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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
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Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Unbreathing Horde
Creature — Zombie
Unbreathing Horde enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each other Zombie you control and for each Zombie card in your graveyard.
If Unbreathing Horde would be dealt damage, prevent that damage and remove a +1/+1 counter from it.
SlayaZes on Zombies.
1 month ago
mmultimedia Thank you for the feedback, i think your right about needing more early game plays. I would love to hear your advise for what things to cut. Im considering things like switching out Unbreathing Horde for Soulless One and adding cards like Warren Soultrader and Ashnod's Altar, I think i have a Grave Titan laying around but i'll have to check.
mrweaselman on Stumbly Boys (EDH)
1 year ago
If you need other cards to cut or replace look at Army of the Damned, Cemetery Recruitment, Diabolic Tutor, Laboratory Drudge, Plague Belcher, and Unbreathing Horde
wallisface on My zombie tribal deck
2 years ago
The thoughts I had reading the list:
18 lands feels really, really low when you need to get to 3 mana.
Unbreathing Horde feels pretty weak to me, and i’m surprised Carrion Feeder isn’t in the deck.
Does this deck need to be legacy? There are very few changes you’d need to make to have this modern-legal, and it would probably fare better there than in legacy.
You deck currently appears to basically be a mix of creature-pump-aggro, and control. I think that’s a pretty awkward position to be in, and your counter magic might be better served as killspells. Saying that, zombies aren’t particularly great at dominating combat either, so you may want to be doing more with your creatures than just “going big” _(a lot of other tribes “go big” faster and biggerer, so it may be hard trying to keep-up down that same route)__
legendofa on Black blue deck
2 years ago
Doom Blade is kind of out classed at this point; there are better removal options. Since it can't target black creatures, that's 1/5 of the color pie that can't be affected. Feed the Swarm or Bone Shards are other options.
I think this deck needs more creatures to take better advantage of Unbreathing Horde, Champion of the Perished, and similar cards.
If you're willing to spend the money, Gravecrawler is a great card to combo with Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and Zombies in general.
gameflips on ZOMBIES!!!!
3 years ago
Great deck! Cheap for kitchen table magic and a perfect template for a blue/black budget zombie deck. I really like Undead Alchemist but it's weird to switch to a milling strategy if you pull him late game. I'll probably still run him for the fun of it, but do you have any other suggestions to replace him?
Also, I have a few copies of Screeching Skaab that I might replace Returned Phalanx with to make the most out of Ghoulraiser and Ghoulcaller's Chant's graveyard flexibility and to beef up Unbreathing Horde.
TheVectornaut on Night Of The Living Dead
3 years ago
I don't know if it was intentional or not but you have quite a few creatures that care about counters. Thus, there might be a place for ways to take advantage of that here. Proliferators including Contagion Clasp , Karn's Bastion , and Yawgmoth, Thran Physician come to mind. Some other zombie cards in that vein might be Carrion Feeder , Skinrender , or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet . Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is a little awkward with the +1/+1 theme. On one hand, he does dish out more counters when he brings some of your guys back for more action. On the other, his undying buff doesn't even apply to 3 of the deck's biggest hitters (in Diregraf Colossus , Unbreathing Horde , and Noosegraf Mob ). I think the single copy is a fair compromise, but I think testing both more and less would be interesting. If you're only looking to play around the tokens, Death Baron , Cemetery Reaper , and Cryptbreaker have proven effective for me, at least in EDH.
Halbrechtt on BLACK ZOMBIE
4 years ago
I love Zombies! Probably one of the first tribes that got me interested in tribal decks, after I saw the power of my friend's Zombie deck. +1 from me just for Zombies!
Question 0: Before we can offer any meaningful help, we need to know if you truly mean this to be a deck for the Modern format? Or will it be casual and you won't care about format that much?
(As an aside, when I first started Magic and joined T/O, I didn't really understand that Modern was a competitive format and I just labeled any deck that could be legal in Modern as Modern. LoL. Pretty sure some of my decks on T/O still mistakenly have Modern set when really they should be Casual!)
I'm going to offer my advice assuming you want it to be Modern, but if you're going more for a casual build, then feel free to ignore some of this.
I would remove the "swamps matter" subtheme, as you don't really have ways to dump extra swamps onto the battlefield nor do you take full advantage of it (where is Defile for example?). Korlash might be worth keeping, since he's a zombie, but get rid of both Nightmare and Squelching Leeches, as they're not even zombies and they're on the higher end of CMC. Personally, I'd get rid of Lashwrithe as well, but if you really love the card and want to keep it, at least you can equip that to a zombie.
Then I would choose between full-on zombie tribal including tokens, or devotion and recursion. Neither of the latter play nicely with tokens, which don't have mana costs for devotion or stay in the graveyard for recursion. A few incidental tokens are fine, but cards like Moan of the Unhallowed and Shamble Back are not synergistic at all with devotion/recursion.
