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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
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Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Compelling Argument
Target player puts the top five cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.
Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
wallisface on
Super Budget Janktastic SEE THE WILDFIRE
2 years ago
I think if you're doing anything with Delirium then Mishra's Bauble pretty quickly becomes a must-include, but i'm not sure if that's outside of your budget.
I'd maybe suggest dropping all the Planeswalkers in favor of some actually-threatening creature? Sprite Dragon, Tolarian Terror, or Bedlam Reveler could all kindof slot into this deck (some require a few more tweaks to gel than others).
I think you need to really reconsider Gaea's Will as a payoff card. That card is designed to act as a combo-piece that lets the player win-on-the-spot, but as-is you really don't have any support for it, so it's not netting you any value. Running Crashing Footfalls or Ancestral Vision in its place instead would immediately make your current deck stronger - and would come with the added benefit of re-directing your current deckbuilding decisions around a more-viable play-pattern (i.e. it would mean you could stop running those sub-optimal self-mill cards like Compelling Argument and Winds of Rebuke).
wallisface on
Mill fun
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
Mill spells typically need to get at least 8 cards to be worth it, otherwise losing the card from your hand/resources just isn’t worth it. I would suggest ditching both of Dream Twist and Compelling Argument.
Mill decks typically only want the crabs as their creatures. Phyrexian Metamorph feels weak just because it’s going to be coming down sooo late in the game, and so unlikely to provide much value. While Snapcaster Mage is good in a lot of blue decks, it really has no place in Mill… i’d suggest ditch both.
You currently have no interaction. Letting your opponent do what they want is going to cause you major problems - a mill-decks strategy should always be to find a way to prevent the opponent getting a quick win, and milling them thereafter… we’re terrible at winning “races”. Stuff like Fatal Push and Inquisition of Kozilek would go a long way here, as well as a playset of either Surgical Extraction or Extirpate.
Your sideboard looks really un-optimal at the moment. 16 is too many sideboard cards (limit is 15). The two Crypt Incursion should be mainboard. The creatures are all really bad sideboard choices. I think you should focus your sideboard in dealing with problem matchups/cards instead of trying to do some kind of transformative creatute-thing
wallisface on
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
your land count is waaay too low, especially as you have some high mana cards, but also need to enable the crabs. For a mill deck i’d suggest 22-23 minimum (leaning towards more lands if you don’t have fetches).
Compelling Argument, Dream Twist and Tome Scour don’t even get close to milling enough to be worth it. Mill decks need to be very efficient, as even top-tier builds are likely to run out of hand resources before delivering the final blow, if they’re not careful. A mill card needs to mill at least 8 cards, bare minimum, to be worth it. Anything lower, and its hurting you more than helping you (you just end up empty handed while your opponents deck is still full)
I’d also ditch Traumatize. By the time you have 5 lands, your opponent should have <15 cards in their deck, if the game isn’t already over by then. 5 mana for at-best 7 cards isn’t worth it.
Fraying Sanity is a bit if a trap card. Drawing one is usually ok, but drawing two of these in a game, will often cost you the game. The card does nothing by itself, and it’s often better just to be running a solid mill-spell in its place. I would say to not run more than a single copy of this in your deck.
you need more interaction. Mill decks generally want some way to slow an opponents tempo. Just trying to win-the-race is often a bad idea. Both Fatal Push and Extirpate would work wonders here. Stuff like Crypt Incursion can also buy you massive amounts of time.
