Dakkon, Shadow Slayer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dakkon, Shadow Slayer

Legendary Planeswalker — Dakkon

This enters the battlefield with a number of loyalty counters equal to the number of lands you control.

+1: Surveil 2. (Look at the top 2 cards of your library, you may put any number of them into your graveyard. Put the rest on top of your library in any order.)

-3: Exile target creature.

-6: You may put an artifact card from your hand or graveyard onto the battlefield.

legendofa on "Tribal" is being replaced by …

1 year ago

_Moonie_ It's not like gendered language has been completely removed from the game. Planeswalkers still use him/her/etc. Dakkon, Shadow Slayer, pretty much every Gideon, The Wandering Emperor, Rowan, Scholar of Sparks  Flip, and more all refer to the character in the rules text.

For referring to players, again, there's no harm in the "his or her" -> "their" switch. Aside from the benefits of inclusion, it saves space on the card and is quicker to parse. No cards have ever been banned because of gendered language, and I don't think that was ever a suggestion. They've had their official rules text updated from using three short words to one short word.

FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

So, by my count:

Sheesh. That's a load of my memory dumped. Ok, so for the challenge!

Since my favorite tri-color has been done, (Abzan ftw) I'll do my back up: Grixis!

Begard, Deceitful Beggar

Legendary Planeswalker - Begard

~ enters the battlefield under an opponent's control. At the beginning of ~'s controller's endstep, if they did not activate a loyalty ability of ~, they discard a card, lose 5 life, and sacrifice a non-land permanent other than ~.

0: ~'s owner creates a 1/1 Black Rogue creature token with deathtouch and "If this creature would deal damage to a planeswalker, instead, put an additional loyalty counter on it."

-1: ~'s owner draws 2 cards, and creates 2 Treasure Tokens.

-3: ~'s owner may search their library for a card and put it into their hand.

-9: ~'s owner gains control of all permanents ~'s controller owns. All creatures gain Haste until the end of the turn.


How do you get to that elusive -9? maybe some proliferate strategies? lol. Good pay off if you can get to it, or a great politic card I think!


Stardragon on 3 color Generic Planeswalkers for …

2 years ago

wallisface First of all txs for taking your time to look at all of them. 2nd I'm not missing Grixis so much as I skipped it since grixis has Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver and Nicol Bolas, the Arisen  Flip as solid generic grixis planeswalkers so I didn't feel the need to make another one

As for you other comments lets take one step at a time First Ceara how is not doing temur things?

I disagree with on her first ability it fine there are plenty of walkers who's + ability makes tokens so there should be no problem there as it helps protect her and give a body. As for her second I have to agree that it should be reworked. And I'll fix her last abilities wording problem

On to Chichan I may cut it down to Scry 3 but so what if it's not very red he has two other colors in his identity and every ability needs to mach each color look at Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver first ability it doesn't match blue, or look at Angrath, the Flame-Chained's last ability it fully a black ability or Dakkon, Shadow Slayer's full kit his +1 isn't white, his second ability isn't either blue nor black and his last ability is almost entirely blue. Long story short not every ability need to match every color of the walkers colors. So other than being too much it fine

As for Chichan's second ability how is it unnecessarily wordy? I tells you cast spells for free by discarding three card from your hand (maybe will cut that to two)and to make more balanced you can play two more spells the turn you use this effect so it doesn't turn into a more clunky Omniscience. The same as the argument before even if it anti white so what? And this effect isn't as anti-white as you think, while not common there are cards like Idol of Endurance,Patrician's Scorn, Flawless Maneuver, Sivvi's Ruse, Sram's Expertise and to a lesser extent Sunforger and each has a different way to make spells free, add red and blue that do have discard for effect an its fine the only reason i see no black to this effect (though all colors have some free spells)so again it fine may reword it a bit but I don't think I need to change the effect

For his third effect I agree it's underwhelming/powered and will give it a buff

For Gwisin Noh- I admit I'm not overly to happy with her but abzan has so many options it was one of the hardest things for me to make generic any ideas for new kit is welcome for now I take you ideas and rework them but don't expect to much form this one

Next is Kuva- since it fine not much to say I don't get the read from a precon deck I fail to see if that a bad thing or not?

