Luminous Angel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Luminous Angel

Creature — Angel


At the beginning of your upkeep, you may create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.

Nunu312 on Orzhov Spirit Tokens

3 months ago

Love a good spirit deck, and nice to see a new commander doing it!

I think you've got some great cards in there that probably don't work as well as you want them to. Luminous Angel is incredibly expensive for a 4/4 flyer that might generate 2-3 tokens. By the time you put it down that's just not a relevant amount. Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens Is in very much the same boat. Because it only happens on casting, it can at most happen 5 times, as that's the amount of spirits you have to cast (and you have no arcane spells). Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Is a fantastic card but can occasionally create friction at the table. I don't necessarily suggest that you cut it, but do consider it. It can easily create an environment where some people are unable to play their decks at all until it is delt with.

A bit of the same but Long-Forgotten Gohei definitely fits, but you only have 6 spirit spells and no arcane spells, so you're only using half of it. Etchings of the Chosen is the same price but has an extra ability. You may just want to run both though?

The first thing for additions are the token doublers. These will really help you capitalise on your commander as they will act upon each instance. So instead of casting Triplicate Spirits and getting a rather underwhelming 3, you instead get 6. Then at the end of turn you get another 6... only this is doubled as well, instead of 3, you get 18.Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Anointed Procession are the standouts here, although they are pretty pricy in real world dollars.

Overall though, I feel your ways of generating tokens is very on theme, but not very sustainable. A key thing that you might have missed is that your commander generate spirits for each tokens you make, not spirit tokens. So Collector's Vault, makes a treasure token, free spirit. You have a huge amount of ways to make tokens but a lot of them are humans or other some such (Call the Coppercoats, Martial Coup) so they may not be on brand. Look into ways you can make those one or two treasure / clue / food tokens as you just otherwise play normally.

A conspicuous absence is any of the Teysas. Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is expensive but fun. Teysa, Opulent Oligarch is much cheaper and synergises VERY well with your commander. Teysa, Orzhov Scion requires a bit more of the black/white spirits, but might still work very well. Teysa Karlov doesn't synergise super well, but has good abilities regardless and certainly isn't a bad pick. The Kaya planeswalkers also often deal with white black spirits as well as having a bit of control so they might be good to look at Kaya the Inexorable being the standout.

another fun card that is changed entirely by your commander Afterlife Insurance and having any method of sacrificing your spirits changes it from just saving those spirits, to doubling their amount. It would go well with Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, but that starts to lean more into aristocrats than pure spirit tokens.

Another thing is that a lot of white ramp works well with bounce or sac land, you've got the obvious one but you might be able to increase it with Lotus Fieldfoil and Lotus Vale. Things like Land Tax is a staple for white, but even when you're just running Priest of the Blessed Graf they can help you make him work.

My final point is that you don't seem to have a good way of protecting your quite expensive commander. Your group might not place that big an emphasis on commanders, but it's more fun if she sticks around. There are the old standouts of Lightning Greavesfoil and Swiftfoot Boots, but there are a lot of options.

Ilvise on "At the beginning of your upkeep" Tribal

3 years ago

SirHipHopHippo mmm, i like In Search of Greatness ... i'm going to cut Luminous Angel , i'm not her fan

Kream45 on Bruna,Breathe Her Life Into Me

3 years ago

That's definitely more on the casual side, save for Trinisphere and a few staxy effects here and there. Putting Ballista and Triskelion here just because there's Heliod somewhere in the deck seems weak, especially since there are no tutors. Anyway, cards you might wanna consider, given this is mono white, are Knight of the White Orchid, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, and you might want to trim down some of the higher CMC cards, Luminous Angel doesn't do much for 7 mana, and Triumphant Reckoning doesn't bring back creatures, and this is clearly a creature deck. Keep trying tho.

DemonDragonJ on Commander 2019...

5 years ago

I am not fond of aeon engine, because reversing turn order is not a very useful effect, and can be abused to prevent a player from taking a turn; such effects should have been kept in un-sets, in my mind.

However, that new version of Chainer is quire awesome; is he the fourth character from the Weatherlight saga to be given a new card? I hope not, since he lived long after that story was over. The fact that the creatures that he reanimates do not become nightmares is a flavor fail, unfortunately. I now wonder if there shall be a new version of Braids in the future, or perhaps a card of Chainer’s mentor, Skellum?

Bloodthirsty blade is a very unique and interesting design, and does anyone here think that that is Gerrard in the artwork, when he and Urza were forced to fight each other?

The reprint of Geth is nice, since he has become expensive, recently.

That new demon is quite awesome, as it is essentially a second Phyrexian Obliterator for this format; its mana cost is rather high, but the fact that it has madness helps to balance that.

At this point, reprints of Akroma's Memorial and Vedalken Orrery are highly unlikely, but a reprint of Overabundance would be very awesome, indeed, and would perfectly fit the red/white/green deck.

Skyfire phoenix is a very nice card, and I especially appreciate the artwork; does it remind anyone here of the Firebird segment of Disney’s Fantasia 2000?

Yes, there is a new version of Greven! I especially like how his artwork is a dark parallel to the artwork in the new version Gerrard, although I do not remember if the two of them ever fight (although I still am reading Prophecy, and have not yet reached the Invasion cycle in the novels).

That reprint of Soul Foundry is great; it was not terribly expensive, but it still was long overdue for a reprint, in my mind; since I started playing this game in 2003, when I was still in high school, I have many fond memories (and some not-so-fond) of that card.

The reprint of Pristine Angel is also nice, but I do wish that she had been given new art for it. I actually am surprised that WotC did not reprint Luminous Angel , because she would have been perfect for the populate deck.

Mire in misery is definitely a bend for black, but at least it does not outright destroy enchantments.

StumpyIB on Commander of Angels

6 years ago

Yeah the deck was centered around combining abilities (Odric, Lunarch Marshal and Concerted Effort being the big plays) and control. The commander's ability does blend nicely with Concerted Effort for sure though. Luminous Angel would be a great idea if I decide to morph this into a token deck as all the abilities could be spread over all the tokens.

I have a tendency try not to include "staples" in my decks as you tend to basically just build the same decks other people make which is why I don't have Avacyn, Angel of Hope in here. That being said, I also want my deck to be good! I am thinking that I might make this instead but I can't decide on a commander.

Decisive on Angels

7 years ago

Angels tend to be expensive. Look at all the angels you control. If their power and toughness + their ability do not equal (In your mind) their cost, I could cut it.

Take a card like Luminous Angel, a 4/4 flyer for 7 mana that creates 1 token on your upkeep is quite useless unless you are in a stax heavy meta, or have more token generators.

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