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legendofa on interaction between peregrin took and …

1 day ago

Readingrainbow32 Unfortunately, cards aren't written in basic English. They're written in Magic-ese, which has some key differences.

As you mentioned, you understand what the rules say. The rules state, as wallisface and Gidgetimer mention, that each replacement effect applies only to the original event, and only once. Magic-ese has very precise and technical vocabulary and grammar, guided exclusively by the rules of the game, not by basic English.

By your description, all additive or multiplicative replacement effects would be unusable with each other. Embermaw Hellion and Mechanized Warfare would infinitely add 1 damage to any original source, Alhammarret's Archive and Boon Reflection would infinitely double any life gain, and so on. The rules of M:tG, and by extension the grammar and vocabulary of Magic-ese, allow these card combinations to be used without breaking the game.

Readingrainbow32 on interaction between peregrin took and …

1 day ago

I’m not doing either I’m saying the way those two cards are structured contradict the game rules.

Let’s say hornet queen is played. It says create 4 tokens Peregrin took activates creating a food. Chatterfang activates creating 5 squirrel tokens. Well those are newly created tokens so by the way those cards are written peregrin took creates another food token. Well that there is an entirely new token so chatterfang creates a squirrel. Even if you resolved both cards at the same time at the beginning it still has the same out come. I understand what the spirit of the game is and what the rules say, however, basic English language says this is an infinite that wotc needs to correct when they reprint (if they reprint).

plainsrunner on I was given Slicer but …

1 day ago

Actually, obeka's ability doesn't let you keep creatures stolen with act of treason-style effects. The reminder text on ending the turn says that "this turn" and "until end of turn" effects end. These effects don't use the stack when ending, so obeka can't stop them by exiling them from the stack.

In regards to your actual question, here's some relevant bits from the most recent comprehensive rules on wizards.com as of 6/7/24:

"702.26f Continuous effects that affect a phased-out permanent may expire while that permanent is phased out. If so, they will no longer affect that permanent once it’s phased in. In particular, effects with “for as long as” durations that track that permanent (see rule 611.2b) end when that permanent phases out because they can no longer see it."

"611.1. A continuous effect modifies characteristics of objects, modifies control of objects, or affects players or the rules of the game, for a fixed or indefinite period."

"702.26a Phasing is a static ability that modifies the rules of the untap step. During each player’s untap step, before the active player untaps permanents, all phased-in permanents with phasing that player controls “phase out.” Simultaneously, all phased-out permanents that had phased out under that player’s control “phase in.”"

To summarize, 702.26f says that continuous effects that expire while a permanent is phased out will cease to apply when it phases back in, 611.1 defines continuous effects, showing that act of treason fits the description, and 702.26a says that permanents phase in at the beginning of the untap step of the player who controlled them when they phased out.

TL;DR: slicer would stay phased out until your next untap, at which point it would return to its owner's control until they decide to give it away for a turn again.

Side note, 702.26n explains that if you lose the game before slicer phases back in, it'll phase back in during the untap of the turn after your next turn after losing would have started.

JurqTheJew on I was given Slicer but …

1 day ago

If opponent gives me his Slicer, Hired Muscle  Flip and I Teferi's Protection before end of turn, where does slicer go??

So player A gives his slicer to player B on his upkeep, turn goes normally but before end of turn player B casts Teferis so all his permanents phase out, including slicer. On player B’s end step does slicer go back to player A but stays phased out until B’s next turn? On player C’s, turn can A give them slicer that turn? Basically who controls Slicer at the start of player C’s turn is my main concern here. Like fully controls to the point where they can decide to give slicer away now on players upkeeps

It’s my understanding that because slicer is phased out it cannot return to the owners control which means that player B now controls slicer as if they played the card themself. The “return at end of turn” would either go on the stack from being a continuous effect but the permanent doesn’t technically exist any more so it wont return. Or the return ability wouldn’t go on the stack at all.

