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legendofa on Meek’s Inheritance

1 hour ago

The thing here is that as soon as a creature gains landwalk, it has an ability, so it can't get anything from Ruxa, Patient Professor, or Jasmine Boreal of the Seven, or Muraganda Petroglyphs, which are the biggest reasons to use vanilla creatures. If you want these bonuses to be usable together, they can't actually be granted abilities.

May I suggest rewarding casting vanilla creature spells, or giving them some benefit? Something like "Whenever a nontoken creature with no abilities enters, draw a card." or "Creature spells with no abilities cost less." or something.

legendofa on ideas about formats

1 hour ago

My biggest concern here is what to do with promos and Secret Lair cards, which have given a lot of cards rare printings without changing their actual quality or function. Are Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expansefoil qualified to be rares? Is Ornithopterfoil mythic? If cards are restricted in Podium or banned in Format 2 based on their highest or most recent rarity, these products create a huge amount of variance as Secret Lairs or promo pieces are given thematic rarities high above their actual value. Because of this pretty much by itself, I think the least rare print of a card should be the defining factor. Using the Expeditions and Inventions as a baseline, most of those would already be restricted to two copies each. Cards like Strip Mine or Mana Crypt can be further restricted or banned on a case-by-case basis.

Is there a gameplay reason for 80-card decks?

KibaAlpha on Toxic Feminism

1 hour ago


Yawgmoth hasn’t been performing since making the switch to turn the deck in to a spell slinger style. I knew I was going to have to swap him out. Took me a while to do so. He was solid flavor for the deck as it had once been.

I’m sure Evolution Sage will be a far better performer in this type of deck.

philias on Card creation challenge

2 hours ago

Do I just reskin Breaker of Armies, or do I have to build a whole new creature?

Pearl-Skin Beast

Creature: Beast Horror

All creatures able to block ~ must do so


Make a commander that doesn’t fit a particular niche


3 hours ago

Have you considered these two cards: Molten Vortex or Forgotten Cave?

Molten vortex is a good outlet for late game land draws, and it can help kill mana dorks without using the spells that do more damage. Increases the odds that you can use Skewer and Light up the Stage a little also.

Forgotten Cave is good when you draw it and don’t need the land. If you are running 20 lands in a burn deck, I recommend some of these because it’s likely you will draw lands when you don’t need them.

FormOverFunction on ideas about formats

5 hours ago

I really like the first variant. Restrictions make the game, and this is a pretty cool way to put a salary cap of sorts on the decks. There would be pushback, probably not dissimilar to when they went to the four-only rule, but having that pyramid sort of structure is cool. Here’s one problem that could arise: the evaluation of what gets to be rare or uncommon has always been a little weird to me. There have easily been as many uncommons that mop the floor with opponents as there have been rares (and doubly so for mythics). I don’t think that’s a deal breaker at all, but it could be a pothole to manage. I like “Podium” but I really like “Pyramid” ;p The 80 card idea is something I would enjoy, but the optimizer-part Of M:tG players brains will probably wrankle some at it. There are enough cards, though, to work with in a modern-style format.

FormOverFunction on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

5 hours ago

Crow_Umbra is spot-on for what I was thinking. There’s still a lot of interaction in magic, but narrowing the scope of cards (only your creatures, only at sorcery speed, only once per turn, etc) makes it harder to accidentally make an infinite loop or whatever because you don’t have to expand your concerns exponentially out to include whatever the other players are doing.

Crow_Umbra on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

5 hours ago

Makes it easier to track triggers for stuff only entering your own battlefield, vs tracking entries to every battlefield. Also helps with power creep by reducing how much these types of effects can trigger in a multi-player setting: triggers for just your own creatures entering vs every creature entering.

DemonDragonJ on Battle Hymn of the Seraphim

5 hours ago

I have replaced Crystal Ball with Loran of the Third Path, because directly drawing a card is usually better than scrying, she requires no additional investment of mana after her initial cost, she can destroy a permanent, and she provides an additional creature for this deck, which focuses heavily on combat.

