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Middle School EDH - Dromar

Commander / EDH WUB (Esper)



We all know how EDH started - the original Elder Dragon Legends being the only possible commanders, and if you really want to cut things old school, limiting your cardpool to pre-Mirage.

But what about those of us who didn't necessarily grow up with the old school roster? "Peak Magic" for me existed from Mirage to Scourge, when the game was truly established and thriving in the three-set block paradigm but before the new frame struck a blow to aesthetics everywhere. Fortunately, the Elder Dragons have a group of worthy successors in The Primevals - the five dragon legends from Invasion. Who better to take up the torch for EDH in the world of middle school Magic?

Cards in each deck are limited to anything printed from Mirage to Scourge, inclusive. Anything that was reprinted in a core set during that time is fair game, but if something stopped being printed before then, it's a no go. Also, no card is allowed to appear in more than one of the five decks with the (possible?) exception of some mana-fixing staples that are too hard to live without.

Middle School EDH - Darigaaz

Middle School EDH - Rith

Middle School EDH - Treva

Middle School EDH - Dromar

Middle School EDH - Crosis


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Revision 4 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Animate Dead maybe
+1 Diabolic Servitude maybe
+1 Stitch Together maybe
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

43 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens 0/2 C Artifact Creature Wall, Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R
Folders Elder Dragon Highlander, Old-School EDH, Commander '03
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