I know that if you use a spell like Act of Treason and end the turn with Obeka, Brute Chronologist the creature is now just yours forever because the “until end of turn” part wasn’t able to resolve. I see this as technically different but mechanically very similar to the above scenario.

Noire_Samhain on How does card: Commandeer work?

2 days ago

It must be on the stack. It no longer exists as a spell once it has resolved, it's now a permanent. If you wanted to steal said hypothetical Sol Ring with Commandeer, it would have needed to have been cast in response to them casting it.

AwesomeDude7113 on How does card: Commandeer work?

2 days ago

That does help a lot. I just have one follow up question. It says non-creature spell, so could I take like a Sol Ring that an opponent has on their battlefield? In other words, can I only take something from the stack or can I steal an artifact/enchantment from the battlefield?

Rhadamanthus on How does priority work with …

2 days ago

vic: Sorry, I thought you were still asking about normal fight effects, not Arena's specific behavior. But now it seems like we need to clarify what happens when you make a copy of a spell or ability.

Making a copy of a spell or ability on the stack creates an exact copy that accounts for any choices made during the casting process, including modes, targets, distribution of counters/damage and other such things. This is why every spell/ability copying effect will allow you to choose new targets for the copies (Doublecast, Illusionist's Bracers, etc.) or will tell you something specific about what to do with the targets for the copies (Radiate, Ink-Treader Nephilim, etc.), otherwise copy effects wouldn't be half as useful or interesting. There are no Ink-Treader style effects in the game that can copy a spell/ability with more than one target, meaning you would be using an effect that allows you to choose new targets for the copies. Your opponent wouldn't get a say in it.

To the bigger question you might be asking about what happens when different players need to make choices about something simultaneously: first the active player makes their choices and then the non-active player makes their choices. If there are more than 2 players in the game, then it starts with the active player and goes around the table in turn order. But if your Ink-Treader Nephilim makes a bunch of copies of something, you're the only one who will be making decisions for the order that the copies go onto the stack because you control them all.

DreadKhan on How does priority work with …

2 days ago

Targeting is done up front (with Arena you make your choice then the opponent does, for each copy of the effect, as the card's text reads), triggers from different players resolve in reverse turn order (if it's your turn yours go on the stack first, then opponents in turn until the player who precedes you, who's effects resolve first). I'm fairly confident you don't have two triggers on the stack for Arena, just one that involves both players.

In short I think targets are picked for each copy as it goes onto the stack, with you targeting first, then the opponent choosing the second target. The effects then resolve normally, first in last out, so if you somehow created lots of Arena effects simultaneously your opponent can just make all the fights target the same chump and as soon as the chump dies the rest fizzle (but apparently it still taps stuff according to Scryfall).

I got up pretty early this morning, hope I'm not way off base!

vic on How does priority work with …

2 days ago

I'm still not clear on which happens between A and B, above. That's really my main point. Maybe I'm not wording it as clearly as I think. I'll try again.

With Ink-Treader Nephilim, both my opponent and I are going to get to have a bunch of our own creatures to target, so each of us gets to choose the order within our own respective sides of the battlefield.

The question is do I (as the priority holder) make a selection first, then my opponent makes one, then me, then him, etc. until all (surviving) creatures have been selected?


Do I select ALL of my creatures in the order I choose, THEN my opponent selects gets to make all of his selections on his side?

I just want to know if we alternate with me going first, or if it's all of my board first and then all his board second?

Gidgetimer on interaction between peregrin took and …

2 days ago

I'm sorry, it is unclear what you are saying. Are you trying to contradict wallisface and myself or are you providing further support to what we said?

FatFreddiesCat on Another question about card:Nadu, Winged …

2 days ago

I can't remember the exact ability triggered, but it had specifically one target, not six. So I'm assuming there should have only been six triggers total. Thanks for the help.

Noire_Samhain on How does card: Commandeer work?