DemonDragonJ on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

6 hours ago

FormOverFunction, how does that help with power creep?

The_Undead_King on Bloomburrow set still missing quite …

6 hours ago

As of today, the Bloomburrow precon cards, save for the face cards, are still not showing up in the search feature. Do we know any particular reason for this? It's abnormal for edhrec to have cards up and running before Tappedout has them even added

Alsosligo on ideas about formats

7 hours ago

i have always been hesitant to bring this idea up, MTG is an old game with a long history of niche formats but i have looked around and i could anything like these ideas, so: i have a pitch for two different but related formats. unfortunately have no real way to see either of them come into being so tossing the idea into the void of the aptly named blind eternities seems like the right way to share this idea.

this writer would like to thank the reader for their time in advance.

so the first concept for a new format is to reflect the concept of rarity values in deck construction as there are four tiers on this scale and the normal rule for a constructed format is four copies per card we sort of bring the two together an initial building block that any deck may contain four copies of any common 3 copies of any uncommon 2 of rare and 1 copy of mythic rare cards. the second rule: having a minimum deck size of 80 is for two reasons partially to impact the variance of deck building and game play and also because personally i feel like there should be an 80 card format (limited is 40 most of constructed is 60 and commander is 100). beyond that there is the question of how to police the format such as how to define what rarity a card is as many cards have been printed at different rarities and also what should be banned outright. i don't even know what to call this format, the best i have come up with are "Mythic" and "Podium" but would be glad to hear ideas because i don't know if either of those are taken and honestly think they kinda stink.

the second format idea is similar to pauper except instead of including every common all rares are exculded. this would also be an 80 card constructed format.
another layer that i like for this is instead of using just a ban list to police the format add a restricted list , admittedly this could lead to a lot of confusion. however it is something i would like to implement if i were to design a format for the community because it would provide a means for the format itself to be a "budget" format. if each card becomes restricted once its secondary market value exceeds a certain threshold restricting it instead of banning the card allows for the power of said card yet helps the market vale of the card pool stay budget friendly. a secondary effect of this unique style of card restriction would be that with each update to the Ban/restriction list there would inevitably be cards that would rise or fall below that threshold thus adjusting the variance of the format creating its own pseudo rotation. I don't have a good name for this one either i don't think the magazine has been out of print long enough to call it hustler or perhaps call it Raider because of the sports team (their colors are black and silver) i would like to hear better names. Penultimate thoughts

for each format the first question to answer is how to define the rarity of a card, i see three options: 1. least rare printing 2. most recent printing 3. rarest printing I lean toward the third option as it would recognize all inventions and expeditions as mythic rare. What cards should be on the Ban/Restricted list and why are they there? -aside from the obvious power 9 card and the OG dual lands, this requires a level of understanding of the game i just don't have, i do feel like there is space within both formats for a diverse meta. these would be enteral formats so the final question to answer is if the card pool goes all the way back to alpha or a more recent set.
in closing this writer would again like to thank their reader and ask them to share their own thoughts on either of the descrbed formats.

haki2022 on Kroxa cedh - Fast Supper

8 hours ago
  • how u want to discard your Worldgorger with "Necropotence" on battlefield ? o.0 Your deck is kind a weird, i guess u dont have too much experience playing with "Discard Kroxa" cEDH ?

  • how your "Sire Of Insanity" works with necropotence ? o.0 u should replace them by enchanment "Oppresion"

  • i rly dont see any kind of speed here... Night's Whisper is too weak and slow... yes u draw 2 cards but u lost 2 mana on sorcery speed it's great card but too slow and expensive in cEDH.

  • Thrill of Posibility replace by "Cathartic Pyre" - if u need to remove opponents Dauthi / Dranith u deal 3 damage, i u need discard Worldgorger u chose second option.