Nimthall time ok so he may be a little overpriced i was worried that his abilities were too powerful as a kit so made him cost more to balance him out

i feel his 1st is fine i mean there are zombie token out there other than just vanilla 2/2 again not common (and not counting embalm or eternalize or decayed) but there are a few like Corpse Cobble, Soul Separator or hun that it just those two that make unqie zombie tokens really? well hun i guess I'll just make them 2/2s but feel like 1 token is an under powered effect

i saw you had no problem with his second ability so I'll just move on to the third

His third ability yeah let just is rough and need rewording now that im reading also, as for the enchantment grabbing thing it was to help justify the mana cost

Shataj Sar Spotlight time

I think your right on making only one token here and taking out horsemenship and adding vigliance or maybe first stike instead will keep the haste.

as for her last ability i like the exile part but the life gain can go

For Sibrel- Other than the either you don't seem to mind the kit overall and i don't know why the "either" is that TBH will take that out

For Vull- What are your Jund motifs i wonder

Anyway will reword his first ability but he's a battle hungry blood thirsty barbarian do you really think he not going to attack? I'll be keep his effect the same

For his second effect to tell you the truth I couldn't decide which one to choose so did both still can't decide which one would fit better since they're both jund abilities

I see you no problems with his last effect

Finally Zendik's time to shine

I don't what to say really he's not favorite thats for sure

His first ability is heavily based off Soulfire Grand Master ability only for artifacts hell was think of making this an enchantment like effect like the WoS walkers had but it also work well his second and third abilities as a whole

his second is maybe too powerful will rework it

His third ability is worded poorly but I truly don't know how to this one, and for control decks this would be a great win con to flood your opponents after you gather enough artifacts (maybe I should add enchants on to this effect as well)

Also remember to look at the kit as whole and just individual abilities, since an ability may look weak by itself but it may work very well with the other abilities together Zendik is great example of this

legendofa on targets for dakkon?

2 years ago

Dakkon, Shadow Slayer, I assume.

I haven't seen the ultimate used in Modern, but I've seen it set up a Sharuum the Hegemon loop in Commander. I can envision it setting up a Possessed Portal lock, or a Kaldra Compleat or Batterskull beat.

isn't a color set that churns out lands, so you're either going to surveil and fill your graveyard for several turns, maybe proliferate a bit, or you're within range of casting a Gearhulk or Wurmcoil Engine or whatever anyway. So it basically comes down to what you want to reanimate/freecast, and I don't have any specific suggestions there.

LandoLRodriguez on The Lost Art(ifact) of Keeping a Secret

2 years ago

Changes, 02Nov2021 continued:


Improved mana rocks!: (Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, Chromatic Orrery, Mox Opal, Voltaic Key). Little explanation needed here. The key can do more than be a mana rock, but considering how many of my rocks can now make 2+ mana per tapping, that's gonna be a lot of its purpose.

More turns: (Time Sieve, Expropriate). Seems like a better theme to splash in than pillow fort, and both of these cards are also about my main themes: artifact love and theft. Speaking of which...

Artifact love/recursion: (Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Sai, Master Thopterist, Emry, Lurker of the Loch, Dakkon, Shadow Slayer). This deck loves artifacts. It kinda has to love Tezzeret too as a result.

Your stuff is mine now: (Thief of Sanity, Nightveil Specter, Opposition Agent, Xanathar, Guild Kingpin, Empress Galina). I wanna take your stuff. All of your stuff. And not "until this card leaves the battlefield", either. Once I take it, it's mine. Bonus points for denying you access to them in the first place before making them mine.

Improved Lands: (Urza's Saga, Exotic Orchard, Glimmervoid). Urza's Saga is pretty much the card that made me realize I needed to update this deck.

Other: Fabricate is better than Diabolic Tutor by just about every measure. The only drawback being that it can only get artifacts is practically a moot point in this deck. Lithoform Engine just seems really good in here. I can't wait til I can copy an Expropriate with it... Finally, Paradox Haze cuz I love the way it can interact with not only The Ladies themselves but with Xanathar as well.

wallisface on Esper Stoneblade

2 years ago

Both Priest of Fell Rites and Dakkon, Shadow Slayer feel really strange here. Have you considered either Esper Sentinel or Spell Queller?

RambIe on I Can't Pronounce My Commander's Name

2 years ago

Arcane Sanctum 35 lands should be ok with a 3 cmc average since you have 8 rocks
Arcanis the Omnipotent- cmc
Time Wipe, Austere Command, - if the deck works as intended boardwipes will be a dead card in hand, of course you might need this based on meta but they can always be swapped back in
Monologue Tax - love it, its just not making or breaking the deck "undervalue"
Dakkon, Shadow Slayer - undervalue

DawnsRayofLight on Breya in the Sky with Thopters

2 years ago

Teferi's Protection

Karn, Scion of Urza: draw and gives you a big beater at best and something for your engine at worst.

Dakkon, Shadow Slayer would actually work really well in here.