox on Sedraxis covenant

3 years ago

DP87,Arthurshepard80 bello fare due discorsi in italiano invece che in inglese! Il mazzo si intende ultra budget come quelli che faccio io,farei le seguenti modifiche:ridurrei le Bloodhall Priest a 1-2,sono incisive se non hai carte in mano,leverei i Ravenous Bloodseeker che non mi piacciono e userei gli spazi per 4 Thrill of Possibility e per aumentare qualcos'altro(mi piacerebbe trovare spazio per piu Extractor Demon e Shambling Remains ^^);i Murderous Compulsion non mi piacciono molto come rimozione,meglio Lightning Axe , Dark Withering ecc... Per quanto l abilita dissotterrare non sia fortissima ti da la comodità di poterle scartare e poi usarle successivamente,mentre con follia devi avere sempre almeno un mana in piu per poter usare l abilità.

multimedia on Merciless rage needs upgrading

5 years ago

Hey, Worldgorger would make your deck unfair. Without it you could still play reanimation, but fair reanimation. There's nothing wrong with fair reanimation it can still be powerful and fast, it will just take longer to win a game. The upgrade would be to reanimate better budget creatures and add support creatures/other cards that can help reanimation. Reanimation would be one of the most simple of upgrades you could make by replacing subpar creatures with better ones to reanimate and subpar cards that only belong in a precon with better ones.

An example is Vilis, Broker of Blood. Powerful budget creature who you want to reanimate and who's busted with Krrik's Phyrexian mana ability. Could replace Soul of Innistrad with Vilis.

Glint-Horn Buccaneer can be an unfair creature with combos or just a fair creature who can repeatedly hurt your opponents, but not kill the table. Buccaneer is good with wheels because wheels make you discard all the cards in your hand which can be a lot. Repeatable wheels can really do a lot of damage to your opponents with Buccaneer. Wheels are good with reanimation. Could replace Scaretiller with Buccaneer.

Dragon Mage is an upgrade of a big creature to reanimate who can be a repeatable wheel. Chainer, Nightmare Adept is good with repeatable reanimation with Doomed and Apprentice Necromancers. Chainer is also amazing with Magus of the Wheel who can be a repeatable wheel effect. Could replace Boneyard Parley with Mage. If not playing Worldgorger then Bloodhall Priest is lackluster esspecially with wheels. Could replace Priest with Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion, who can be another repeatable wheel effect.

Anger is very good when you have a consistent way to discard it, since giving reanimated creatures haste makes them so much better. Could replace Skyfire Phoenix with Anger.

These are just a few examples of upgrades to expand on reanimation.

multimedia on Merciless rage needs upgrading

5 years ago

Hey, you can do a lot with a $60 budget for upgrades. For non madness, do you still want to play the Worldgorger combo? Again this combo will be at least $20 of the $60 budget. Without the combo you could make plenty of other upgrades for $20, but the combo makes your deck much more competitive.

For multicolored decks I always start with allocating enough of the budget for the manabase, to add some playable lands. I figure I need to have a good manabase otherwise what's the point in making the deck if I can't consistently cast cards. For your deck I would start with adding these lands:

If playing non madness, still play some madness cards that become better when you discard them with Anje. There's really reason to not take some advantage of playable madness cards with Anje as Commander.

Other advice I can give will be determined on if you want to play the Worldgorger combo. I'm basing it on the combo because your deck can look quite a bit different if not playing the combo.

multimedia on Merciless rage needs upgrading

5 years ago

Hey, what's the budget you have to make upgrades? Anje can be good with lots of madness cards or only a few. The first thing to consider is do you want to go all in with madness or just play a few good cards with madness? All madness is faster, cheaper, but less flexible. Only a few cards with madness is slower, more expensive, but more flexible, more options for deck strategies.

Madness is what makes Anje unique and with like 40 madness cards you can loot through your library fast which can set up combos/reanimation. Anje + Glint-Horn Buccaneer + Shadow of the Grave can be a budget win condition with lots of cards with madness. The more expensive Worldgorger combo can use two different cards with madness as the win condition: Avacyn's Judgment and the more difficult to pull off Bloodhall Priest.

The problem with this strategy is most madness cards are horrible, but are needed to untap Anje to loot more. Lots of cards with madness is a cheaper way to upgrade the precon because all cards with madness are budget options and you technically don't have to include the expensive price Worldgorger combo.

Do you want to play the Worldgorger combo? It's very good with Anje as an enabler for infinite mana and the fact that two cards with madness can be win conditions is helpful with Anje as Commander. The combo is however not budget, it's expensive. You'll want minimum $20: $10 Worldgorger, $5 Animate, $5 Dance.

Necromancy at $12 is better than both Animate and Dance since it can be cast at instant speed, but it adds more price for upgrades. Emergence Zone can be used with Animate or Dance to combo at instant speed. Cut / Ribbons and Sunscorched Desert are other win conditions with Worldgorder combo that work fine without having madness. The combo can be played in either a madness heavy direction or non madness direction.

Another direction to consider for upgrades is non madness, only playing a few cards with madness that are good when you discard them with Anje. The reason to choose this direction is the majority of cards you play are playable by themselves, not relying on madness with Anje's discard. The Worldgorger combo is just as good with this direction and you can include many other win conditions. Buccaneer is fine too, but not a combo win however without lots of cards with madness. There's lots more options to choose with this direction, other combos you could play or reanimation strategies. This direction will most likely be more expensive for upgrades, but it will be more flexible.

When I have a better idea of what kind of deck you want to make then if you would like I can give more advice.

json73002 at yahoo dot com on Filter Anje cEDH, Primer

5 years ago

Bloodhall Priest can be moved to the useful madness cards. It can also be a wincon whilst doing the gorger+rummaging loop. Having zero cards can be done by rummaging all but the instant/flash cards during the loop.

Klancik on Anje Filter

5 years ago

ReZileancy Consultation is an instant speed find a win con. It's also an instant card to cast after Bloodhall Priest entering so that we're hellbent. Naming a card that's not in the deck works but is of course dangerous so naming another instant also works.

Hissp on Anje Falkenrath cEDH

5 years ago


It depends on your hand. You're gonna virtually always have Anje out, as the deck runs about 2 cantrips.

You're generally trying for Animate Dead + Worldgorger Dragon + wincon + ramp/protection.

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