Best speed for Kroxa is:

turn 1) land, cast entomb (put Vilis on grave), mox diamond or lotus petal cast reanimate, put Vilis on battlefield, lose 8 life, draw 8 cards , cast enother 0 mana ramp for example chrome mox, cast burnt offering, sac Villis add 8 mana in any combination red/black cast your combo from hands, tutor , stax, draw engine etc <-- this could happen in turn 1 or u can cast "Yawgmoth's Will" and again reanimate Villis, draw additional 8 card, cast additional stax / tutor and win on next turn with counterspell on hand etc.

this is scenario when u draw in first turn 17 cards... this is how it should work on cEDH

  • u should consider to add in your deck new cards in cEDH meta like: "Tinybones Joins Up", "Chthonian Nightmare" (which combo with Dockside to generate infinite mana) or "Tinybones, the Pickpocket" wich can steal "Mystic Remora"

FormOverFunction on Meek’s Inheritance

8 hours ago

As an ode to the rapidly oncoming extinction of vanilla creatures, I wanted to post (and maybe request a better version of) a colorless enchantment for them.

Meek’s Inheritance {3} Enchantment - Non-token creatures without abilities gain land walk of their corresponding color identity. This effect does not disqualify an otherwise qualifying creature from Meek’s Inheritance’s effect. “And he saw, all at once, that the world was saturated with power. From soil to clouds, the army was unending. - Sarpadian Empires Vol. VII”

I assume the second sentence is necessary to not freeze the game in an infinite error, but I also assume it could be written more clearly. I don’t know if 3 colorless is reasonable, but I would still want it to be available to all the colors. I tried to make an image of this card but failed catastrophically. It would have been awesome, though, to see what picture AI would have painted of “meek creatures lurking in the wilderness.” Lastly, I wanted to give a little link to one of my favorite creature token generators in the flavor text (even though I’m SPECIFICALLY exempting token creatures from the ability).

Necramus on Alela, Artful Provocateur

8 hours ago

Roaming Throne has been an absolute haymaker for me for this deck!

Always happy to find a fae friend.

Balaam__ on Knights

8 hours ago

If you already have a set or they fit within the budget, I like to run 4x Flagstones of Trokair in anything mono white. Better draws through deck thinning with no real downside.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

9 hours ago

Idk but personally I think it'd be pretty cool if Ajani became like a cat

Optimator on Fight Club

9 hours ago

Love it

ForEverLost1 on Jund Token/Devour

9 hours ago

An enchantment that would put the screws on your opponents with this deck, is All Will Be One. I highly recommend it. Great deck build

FormOverFunction on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

9 hours ago

I think we’ve been moving in the direction of a generalized separation of triggers into one’s own battlefield. This is nice for new players, and makes it easier for the card designers (it specifically helps with the overall problems with power creep, too). I don’t personally like it, but that seems to be where we’re going.

Necramus on Enchantress Lockdown

9 hours ago

Mirri's Guile - great card selection at the cheap rate we want to keep churning through the deck with the engine in the CZ.

Swift Reconfiguration - instant speed enchantment removal that also removes from combat.

All That Glitters - wins games.

Blind Obedience - plays to the game plan and offers an alternate win condition.

Kenrith's Transformation - Similar to making it a bug, we can turn our friends' commanders into something useless, and it gets us an extra draw.

Hallowed Haunting - a better win condition than Approach of the Second Sun for an enchantress deck, imo.

Privileged Position - pair with Greater Auramancy for some fun.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - also a better win con than Approach, imo.

Sythis was the very first deck I ever built in Selesnya and I absolutely love her! She's one of my favorite decks. Feel free to check mine out, if you'd like- Hand of Sythis

Tsukimi on Card creation challenge

11 hours ago

Trapdoor Spider Goliath

Creature - Spider

When ~ enters, you may have it fight up to one target creature you don't control.

: Sacrifice Trapdoor Spider Goliath, prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.


"The entire charging army just... disappeared in a cloud of dust. They came back a few days later, filthy and haunted, refusing to talk about where they had been."