3 days ago

Commandeer is exactly what it says on the tin. By taking control of the non-creature spell, if its a permanent it enters the battlefield under your control, or if it's say, Beacon of Tomorrows you can choose it to target you (when it resolves any cast instants/sorceries will still go into the opponent's deck/graveyard). The Commandeered spell can still be countered. It's a niche form of counterplay. You play it to turn an opponent's advantage into yours, whether its removal like Anguished Unmaking or whatever noncreature spell you'd like for yourself.

Does that help a bit?

AwesomeDude7113 on How does card: Commandeer work?

3 days ago

I get the gist of the card, but I do not know how/when to play it.

Neotrup on Another question about card:Nadu, Winged …

3 days ago

If your opponent uses a single effect to target all 6 Nadus, such as Cauldron of Souls all six of them will trigger their six instances of it's ability, for a total of 36 triggers. If they only target 1 Nadu, such as with Liquimetal Torque, it will trigger all six instances of it's ability, but no other Nadu will trigger, so only 6 triggers total.

wallisface on Another question about card:Nadu, Winged …

3 days ago

With 6 Nadu in play, all your creatures each have six instances of the ability “Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, reveal the top card of your library. If it’s a land card, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, put it into your hand. This ability triggers only twice each turn.”

If one of your Nadus are targeted by a spell/ability, you’ll get six triggers from that Nadu.

Just to make sure nothing else weird us happening, do you know what ability your opponent had activated to start these triggers?

wallisface on Static effects, blocking, and the …

3 days ago

If the lord is killed before combat damage is dealt, then those creatures will no longer be getting its +1/+1 buff. And so will not gain that benefit when resolving damage.

Readingrainbow32 on interaction between peregrin took and …

3 days ago

Peregrin took is a circular argument. You have to read the entire card.

If one or more tokens would be created under your control, THOSE TOKENS PLUS and additional food token are created instead. The entire care negates itself.

NonetheWeisser on Static effects, blocking, and the …

3 days ago

Might be a silly question, but it was relevant during a game I played the other day.

I declare attackers

My opponent declares blockers

They have a lord on their field. (Standard +1 /+1 to creatures of the same type)

If I kill the lord after blockers have been declared, does the damage their creatures would deal decrease, or does it remain the same because of timing?

FatFreddiesCat on Another question about card:Nadu, Winged …

3 days ago

I recently brought my new defanged (e.g. no Lightning Geaves, no Shuku, etc.) Nadu, Winged Wisdom deck to my local club. Something happened which no one has been able to explain to me in terms I can understand. I have Nadu, Winged Wisdom in play. Also Parallel Lives. I cast Irenicus's Vile Duplication and get two copies of Nadu. Just for fun I also create three other copies of Nadu with other sorceries. I now have six Nadus in play. One of my opponents activates an ability that triggers one of my Nadus. He tells me that I get a total of 36 triggers from my Nadus and must reveal 36 cards etc. Is this correct? Can you please explain it in baby talk?

Rhadamanthus on How does priority work with …

4 days ago

Like I said earlier, if you make a bunch of copies of a spell simultaneously with an effect you control, then you control the copies and will decide what order they get put onto the stack. They will resolve one at a time according to the order you choose.

If that spell is a "Fight" effect, then one pair of creatures will fight, then another then another and the order is based on what you decided earlier. If you get to a point where one of the creatures in a pair has already died to one of the fights that already resolved, then that "Fight" effect does nothing and you move on.

Gidgetimer on Pinkie Pie's Party Effect

5 days ago

Pinkie Pie doesn't say she grants any creature types, so she doesn't grant any creature types. What she does is make each creature you control count toward abilities like Ardent Electromancer adding mana and makes you have a full party at all times for abilities like Nimble Trapfinder's second ability.

vic on How does priority work with …

5 days ago

Rhadamanthus I overlooked that part. I guess that was a bad example. Well let's suppose some day they make an instant or sorcery that does what Arena does (I don't know of one currently), but not necessarily with the tapping part. Point being that I am only targeting the Nephilim with my spell. Now what happens?

Remember, my main focus is on how priority works in terms of the following:

Which way would it go?