other cheap mill cards I can suggest are Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony, and Ruin Crab
Cyberbolt21 on
Mono Blue Midrange
4 years ago
psionictemplar yeah believe me i know. XD i have a habbit of always adding a bunch of cards that look interesting. This use to be way more clutered before i put this here. For the theme, like title says, im going for more of a midrange style. Mix of aggro and control. So im trying to aim for a balance of creatures and spells. I've been watching youtube videos for guidance and pull some cards from various build from Tolarian Professor, strickly better MTG and Giant monster games. In a way id like for this deck to be a jack of all trades type, can do several things but not excelling in one particular area. This is well suited for the group of friends i play with. I know abilities matter more but ive always been a person who likes to use cards that have artwork i enjoy, not solely run stuff just cuz they are objectively the best, it depends. This applies mostly with creatures for me, an old habit i have from my yugioh days XD but i digress. Thats why mono blue has been difficult for me to make, cuz a lot of creatures are meh to me. However i did find some stuff i like. So creatures like Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea Cloudfin Raptor and Thoughtbound Phantasm can get bigger over time. And for Thoughtbound Phantasm uses surveil so i threw in Narcomoeba in so i can a free creatures out. Id prefer if i could get a creature that has this same ability but with some added stuff idk. Also threw in some surveil cards like Dream Eater and Dazzling Lights to boost Thoughtbound Phantasm . Also have one Rise from the Tides for a token flood if i need it and some milling options like Mind Sculpt and have Sacred Excavation to use on Compelling Argument for more mill options. Cryptic Serpent can get out quick and cheaper with all the instants and sorceries played. And for Phyrexian Revoker i already have a full set of 4 irl cards so i might throw them here, can be good control to block card abilities, and have the other Phyrexian Metamorph to copy a creature if needed. Like i said id like this to be a jack of all trades kinda deck. I just need to get a good ratio of cards to balance out this deck.
EvilG on
Mill 'Em or Kill 'Em
4 years ago
Have you thought about Compelling Argument because of cycling and the mill ability. also, I would scratch the Evolving Wilds and just add more islands so that they don't enter tapped
Arktaurous on
Milling Rogues
4 years ago
These ones made it into my blue/black mill deck. They were pretty useful.
This one would have made it if it wasn't so expensive at the time.
SnakeByte77 on
Drowned Sanity
4 years ago
Maddening Cacophony can maybe replace Compelling Argument?
It was just spoiled for Zendikar Rising
Clashboy15 on
Ub tutelage mill
4 years ago
Definitely Needed Cards:
Hedron Crab: because it can consistently mill and works well with fetches. 4x
Glimpse the Unthinkable: straight up best two mana mill card. 4x
Archive Trap: easy to play it as free in modern since it is an instant and everybody uses fetches. 4x
Mesmeric Orb: even though it mills you, its worth it since it can mill a crap ton of your opponents deck. 4x
Visions of Beyond: this will easily draw you thre cards for one mana because of how much milling you would be doing. 4x
Drown in the Loch: this card will counter almost any cards or just kill anything for 2 mana! 4x
Maybe Cards:
Breaking: just a little bit more mill.
Crypt Incursion: Some life gain for matchups against creature decks.
Surgical Extraction: It lets you take out all key cards or combo pieces from opponent's deck!
Scheming Symmetry: Cheap and tutors a card for you and your opponent. You can also activate archive trap for free after that and make sure the opponent doesn't get that card into his/her hand.
Cards to Cut: Compelling Argument: Milling five for two mana isn't really good and the cycling ability is just meh as well because card draw usually isn't a problem in mill decks. -4x
Jace's Archivist: It just cost too much mana and four mana for a wheel that can die easily is just too much. I know it works well with sphinx's tutelage, but it's a little slow. -4x
Jace's Phantasm: It can provide you with a good body, but a true mill deck wouldn't need it. -4x\
Serum Visions or Opt: You don't need that much card draw. -4x
Lands: 29 lands is wayyy too much. 22-24 should suffice. I would recommend 4x Watery Grave since you can fetch it with polluted delta. 4x Field of Ruin instead of dismal backwater. Tap lands are not very good and 1 life isn't really that important. Also field of ruin provides you utility against land based decks and will allow you to fix your mana and activates archive trap. Also, cut some baisic lands or scry lands for some Darkslick Shores, Prismatic Vista or Drowned Catacomb