Chonshuro, Deadeye Warden

Legendary Creature - Snake Archer

Deathtouch, Ward

As long as it is not your turn, creatures you control have deathtouch.

: Chonshuro, Deadeye Warden fights target creature an opponent controls.


"Once word got around of Kamigawa's new forest warden, many companies decided to test the boundaries of their logging operations. They quickly learned that those sent in never returned."

Create a card of one of your favorite mtg creatures having gone through a omenpath to Bloomburrow. Only caveat is they can't be a humanoid.

FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

11 hours ago

A non-stereotypical Mtg Spider? got it!

Grisonak, Grafwight

Legendary Creature - Spider

Whenever another non-token Spider enters the battlefield or attacks, create a 0/1 Black and Green Spider Egg Creature token.

At the beginning of each combat, you may sacrifice an Egg. If you do, put an Infestation counter on target creature. Whenever that creature deals or is dealt combat damage, that player sacrifices it and you create a 1/2 Green Spider creature token with Deathtouch and Reach.

"In the forest where shadows loom, A tale unfolds of a hidden gloom, A distant kin of Grafwidow's line, Emerges now, in the twilight's shine."


Legendary Snake, please!

DemonDragonJ on What Card Should Replace Otherworld …

12 hours ago

sergiodelrio, among those cards, Reckoner Bankbuster simply does not interest me; Darksteel Reactor is a very nice card, but is too slow, and does nothing until its ability triggers; Vraska, Betrayal's Sting would raise the mana curve of my deck too much; and I actually very much would like to put Magistrate's Scepter in that deck, but it costs 4 mana to put one charge counter on it, so it is too expensive.

Given that I just put Zameck Guildmage into that deck, providing both an additional mana sink and an additional source of card advantage, I think that Empowered Autogenerator is very appealing, but I would like to receive further feedback from other users, before I make a decision, on that matter.

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

12 hours ago

sergiodelrio, that is a very good suggestion, so I shall keep her in mind; thank you, very much.

sergiodelrio on Is Staff of Completion a …

14 hours ago

Since all your PW are red, consider Chandra, Acolyte of Flame as a multitool that also boosts their loyalty. It's also virtual card draw since you can recast some stuff from your graveyard.

sergiodelrio on What Card Should Replace Otherworld …

14 hours ago

Disclaimer: I'm not an EDH player

1) Vraska, Betrayal's Sting really does it all for you imho, more proliferate, card draw (which I specifically looked for since the card you want to replace was a card advantage slot), removal AND alt-wincon

2) Reckoner Bankbuster was so busted they banned it in Standard, this card is more lean and relies on other proliferators to recharge it, but it will draw you some cards over time

3) Magistrate's Scepter looks like it could go pseudo-infinite if you can stick a couple of reliable permanent-proliferators

4) Darksteel Reactor

I don't know if any of the above cards would be considered too unfair in the context of a social game, if that's something you have to consider in your playgroup

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

17 hours ago

A monowhite legendary crab you say??

Scuttles, Arid Crawler

Legendary Creature - Crab


Whenever Scuttles enters the battlefield, you may shuffle up to one card from your graveyard into your library. If you don't, exile the top card of your library. You may play it until end of turn.

, : Return Scuttles to its owners hand.


Blink / flicker commander. Not entirely sure what utility could be drawn out of this since you'd shuffle your spells and lands back into your deck, but I suppose with enough overlap such as removal, tutors and fetchlands you couls build something kinda solid?

Maybe like a Modern Horizons guy or a Commander Legends one.

I got bit by a spider two days ago, on my freaking armpit.

Got a large welt, a hot bruise, stiff movements and recessed skin. Fucking hurts, being dissolved by venom. Gee who'd have thunk it??

Make a spider. Bonus points for being something other than reach and deathtouch.

Asder on Card creation challenge

20 hours ago

Station Master

Artifact Creature - Pincher

Whenever you activate an artifact ability for the first time during your turn, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.

Whenever an artifact you control's ability triggers for the first time durinng your turn, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.


