Gyrus, Waker of Corpses
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gyrus, Waker of Corpses

Legendary Creature — Hydra

Gyrus, Waker of Corpses enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to the amount of mana spent to cast it.

Whenever X attacks, you may exile target creature card with power less than Gyrus, Waker of Corpses' power from your graveyard. If you do, create a token that's a copy of that card and that's tapped and attacking. Exile the token at end of combat.

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Flarhoon13 on Blim's Blumpkins

1 month ago

Finally!!! Lost one, won one yesterday evening! Let's talk about the win. I attacked turn 4 with Blim, Comedic Genius, gifting Francois, on Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil, an Oni Possession. Blim, Comedic Genius never attacked again, even though I cast him for 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mana. Later in the game, I cast a Sorcerous Spyglass and found an infinite combo in Aubrey's large grip... Exquisite Blood and Enduring Tenacity. Seeing that, I decided not to name Francois' Chainsaw nor his Lightning Greaves. Instead, I named Blighted Fen, which never seemed to matter.

Francois used Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil to kill Aubrey, sending exactly enough to get 5 damage through, past his only creature, Athreos, God of Passage. I had a Tormod's Crypt out but never used it.

On my penultimate turn, at 6 life, I cast a Nefarious Lich and a Chain Reaction, taking out Tendershoot Dryad and The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride. I had about 9 cards in the yard, including AEther Flash, which had killed a Blood Artist and did a lot of work this game. A Demonic Collusion had found me a Blasphemous Act, which eventually took out Aubrey's Valgavoth, Terror Eater and several other blockers to allow Francois' kill shot on him. Auren was able to kill Francois. Auren passed turn to me while he was tapped out at 1 life with 5 tapped food, Night of the Sweets' Revenge in his graveyard, and his commander, Ygra, Eater of All making all creatures into delicious morsels. I made the ultimate top deck: Greed's Gambit. This allowed me to draw 9 cards with Nefarious Lich out. Among those nine was a Dark Petition which found me an Earthquake for the win. Finally!! Earthquake for 3 finally was enough to win the game.

Neotrup on Question regarding Gyrus, Waker of …

2 months ago

Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil second ability creates a delayed triggered ability. If you end the turn before that ability triggers, it will still trigger the next time the applicable condition is met. That is, if you activate Sundial of the Infinite before the end of combat step on the turn you create the token, the ability will trigger to exile the token during your opponent's end of combat step on the next turn.

If you wait for the ability to trigger (which is what you most likely want to do anyways so that combat damage is dealt) and end the turn during your end of combat step, the ability will be exiled and fail to resolve, so you'll keep the token. Since it already triggered, it won't trigger again. If the ability was granted to the creature (such as if Gyrusfoil said "It gain's "Exile this token at end of combat"") that ability would trigger at ever end of combat step rather than just once. As written though, you'll keep the token.

TL;DR - Yes, you can use Sundial of the Infinite to "Stifle" the exile and keep the token.

Varatrixx on Question regarding Gyrus, Waker of …

2 months ago

So I wanted to ask about the last part of Gyrus, Waker of Corpsesfoil end of combat trigger.

If you use, let's say Sundial of the Infinite to effectively "stifle" the exiling of the token he created at the end of combat, will that trigger still happen again for that SAME token on my next end of combat?

Or another case, is that exile clause attached to the activation and thus resolution of the ability? Meaning if you stifle it once and never attack with Gyrus again after, would it never exile the token?

Cornonjacob07 on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

1 year ago

I really like the ideas presented in your deck and the fantastic write up. It's always nice to see other people passionate about necromancy decks. My first and still main EDH deck is The Mimeoplasm, and I've been wanting to branch off into Jund reanimation for years, especially since Gyrus, Waker of Corpses wasn't really working, so when Slimefoot and Squee were spoiled, I knew they'd be perfect, especially as a home for some of the aristocrat oriented cards that I've wanted to play that aren't really practical for Mimeoplasm.

I have a few suggestions of varying seriousness I hope you consider. Firstly is Woodfall Primus as a big beater with attached noncreature destruction. Titan of Industry is also a solid option, but I think Woodfall Primus having Persist is a huge advantage in a deck with so much emphasis on sacrifice. Secondly, a more fun than powerful card I'll suggest is Doomgape. I think it fits nicely into a deck that's a blend of reanimation and aristocrats, and it's also huge and can gain a lot of life, which you say is something the deck lacks much of. Finally, Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld and Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld. You're no stranger to milling, discarding, even sacrificing lands here, so Titania can net some life and meet her condition easily, and Argoth's second ability gives mill in a pinch and has relatively low opportunity cost to run over a basic Forest. If you manage to meld them, that's a World Shaper death trigger and another enormous creature.

