Myr Servitor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Myr Servitor

Artifact Creature — Myr

At the beginning of your upkeep, if Myr Servitor is on the battlefield, each player returns all cards named Myr Servitor from their graveyard to the battlefield.

EDH 0 / 0
Myr Enforcer feature for myr deck
EDH 1 / 0
Razortide Bridge feature for Urtet's Might
EDH 2 / 0
Charisma Bobblehead feature for Bobble Wobble

BruhYouFarted on Rakdos Aristocrats

2 years ago

Also, I would personally either chuck the com-bo into the sun or go all in. Is this a combo deck, or an aggro/stompy one? Because if you're going aggro, you have 7 wasted slots, and if you're playing combo, you have 32. All in, or duck out. Simple as that.

If you want to go stompy, I'd personally recommend Nested Shambler or Grim Initiate for their Double-Lives, and possibly a full set of Myr Servitor for grindy matches. If going in for the combo, go with Viscera Seer, Dusk Legion Zealot, Street Wraith, and Sign in Blood; with an Impact Tremors in the back because Spoiler Alert: Control Decks don't care too much about your 99/99 Carrion Feeder unless you're able to wrestle them into submission with your lack of card advantage.

This is not meant to be harsh, just to say the reality. I wish we were in a Magical Christmas Land where this kind of decks can fly, however that is not the timeline we live in.

TrollNtrample on infect myr equiped (comments please)

2 years ago

First off, love this idea. Probably going to copy. But I have an idea or two:

I'd drop True Conviction to one, or none at all. 5 mana is a big ask these days, plus around turn five I think it'll be too late for the life gain or double strike to really impact the game state. I think there are more effective ways to accomplish what this card does earlier in the game.

I'd definitely mainboard Necropede even though he's not a myr. You don't have consistent early infect pressure so you could essentially start splitting your damage into traditional and infect. I'd also try and find a way to mainboard Steel Overseer, then you don't have to worry about myr tribal since he hits all artifacts.

I hate to say it, but Urza's Saga would be beautiful in this deck. Especially since two of your equipments and two of your creatures can be added to the battlefield with Urza's Saga.

Also, with the myr tribal, you lose out on some infect typing, so maybe a Stoneforge Mystic to help search out Grafted Exoskeleton. Maybe.

Lastly, since you're running Grafted Exoskeleton, Etched Champion seems like he's at least on the maybeboard. Protection means unblockable, and unblockable infect is very annoying. I'd throw in a Welding Jar on the maybeboard as well.

Other good artifacts to mull over that synergize with Urza's Saga: Basilisk Collar, Ghostfire Blade, Shadowspear, Myr Servitor, Myr Scrapling

kamarupa on Priest of Fecundity

3 years ago

Thanks for the +1 and nice comment, KBK7101! I love how Myr Servitor fits the global theme I have going with Fecundity, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - this deck will definitely help its mirror, lol.

KBK7101 on Priest of Fecundity

3 years ago

I don't think I've ever seen Myr Servitor before. That's a cool one! I don't have any experience with Modern, though, so I can't make suggestions. Looks like a fun deck, though!

LittleMy on Myr Tokens Budget

3 years ago

Since it seems like you have a splash of white, you might want to consider switching out a card or two for Gold Myr

Hovermyr is also a great addition that you can switch out Darksteel Myr for. Gives you not only the ability to attack uncontested but also block other flying creatures.

I'd recommend switching out 1 or 2 Myr Servitor's for Myr Retrievers, gives you a choice in what you return, especially if someone removes Myr Battlesphere before you can use it. Although I understand the argument that Myr Reservoir does the same thing, personal preference.

Since you are in white still, Myrsmith makes basically your entire deck cheaper and gives you extra 1/1 Myr tokens to continue building your army.

Your deck currently is very solid, I love the inclusion of Tomb of the Spirit Dragon and Dispatch, very choice. I hope my suggestions helped and happy myr-ing!

Wabbajacke on We need more fuel to keep the machine running!!!

3 years ago

Thanks rb701 for youre comment!

Yeah im still struggeling with the Sideboard, i never used the most Cards except for Golem's Heart and Pitiless Plunderer. So there is a lot to do here.

I never heard of Sands of Delirium but that seems to fit perfect in here combined with Blinkmoth Urn. I will definitly try it out!

But im not sure if i just should remove Blinkmoth Urn since i never really needed it and the deck is running pretty well at the moment.

Maybe i should put somthing like Grave Pact against creature heavy decks and something like Tormod's Crypt in?

Any other ideas what to Change?

At the Moment im thinking of something like this:

1 x Tormod's Crypt Graveyard hate

1 x Grave Pact Creatures

2 x Altar of the Brood more mill

2 x Shriekhorn after the three uses, can be sacrificed to Grinding Station an with Scrap Trawler it can bring back some "0" cost Cards. Also its another target after sacrificing Ichor Wellspring

1 x Locket of Yesterdays So we only need to pay the first Myr Servitor and against mill decks

1 x Profane Memento lifegain against aggro

4 x Feed the Swarm

1 x Summoning Station

1 x Genesis Chamber

1 x Pitiless Plunderer

Cartrix on Confusion In The Ranks

5 years ago

Hey, thanks guys! Your comments have brought my attention back to the deck that I haven't looked at in a couple years. I do like the Hammer of Purphoros but it may be a little expensive on mana. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame looks great tho! I've made a few changes. -4 Grinning Ignus +4 Brand -3 Myr Servitor -1 Anger +4 Liquimetal Coating -8 Mountain +4 Great Furnace +4 Darksteel Citadel

Ouroboros_47 on Saccs To Be You (Altered Affinity)

5 years ago

Myr Servitor might be a decent sac option.

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