Next, are you more interested in recurring your graveyard or exiling it for tokens? I.e. do you want to do Ghoulraiser, Gravecrawler, Lord of the Undead, etc., or do you want to do Cemetery Reaper, Graveyard Marshal, Tymaret, etc.? You can't do both. Personally, I'd go the recursion route, add more ways to sac your zombies for value, and cycle them in and out of the graveyard at will.
So in summary, I would go with 1) zombie aggro including tokens, or 2) zombie recursion, with a subtheme of devotion for Gray Merchant. Going either route, I'd cut Nightmare, Leeches, Lashwrithe, and Tymaret (he's not a zombie, and provides only inefficient graveyard hate). If you go route 2, I'd also cut the sorceries Moan and Shamble. That's at minimum 8 cards out. What you add depends on which game plan you choose.
Relentless Dead and Unbreathing Horde are difficult to get rid of, the former because it can easily come back to hand (and bring a friend), the latter because of his damage prevention clause.
Graveborn Muse can provide some serious card advantage. Geralf's Messenger is amazing for devotion, he drains a little himself, and he's hard to get rid of.
If you go the route of cycling your zombies in and out of your graveyard, consider Undead Augur, Plague Belcher, and Quest for the Gravelord.
You didn't label this deck as "budget", so if you can afford it, Cavern of Souls is a must-include land in any tribal deck.
I don't like Sands of Delirium. It's only function is self-mill and there's more efficient ways to do self-mill. You also currently don't take full advantage of self-mill, with things like Dredge or Flashback-style effects. If you go full force into graveyard synergies, then self-mill is important, but even then, I'd play Stitcher's Supplier over Sands. For 1 mana, you can easily get 6 cards into your graveyard, and you can easily recur him, and he's a zombie that can attack. That would take 9 mana with Sands, which is just a dead artifact.
Lastly, some sacrifice options: Gnawing Zombie isn't amazing, but the effect is relevant. I would replace Sign in Blood with Village Rites — same card draw, but one less mana, instant speed, and no life loss. You also have cards that like to die, like Festering Mummy, Black Cat, Tattered Mummy, and the above-mentioned Stitcher's Supplier.
Sorry for the wall of text. I just love zombies! So I hope at least something in there was useful.
SolidWolfo on Living La Vida Living Death
4 years ago
Nice, I like it! I'm also building a Sidisi zombie tribal deck (though in a much lower price category, more grindy and I haven't done much playing with it).
First, any deck of mine that has Golgari in it and cares about the graveyard is running Grisly Salvage. Is it ground breaking? Not even close. Does it win you games? Not really. Does it ever disappoint you? Definitely not. I know people aren't too high on card selection cards, but between selecting from five cards, being instant, hitting both lands and creatures, and effectively milling yourself, I find the good old Salvage very reliable. Then again, blue gets this effect in great variety, so maybe I'm just biased.
Next, I do think that you should consider Rooftop Storm. It is very high CMC, so it doesn't slot in automatically but if you can drop it relatively early, it pays for itself in the long run. It also combos very nicely with Liliana, Untouched By Death, which is a possible addition too. I also run an alternative win con (except my sac outlet is Carrion Feeder) and these two play a part in it. (I admit, it is a bit clunky, but I also play three different Lab Man effects - and Mortal Combat, that's even clunkier - so I think I can afford it.)
Furthermore, if you ever feel like you need more zombies, I have these few cheap ones to recommend: Undead Augur is a great card card draw zombie, but very black intensive. If that is too much, Midnight Reaper achieves a similar effect, though he sadly does not trigger from tokens. Stitcher's Supplier is an amazing self-mill one drop zombie, while Shambling Shell is a zombie with dredge that you can easily put into graveyard once in play, so what's not to love. If you have any kind of zombie anthem effect, Unbreathing Horde is an immortal blocker if you need that - arguably that's not very often, but the option is there. And if not for that, it can still become a very big zombie for Altar of Dementia. I already mentioned Carrion Feeder, so that's about it from the top of my head I think.
Lastly, as Kholan95 before me mentioned, you want some back up plan in a self mill deck. You said you don't want to run Lab Man effects, so in that case maybe you should consider graveyard shufflers? Loaming Shaman is probably the classical option, but I do have a soft spot for Wand of Vertebrae. It's nothing amazing, but it can drop very early and repeatably mill you (though not as well as Embalmer's Tools would in this deck obviously), which is great for a deck like Sidisi, and in a pinch, you can shuffle at least five cards into your deck, which should save you from decking and give you those few more turns to try and finish the game.
Have (2) | C4rnif3X , metalmagic |
Want (2) | Atzaru , freshie9000 |