Create a legendary crab with white in its colour identity

Hordebane on Jarad

20 hours ago

(Eyes Emoji)

Icbrgr on MH3 Elves

21 hours ago

Yeah the dies to removal when playing elves is all too real... I think they are plenty consistent and potent but especially when people know the "kill on sight" creatures or how the combo of choice works it just get blown out big time for me, particularly in best of 3.

DemonDragonJ on What Card Should Replace Otherworld …

21 hours ago

I have a copy of Otherworld Atlas in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, but I am contemplating replacing it with another card, since other users here have said that that card is not a good card, so I would like to ask for advice on what card should replace it.

My first choice was Mindless Automaton, because of how excellent that creature would be, in this deck, but that would be one less card that would synergize with Flux Channeler, so I am also considering Empowered Autogenerator, since that card obviously would be amazing in this deck, although it does enter the battlefield tapped, which I feel is competently necessary, since, even with a Doubling Season, on the battlefield, its controller cannot regain the mana that they spent on it, immediately. I also am considering Tome of Legends, which does require mana to activate, but has amazing synergy with that deck.

What does everyone else say about this? What card should I put into my Atraxa deck, in place of Otherworld Atlas?

legendofa on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

22 hours ago

I think it's mostly because the other cards have other synergistic effects on top of life gain.

If you break Soul Warden into

  • "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.

  • Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under another player's control, you gain 1 life."

and replace the second sentence with a different ability, changing the mana cost as needed, you get Prosperous Innkeeper, or Guide of Souls, or Distinguished Conjurer, or Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, or whatever.

I would say it's mostly to diversify the ability while keeping it in the 1-2 mana range and reducing reliance on opponents to help.

Predator_90 on Quest for the Turn 4 …

22 hours ago

i love the concept but i really can't stand having to play around Serum Powder...it would be nice to make the deck playable without it

DemonDragonJ on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

22 hours ago

Soul Warden is an iconic card, to the point that other creatures with its ability are compared to it or regarded as variations of it, but I have noticed that recent variations of Soul Warden typically trigger only when creatures enter the battlefield under their controller's control, not when creatures enter the battlefield under the control of their controller's opponents, with that ability being somewhat rarer, recently, so I wonder why that is, as I feel that it is a perfectly valid strategy to benefit from one's opponents' actions.

What does everyone else say about this? Why is it that recent variations of Soul Warden trigger only from their own controller's creatures, and rarely from their opponent's creatures?

Niko9 on New format idea: "Cursebound"

22 hours ago

This might be a crazy idea, but what if the curse was something that you could cast after your commander leaves the field, rather than being able to recast your commander. Flavor wise I kind of just like the idea of, your commander stays dead but they leave the field with a curse. And, I guess in part I am also pitching this because it may help with some random commander/curse combo that could end up being too strong. Oathbreaker had problems with that where there just were commander/spell combos that ended up making the format not much fun because people weren't playing their decks, they were playing their command zone.

Seems like it could be fun : )

DemonDragonJ on All Will Be One

23 hours ago

I have replaced Metastatic Evangel with Zameck Guildmage, since I feel that this deck does not contain a sufficient amount of creatures to justify the former, and making that change provides both another mana sink and another source of card advantage, and also improves the balance between colors in this deck (or, at least between three of the four colors in this deck).

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

23 hours ago

I have four planeswalkers in my Elsha of the Infinite EDH deck, three of whom are in the deck specifically for their emblems, so I believe that Staff of Compleation would help with those planeswalkers accumulating sufficient loyalty to generate their emblems; what does everyone else say about that?

Mirilanda on Fast Bunnybunnybunny

1 day ago

I think it could definitely be a good card to replace a lot of the tempo cards!! If I was to put it in this deck I'd replace Reaver Cleaver or Arachnogenesis, probably Reaver Cleaver, I think that card if anything fits the decks theme better.

ReticleMouse on Jolrael’s Cloud Migration Strategy

1 day ago

AH! right, ok cool thanks for the clarification :)