A) All of my creatures get it in the order I choose, then all my opponent's creatures get it in the order he chooses.

B) One of my creatures is targeted, then one of his, then one of mine, then one of his, etc.

H3y_Im_R0b on Pinkie Pie's Party Effect

5 days ago

I've recently acquired Pinkie Pie and was confused on the bottom effect.

When it says, "Your party consists of each creature you control," and, "Your party is always full."

Does that mean my creatures will be seen as Clerics, Rogues, Warriors, and Wizards?

Would that mean something like Battletide Alchemist would work or would I need actual Clerics?

Rhadamanthus on How does priority work with …

1 week ago

This specific scenario can't happen. Prey Upon has two targets, so Ink-Treader Nephilim's ability won't trigger for it.

If you were to somehow make a bunch of copies of a spell simultaneously with an effect you control, you would also control the copies and would decide what order they get put onto the stack. They would resolve one at a time according to the order you chose

In the case of multiple copies of Prey Upon resolving, each fight would be handled individually as each Prey Upon resolves. If a creature is the target of multiple Prey Upons and happens to die after one of the earlier ones, any later ones that targeted it will do nothing when they start resolving because a "fight" effect does nothing if one or both of the creatures are no longer on the battlefield or have otherwise become illegal targets.

vic on How does priority work with …

1 week ago

I control an Ink-Treader Nephilim and several other creatures. My opponent controls several creatures. Let's say we have an equal number of creatures.

I cast a Prey Upon on my Nephilim. Since it is my turn, and I have priority, does that mean I get to copy the Prey Upon for each of my creatures before my opponent can make any copies? Or does it go one for me, then one for him, etc.?

And when does each copy resolve? I'm wondering if I could potentially wipe out his army before he could either target anything or deal any damage to my creatures.

And since this is not complicated enough, now let's do this scenario for a multiplayer game where everybody has several creatures.

Rhadamanthus on Does exiling a Creature Spell …

1 week ago

Lumbae: A response to your question has been up for a while. Since there don't seem to be any follow-ups or corrections that need to be made, I marked it as the "Accepted answer" so this topic can move out of the list of unanswered questions. In the future you can take care of this yourself using the "Mark as Answer" button on the response that you feel is the most helpful answer to your question.

I try to avoid marking my own responses when I do this but in this case it was the only option.

Gidgetimer on Moraug and Extra, Extra Combats

1 week ago

If you have another land enter (in the same main phase since Moraug doesn't create a main phase) you will get another combat. The answer to "how many" is hard to give an exact number for because the upper bound is pretty ridiculous. So just "as many as you can get Moraug triggers".

(It is over 210. I just counted up all of the cards that allow you to play additional lands, plus a small number of land searches that showed up with the search "additional land" and there were 35. With each land drop being a fetch that is 70 lands ETB. With Ancient Greenwarden that is 140 triggers. Then Scapeshift-ing away the 35 lands gets you 70 more triggers.)

TeferiGarruk on Moraug and Extra, Extra Combats

1 week ago

How many combats can I get from only using Moraug, fury of akoum? Like I’ll play a land on my second main phase but what happens next? If I play another land?

Crow_Umbra on How does the legend rule …

1 week ago

Yes, you can have all of those planeswalkers on the field at the same time without having to sacrifice any of them. From the wiki page:

"Planeswalker cards used to have a similar rule to the 'legend rule': If a player controls two or more planeswalkers that share a planeswalker type, that player chooses one of them, and the rest are put into their owners’ graveyards. This was called the "planeswalker uniqueness rule".

Starting with Ixalan, this rule was abandoned. [24] All planeswalkers past, present, and future gained the supertype legendary and became subject to the 'legend rule'. Thus, if a player controls more than one legendary planeswalker with the same name, that player chooses one and puts the other into their owner's graveyard. This has also enabled planeswalkers without types to be printed, such as The Wanderer.

