Foriysian Totem

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Foriysian Totem


Tap: Add (Red) to your mana pool.

(4)(Red): Foriysian Totem becomes a 4/4 red Giant artifact creature with trample until end of turn.

As long as Foriysian Totem is a creature, it can block an additional creature.

king-saproling on JUDITH IS COOL

4 months ago

Looks like a fun list but remember, Obosh only lets you use cards with odd mana costs, so there are quite a few you will need to cut. Also your number of lands and mana rocks are very low especially considering the high costs of your commander and companion (for a deck like this I would aim for at least 40 lands and 10 mana rocks). Personally I would make these swaps:

The Red Terror -> Bandit's Haul
Thran Dynamo -> Bonder's Ornament
Imodane, the Pyrohammer -> Commander's Sphere
Bloodletter of Aclazotz -> Conversion Apparatus
Unstable Amulet -> Endurance Bobblehead
Impact Tremors -> Restless Vents
Mana Barbs -> Foriysian Totem
Fate Unraveler -> Sword of Fire and Ice
Firebrand Archer -> Dark Ritualfoil
Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might -> Haunted Ridge
Nightshade Harvester -> Mind's Eye
Urabrask -> Blightstep Pathway  Flip
Hedron Archive -> Graven Cairns
Deathbringer Thoctar -> Rakdos Carnarium
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell -> Kyren Toy
Staff of Nin -> Component Pouch

DreadKhan on Brian Stacks' Pyromancy (E)

1 year ago

You don't have a sideboard, but if you ever think about it I bet Meekstone would be handy as backup copies of Smoke vs fast aggro decks. Technically they 'stack', if you have both they can only untap 1 creature that satisfies Meekstone.

Also, I absolutely love creature lands/artifacts that become creatures, some even do double duty as a mana rock. If you added Black you could try something like Phyrexian Totem or Rakdos Keyrune, but mono-Red does have Foriysian Totem, 1 or 2 copies of this might be a nice way to close out games, it's especially useful if your opponent can't safely play blockers, or if they've snuck out a few weenies early since the Totem makes a great blocker. There is also Guardian Idol, which might be more useful than Mind Stone vs some decks, maybe Haunted Plate Mail or Levitating Statue could do work, Xanthic Statue is only 5 for an 8/8 Trample. For Man-lands there flashy Den of the Bugbear, each time you pay it's 3R you get to make another 1/1 fwiw. If people play lots of weenies then Ghitu Encampment is very good at dealing with them with it's First Strike. These cards that become lands might be even better in a sideboard as well, where you play game 1 with zero creature presence and once you're sure people have pulled all their creature hate you can sneak some situational creatures in.

Interesting solution to the 'how do I kill my opponent?' question, creatureless decks are always cool!

Snickles@EDH_only on Lathliss, Ramp Queen

4 years ago

some other dragons you might consider:

Nesting Dragon - Pricey, but gives decent return for otherwise dead draws late game

Scourge of Kher Ridges - personally love this guy - built-in Pyroclasm, plus an anti-air effect in red if needed

Steel Hellkite - colorless enchantment removal. often overlooked

Territorial Hellkite - 6/5 flying haste for 4. aim is a bit wonky, but still a solid card for its cost

odd ramp to consider: Mana Geyser, Corrupted Grafstone,Foriysian Totem, Pillar of Origins, Star Compass, Heart of Ramos, and / or Pyramid of the Pantheon.

fun deck, keep us posted with how it does!

Brynx on Torbran, Thane of Incremental Damage

5 years ago


I'm not a big fan of those types of boardwipes in a deck like this. I could maybe see them making it in if my meta got more enchantment heavy. Unstable Obelisk would be my #1 pick for enchantment removal.

Mind Stone might make it in over Foriysian Totem . I find myself rarely activating it's ability, but the red mana is always useful in such a heavy deck.

RedmundR2 on fun police

6 years ago

I love Rakdos land destruction. Let me give you some suggestions!

Boom / Bust w/ Darksteel Citadel is amazing. Its a legal target and super fun.

Fulminator Mage because its just a good card.

Foriysian Totem gives you landless mana and a wincon

Shivan Wumpus For a finisher/beater when you have land advantage and they cant afford to sac any more lands

Crucible of Worlds so you can replay the lands of your own you do destroy with Boom / Bust

Simian Spirit Guide to quickly destroy your opponents lands

Have fun!

edit: forgot Crumble to Dust - high CMC but is decent in modern because of all the nonbasic lands

Magna13 on Fumiko the Lowblood EDH

6 years ago

I see what you're going for, and I appreciate it. Here's some thoughts I had that might help:

First off, Chaos Warp is just really good removal, which this deck lacks at the moment.

As nice as Foriysian Totem is as a mana rock/blocker, I think Silent Arbiter would be a better option. It's great for slowing down the game when you need to slow it down, and you can just pop it with one of your artifact destroyers when it's your turn to go in.

If you can afford it, I'd cut Sokenzan Spellblade and replace it with Daretti, Scrap Savant. You have enough artifacts that I think it would be worth the slot. Hell, with the prevalence of artifacts, you could even run Hellkite Tyrant as a surprise, cheeky wincon for when you've not been able to properly set up your wall of attackers.

As amazing as Dualcaster Mage is, idk if he runs enough Instants/Sorceries for it to be worth it. Like yeah you can copy Starstorm or Chain Reaction for the big boy damage, but you could produce a similar result (with repetition even) by running Pyromancer's Goggles. Like yeah you could copy Scour from Existence or Wild Swing as well, but idk.

In my opinion, Dormant Volcano is always a bad land. Mathematically, the benefit of DV is the same as if you ran another basic land. However, I think this deck is actively hurt by its inclusion. You use Snow-Covered Mountain for triggering so many different effects like Goblin Charbelcher and Glacial Crevasses so having to sacrifice one for a land that doesn't even come in untapped is just not good.

Overall, solid list! I like the strategy.

Dienekes on Extra Crispy Neheb, the Eternal

6 years ago

Combo: Basilisk Collar combos with Furnace of Rath and Heartless Hidetsugu for insta-killing everyone. Life gain on other creatures is helpful. Library of Leng is awesome with wheel effects, it lets you keep the cards you want!

Card Advantage: Sunbird's Invocation provides needed card advantage for monoreds. Etali, Primal Storm, Loreseeker's Stone, Seer's Sundial, Arch of Orazca, Sea Gate Wreckage, Magus of the Wheel, Memory Jar, Gamble, Mizzix's MasteryI really think Wheel of Fortune is worth it.

Ramp: Thran Dynamo, Worn Powerstone, Ancient Tomb, Sisay's Ring, Crystal Vein, Dreamstone Hedron, Foriysian Totem, Gauntlet of Power, Gilded Lotus, Koth of the Hammer, maybe Mana Flare on the big turn/finisher

Protection: Burnout, Boseiju, Who Shelters All, Red Elemental Blast

miracle0301 on The Wheelchair Party (Primer)

7 years ago

Did you think about man-lands and man-a rocks? Theyre really great with all the wrath effects since they can crew immediately after wiping the board. I would suggest Foriysian Totem, Mutavault, Mishra's Factory, Guardian Idol, Thunder Totem, Ghitu Encampment and Dread Statuary. Also the new Wakening Sun's Avatar seems like an option. Im trying out some protection like Indomitable Archangel and Leonin Abunas as well and havent been disappointed yet.

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