Stormscape Familiar

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stormscape Familiar

Creature — Bird


White spells and black spells you play cost (1) less to play.

hiiii on Sagas

2 years ago

Stenn, Paranoid Partisan could be cool? At first I was thinking Jhoira's Familiar, but that seems a bit expensive... Stormscape Familiar might also be an option, tho its package is much weaker for the same price. If you want free artifact drops for Urza's Saga, you could always look into artifact lands!

xram666 on

2 years ago

Nice. But the correct format name is Friendly Pauper Brawl.

I would add at least two more lands.

Some other cards to improve the deck:

+1 from me.

taylorfisdboss on mono white swarm

3 years ago

really considering adding Stormscape Familiar and Ballyrush Banneret in place of the enchantment package. this might allow for some Veteran Armorsmith's or Veteran Swordsmith's to replace Parapet and Warded Battlements, or even for the more expensive Daru Cavalier to be added to our squad hawk effects (although it is already weaker). wouldn't even mind adding in black for some Unearth's or something

psionictemplar on Strange Blue

3 years ago

While I do realize that this is for casual I do feel the need to comment on enduring ideal. The main thing to keep in mind with ideal is that you are no longer able to cast spells after resolving ideal, so every enchantment that comes into play must count. The only 2 cards that can win you the game are bolas's clutches and eldrazi constription which both require a creature to stay in play for what will probably be several turns of combat. Two creature kill spells and you've basically lost the game at that point. You would likely need to put decree into play first but that will only last a small while with no ways to either remove counters or prevent it from getting counters to begin with. Solemnity helps with the latter, and I'm sure there are lots of possible options for the former. Overall though, there are 2 main suggestions I will give regarding ideal alone. 1. Play more enchantments to make full use of its drawback or 2. Don't play ideal.

As far as the deck as a whole, there are things you can do to make your deck run more smoothly like having more copies of key spells to find them easier and certainly run more lands. 2-4 would be ok. If not that, then Stormscape Familiar could help you both as a creature and and a target for conscription.

Side note: sideboards are supposed to be 15 cards, but this is casual so I guess it doesn't matter.

KayneMarco on Morophon you die now deck(budget)

5 years ago

Here’s a list of cost reducers that are all budget cards that this deck would really benefit from:

There’s 8 others but they can’t really be considered budget. Another card that is amazing in a dragon deck is Sarkhan the Masterless That static ability is amazing because the damage being done to the attacking creatures is dealt before any combat damage. So if you have 6 dragons out they would deal 6 damage to each creature attacking you before they get a chance to deal any damage themselves.

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