The change was made to simplify gameplay. [25] [26] [27]

There are no current plans to create nonlegendary planeswalkers. [28] "

FenixRises on How does the legend rule …

1 week ago

Can I have Liliana of the veil, Liliana, waker of the dead, Gideon jura, and Gideon, ally of zendikar all on the battlefield at the same time without having to sacrifice any of them?

TheVectornaut on Forcing a devoid creature to …

1 week ago

Here's a ruling from the MTG wiki: "Other cards and abilities can give a card with devoid color. If that happens, it is no longer colorless, but it still has devoid." Hence, Leyline of the Guildpact will give devoid creatures all colors. My best understanding for the specific ruling behind this interaction is that devoid's characteristic-defining ability is on an earlier layer (613.1) than Leyline's color-changing effect (613.1e).

TheOfficialCreator on Forcing a devoid creature to …

1 week ago

How does Leyline of the Guildpact interact with devoid creatures? Does it make them become not colorless anymore?

Rhadamanthus on Looking for help with the …

1 week ago

@bhst5019: Responses to your question have been up for a while. There don't seem to be any more follow-ups or corrections that need to be made, but since there was some confusion on this initially I'm going to leave it open for a couple more days to give you a chance to mark what you feel is the most helpful response as the "Accepted answer". Feel free to respond with any more follow-up questions if you don't feel like it's been resolved.

Qazxswedcqwe on When does an effect with …

1 week ago

Thank you so much!

Gidgetimer on When does an effect with …

1 week ago

When the effect is applied (usually upon resolution).

608.2h If an effect requires information from the game (such as the number of creatures on the battlefield), the answer is determined only once, when the effect is applied. If the effect requires information from a specific object, including the source of the ability itself, the effect uses the current information of that object if it’s in the public zone it was expected to be in; if it’s no longer in that zone, or if the effect has moved it from a public zone to a hidden zone, the effect uses the object’s last known information. See rule 113.7a. If an ability states that an object does something, it’s the object as it exists—or as it most recently existed—that does it, not the ability.

Qazxswedcqwe on When does an effect with …

1 week ago

If I have a card such as Flubs, the Fool and I trigger his ability twice with no cards in hand, what will happen? I would assume each trigger would check as it resolves, but I'm not 100%.

Gidgetimer on Does Tom Bombadil see the …

2 weeks ago

Abilities that trigger when something resolves trigger after the spell/ability is done resolving. So Tom Bombadil will not trigger off of The Phasing of Zhalfir, but will trigger off of an Elspeth Conquers Death that returns Tom as its third chapter ability.

608.2n Once all possible steps described in 608.2c–m are completed, any abilities that trigger when that spell or ability resolves trigger.

JoMu87 on Does Tom Bombadil see the …

2 weeks ago

For example: Tom Bombadil is on the battlefield and the third chapter of The Phasing of Zhalfir triggers and resolves, does Tom Bombadil see the ability resolve or not? i.e does his ability trigger?

Rhadamanthus on Does exiling a Creature Spell …

2 weeks ago

It won't count. If an effect calls out the name of a permanent type (creature, enchantment etc.) but doesn't also specify something like "spell", "card in a graveyard" etc. then that means it's only talking about a permanent of that type on the battlefield. Vren's ability will only consider things that get exiled from the battlefield.

Lumbae on Does exiling a Creature Spell …

2 weeks ago


The new Bloomburrow card Vren, the Relentless has the condition "X is the number of creatures your opponents controlled that were exiled this turn."

If I use a counterspell that exiles the creature spell from the stack, such as Dissipate, would that count for Vren's ability?

Essentially a question of "Is a Creature Spell on the stack the same as a Creature permanent?"

Rhadamanthus on Priority Rules

2 weeks ago

Some additional backup info: In older versions of the rules (Alpha through 5th Edition), if a batch or series started resolving, players wouldn't get priority again until it was completely finished. However, in the 6th Edition rules update that introduced the stack, spells and abilities on the stack resolve one at a time and priority goes around the table again after each one resolves. The next object on the stack can only start resolving if all players pass priority in succession.