Necrosis24 on Cards that getting stronger

3 years ago

Commander’s that scale with amount of mana spent to cast them fit the theme:

MindAblaze on Windgrace

4 years ago

I don’t like Liege of the Tangle much, especially if your playgroup’s meta runs many boardwipes since the lands stay creatures as long as they have counters on them whether the liege is on the battlefield or not. Making a bunch of 8/8s is powerful for sure though, and if you can manage to only use untapped lands after casting him then it’s probably ok. Then at least you get your use out of him. I’m also on the fence about the Embodiment of Insight, but being able to swing with the above 8/8s and still use them for mana sounds great to me. The 3/3s from the landfall ability may not always be relevant, but still could have purpose.

I’d also suggest finding room for Ramunap Excavator for some redundancy with Crucible of Worlds, since you don’t always want to be using Windgrace’s minus ability to get lands back. Again, powerful ability, definitely use it, but being able to discard a land to draw two cards has been so useful for me.

Gitrog is awesome here, and as much as Omnath is expensive, he does work too. Since you’re using some fetches like Terramorphic Expanse and Jund Panorama I’d recommend Titania, Protector of Argoth too. She’s so good. Even better if you find the budget for cards like Wooded Foothills, Verdant Catacombs, Bloodstained Mire and the other six fetches you can legally run here. The more density of lands that sac themselves the better. Especially if you get Mina and Denn, Wildborn or Gitrog our with them.

Ok. So we’re looking for up to 6 slots for the four you wanted, and possibly the two I suggested. I’m first looking at your high cost cards since you’re adding a couple, and whatever else feels low impact. I’ll try to suggest more than 6 so you can think about their roles and how you see them fitting, cause this is your deck and how it plays is your fun, not mine.

Moldgraf Monstrosity recursion good; random bad, expensive bad, and if it gets exiled by not its ability;bad.

Charnelhoard Wurm; recursion of any card, really good; expensive bad, combat damage reliant, possibly bad.

Thantis, the Warweaver; flavour super cool, ability to speed up games; good, relevant to your decks plan, not really.

Rubblehulk is a huge body, for me his bloodrush ability is probably the most useful thing, otherwise there will be times he does nothing. The ability to get in for lethal off his bloodrush ability is real though.

Etali and Flameblast, not on theme but both super powerful. I like Etali better; that ability is so useful, a bit random but free spells are free spells. That being said flying is a real threat to this deck so having the dragon could be useful too.

Baloth Woodcrasher; just a beater, an on theme beater that could potentially be a really big trampler if you get a bunch of lands entering on the same turn, but nonetheless still just a beater. The multiple fetchland recursion is when I love playing windgrace the most though so I see the appeal. Crash of Rhino Beetles is kind of the same. Although a 15/15 is nothing to scoff at. Zendikar Incarnate fits here too.

Emissary of Grudges; it’s interesting and it’s ability is useful. It’s also late game and I don’t see how it contributes to your game plan. I could be wrong though.

Gyrus, Waker of Corpses is cool but might not be on theme. I’m not sure how often you need your creatures in your graveyard though.

There might be some more effective cards than Lavalanche (single target,) Retreat to Hagra (but deathtouch is nice, and the other ability could have some nice turns in corner cases,) and a few others but functionally I don’t have complaints about them.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I don’t like giving my input without the thought behind it.

Anyway, what do you think?

n8lm on Gyrus' Graveyard of Corpses

5 years ago

This. I like this.

I recommend Doubling Season. Not only would it double Gyrus, Waker of Corpses's counters, it would double your tokens that come in from its ability.

I know it's a tad expensive but... I mean it is for a reason.

triproberts12 on 5 Color Hydra

5 years ago

I mean, if you're going to bother building 5-color hydras, Progenitus is the commander. Without Rosheen Meanderer or Gargos, Vicious Watcher in the command zone, you'll want to run a base-green, land-based ramp package. You'll also want Chromatic Lantern and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove . The deck will mostly just be a slow, durdly deck without a whole lot of synergy beyond +1/+1 counters. Rosheen Meanderer is still the way to go if you want red in your hydra deck. Atraxa, Praetors' Voice would be a good counter commander, if you're okay with losing Apocalypse Hydra , Savageborn Hydra , Ulasht, the Hate Seed , Gyrus, Waker of Corpses , and Progenitus . Polukranos, Unchained could also fit that role, although at that point, you might as well just build Gargos.

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