Rhadamanthus on Zndrsplt Ruling

2 weeks ago

There's a big problem with what your opponent is trying to do. Frenetic Sliver's ability specifically says you only flip the coin and start doing the rest "if this permanent is on the battlefield" (current Oracle text). After a single one of the activations resolves, the creature is either dead or in exile, so the rest of the activations still on the stack will do nothing.

Let's say your opponent is using Frenetic Efreet instead, whose current Oracle text has the exploit that the Sliver was specifically written to disallow. In that case, what your opponent is trying to do still doesn't work. The result of the coin flip is applied as part of the resolution of the ability, in which case the Efreet will either be dead or phased out and can't be activated any more this turn. If your opponent wants to add multiple activations to the stack in this example, they have to do it all at once and they have to specify exactly how many. Also, game shortcuts can only be used to skip through repeated events with definite outcomes, not chance-based ones, so your opponent will need to handle the resolution of each activation individually and abide by the results.

wallisface on Zndrsplt Ruling

2 weeks ago

They can add any number of this activated ability to the stack, but their opponents still get priority to respond before any if these resolve.

I’m not sure what you mean by ”holding priority with Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom - that card has no abilities that you could activate to hold priority. And in any case holding priority doesn’t prevent your opponents from being able to interact before ability/spell resolution

wallisface on Priority Rules

2 weeks ago

Someone can pause stack resolution at any stage to add another spell to it. So players could let any number if these spells resolve then add another spell to the stack.

Before each spell resolves, each player gets priority

builderboy7 on Zndrsplt Ruling

2 weeks ago

When activating Frenetic Sliver's ability while holding priority with Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom on the battlefield with no other cards on the battlefield, my opponent cannot simply "wish to draw their entire library" right? Since they have to select a quantity of activations of Frenetic Sliver, naming a number like 2000 will most likely result in them decking themselves assuming they win at least half their coin flips with Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom on the battlefield forcing them to draw their deck.

builderboy7 on Priority Rules

2 weeks ago

In a commander game, player A casts Opt and player B casts Arcane Denial targeting Opt, player A then responds by casting An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter the Arcane Denial, could the stack begin resolving the spell An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter Arcane Denial giving player B two treasures to then cast a Counterspell? From my current comprehension of how priority works in a commander, there is no time to interact with the stack after the stack begins resolving but am I wrong?

vic on (EDH) What happens if you …

2 weeks ago

Gidgetimer Wow. That takes some digesting about the zone changing, but I got it. Yeah, I remember that rules shakeup, but I guess I missed the changing of "state based effect". I still thought that's what it was called. Thanks for that.

Gidgetimer on (EDH) What happens if you …

2 weeks ago

The wording "state-based effect" was changed to "state-based action" in 2009 with the M10 rules change at the same time that mana burn and damage on the stack were removed. It looks like Rhadamanthus has answered the question but I would like to provide rules references and some clarification on the intricacies of why this interaction works like it does.

CR 704.6d is optional to move the commander to the command zone. The SBA will only applied once each time a commander changes zones though since it says "that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked". Since the commander goes to exile or the graveyard first if the effect that killed/exiled it tracks the card through a zone change (like Oblivion Ring or Champion does) it will see it in the graveyard/exile. If it then changes zones into the command zone the effect will lose track of it and not be able to act upon it. If you leave it in the graveyard/exile the effect will still be able to act upon it.

704.6. Some variant games include additional state-based actions that aren’t normally applicable:

704.6d In a Commander game, if a commander is in a graveyard or in exile and that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked, its owner may put it into the command zone. See rule 903, “Commander.”

Rhadamanthus on Looking for help with the …

2 weeks ago

You're right, I didn't consider the copy of the first Ulalek trigger that would be made if you left it on the stack. Using that, you could keep going with making copies as long as you had another to spend each time. As long as the initial Ulalek trigger is still waiting on the stack, any Ulalek trigger that you pay for will make a copy of it, including those copies themselves.