Pir's Whim

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pir's Whim


For each player, choose whether or not they are a friend or foe. Each friend searches their library for a land card, puts it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffles their library. Each foe sacrifices an artifact or enchantment they control.

markbeloit on Kura

1 month ago

You wrote me an essay Profet93, so I took awhile to respond. Will try and address your question comments one-by-one.

Regarding Null Rod: It was in the prototype of this deck, but Collector Ouphe was cheaper, so I opted for the ouphe.

Regarding Snow-Covered Forests: Would probably be better, but I'd rather not pay the $.

Regarding Elemental Bond/Garruk's Uprising vs Colossal Majesty: In 90% of decks I'd agree with you that those two are better, but in this deck, I think Colossal Majesty might be better. I don't have that many creatures ETBing, and sometimes I have a big creature around for several turns. In those scenarios, I think Colossal Majesty generates more value.

Regarding Hour of Promise: Good, but not sure I need it.

Regarding Pir's Whim: Good, and not a card I knew of. Will have to keep an eye out for something to cut.

Regarding Yavimaya Hollow: Too much $. I don't think I need it enough.

Regarding Miren, the Moaning Well: I don't like Miren very much. True it's a second sac outlet, but I consider it vastly inferior to High Market. I really don't like having to pay . And while I'm in trouble if someone blows up High Market, that hasn't happened yet.

Regarding Castle Garenbrig: Should probably cut a forest for this, and probably will when I get one.

Regarding Mirrorpool: Worth considering. There's only a few instants and sorceries I'd want to sac a land to copy, though, and I have to pay . Also, I'm trying to be a bit careful about how many utility lands I have in the deck, specifically lands that don't make . If you have too many colorless lands you can get screwed.

Regarding Greater Good: Was a card I was seriously considering when building the deck, but saccing Kura to it is not that great. Bottom line, though, I thought for sure Greater Good would get destroyed immediately if I played it, which is why I decided against it.

Regarding Nylea's Intervention: Ok, but not sure I need it.

As always, a problem is what to cut. This deck does fairly well, and when that's the case, I'm always leery of cutting a card unless I see something strictly better.

Regarding Abundance + Sylvan Library: Drawing 3 cards per turn with no down side is fine, though it doesn't happen often :)

Regarding Abundance, it actually has some additional tech to it. In this deck I've been able to put every land in my deck into play once or twice. With Abundance, you put the revealed cards you don't get on the bottom of your library in ANY order, not a random order. So if I Abundance to get a land and don't have any in my deck.... I can rig the order of my deck. At that point your basically tutoring instead of drawing. Doesn't happen often, but is powerful when it does.

You also can't deck yourself if Abundance is in play, though that hasn't come up yet. A fun piece of tech, though not for every deck.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I put it off since I knew I'd have to write a lot. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll think of them, though again the problem is what to cut.

RufusTheGrufus on Mono Green Stompy

2 months ago

Profet93, thank you for taking the time to check out the list and offer your suggestions!

I'm going to try my best to articulate my opinions of said suggestions:

-Rishkar's Expertise: I do enjoy this card quite a bit, and did originally have it in the list. It eventually got cut because the floor was too low for a 6 mana card; and I opted for a similar effect in Return of the Wildspeaker because it's one mana cheaper and has extra utility since it can help push through alpha strikes. I do feel like this deck could benefit from a bit more card advantage though.

-Pir's Whim: I actually completely forgot this card exists, I think this is a perfect swap suggestion, thank you!

-Traverse the Outlands: I totally get why you're suggesting this card, I think I personally just tend to shy away from more conditional ramp, removal, and card advantage; since typically if I'm desperately needing one of those effects I don't want to have to rely on satisfying an extra condition in order to achieve it. I think otherwise Traverse the Outlands could totally find a home in this kind of deck.

-Collector Ouphe, Manglehorn, Reclamation Sage: Collector Ouphe and Manglehorn are definitely great cards to include in this deck. My main hesitation with including them is because this decklist was made with the intent of having it be a bit more casual and less "feel bad" for when my playgroup wants to play with lower powered/more casually oriented decks. I love the idea of including them though and am adding them to the Maybeboard for further consideration! In terms of Reclamation Sage, it was in the decklist initially but ultimately got cut over more flexible pieces such as Krosan Grip, Beast Within and Return to Nature as I typically feel the need to have some options for instant speed removal; and I have a few pieces of creature-based artifact/enchantment removal that can target multiple things.

-Nissa's Pilgrimage: This is just an objectively better card than Cultivate in a mono-green deck, thank you!

-Yavimaya Hollow: Intriguing card, I'm definitely interested in testing it out!

-Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip: I generally have an aversion to these flip lands. I totally get the arguments for playing them, I've just never felt inclined to play a majority of them. I'd be willing to give this one a shot in the list though to see if it exceeds my expectations; especially since it's so on-theme!

-Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma: I completely forgot about this guy, I'm interested in testing him out and am swapping him in over Giant Adephage; which was really just in the deck as a 'fun' pet card anyways.

-Shaman of Forgotten Ways, Somberwald Sage: I don't know how I forgot about Shaman of Forgotten Ways. Thank you for such a great suggestion, I slotted it in instead of Llanowar Tribe for now. Somberwald Sage I'm less sure of including at this point in time. I'll put it in the Maybeboard and keep thinking on it.

-Siege Behemoth: An interesting suggestion, I'm not sure if I'll find a home for it in the deck just yet but I'm adding it to the Maybeboard to consider!

-Berserk: This would be an incredibly fun include, I just need to find something to cut. It'll have to live in the Maybeboard for now.

-Life's Legacy, Greater Good: Since I'm truly a Golgari player at heart, and love playing around with sacrifice and my graveyard, these cards were definitely in consideration when I initially built this deck. I eventually opted for just Momentous Fall and not Life's Legacy because Momentous Fall can be cast at instant speed which allows it to be used in response to removal to help with rebuilding. If I had more synergy with sacrificing creatures baked into the deck, and/or more ways to utilize my own graveyard, I would definitely be including Greater Good. I'm adding them to the Maybeboard for now, especially since Greater Good may just be too much card advantage to turn down.

Thank you again for such considerate suggestions and for taking the time to look over the list!

Profet93 on Mono Green Stompy

2 months ago

RufusTheGrufus +1

I actually completely disagree with the above GoldBerserkDragon, (GBD) both personally and professionally. 37 lands is actually my favorite # in EDH. While yes, you could it isn't optimal, especially in a build whose avg cmc is above 4.5. Now to actually provide you with suggestions unlike GBD. Some of these might be better than others, let me know what you think of each....

Rishkar's Expertise - It's draw + tempo. While it is a bit risky if you have one creature, the risk is mitigated if you have several creatures on board.

Pir's Whim > Tempt Discovery - Tempt is best if you have cradle or another high mana producing land to immediately use untapped. I used to run it but my playgroup would either not take the bait, or would just tutor for strip mine and destroy whatever land I got. Pir's whim is political and removal, all at the same time.

Traverse the Outlands - Mass land ramp

Collector Ouphe - Null rod the creature. It only stops 2 of your cards but since artifacts are huge in EDH, it's definitely worth considering. If not, then perhaps a Manglehorn or a Reclamation Sage

Since you run momentous fall, perhaps a Life's Legacy? Better yet, Greater Good!

Nissa's Pilgrimage > Cultivate

Yavimaya Hollow - Regen / politics

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip - Spell or land, you decide!

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma - Ramp + Trample

Shaman of Forgotten Ways/Somberwald Sage - With the former as an alt wincon

Siege Behemoth - Push damage through

Berserk - Super fun! I once used this on an opponents (Op1) commander to kill Op2 via commander damage and Op1 lost his commander making him easier to kill. Usually used to close things out. It's also fun to use on Selvala as psuedo ramp. Not needed, but nice.

Profet93 on Kura

3 months ago

markbeloit +1

I like your fight + stax pieces. Have you thought of adding redundancy for collector ouphe with Null Rod or do you believe it's not necessary? It only shuts off the activated ability of conduit of worlds.

You should swap out half of your forests for snow-covered to trigger field of the dead more easily.

Elemental Bond/Garruk's Uprising > Collasal majesty.

Hour of Promise - Land tutor

Pir's Whim - Land tutor + politics and/or removal.

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection + politics. I get you want stuff to die most of the time but it's nice to be able to protect something or be political when you want to.

Mirrorpool - Copy important instants and sorceries

Miren, the Moaning Well - Sac outlet for commander. can also sac the token it makes to gain life in a pinch.

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

MAYBE Greater Good - It's main purpose is to be a sac outlet for your commander. It is also nice against theft decks. Not to mention it can put lands in your grave for you to recur. Lastly, it can make your token created by your commander a fuel for additional draw.

MAYBE Nylea's Intervention - While your commander does allow you to tutor, sometimes it might get exiled, or maybe you want the token more than the land tutor. Not to mention it can destroy fliers which this deck seems to be weak against.

How is the abundance + sylvan library combo been treating you?

Looking forward to your response for each suggestion. I like this deck, I've been thinking of adding Kura to my Azusa list.

Profet93 on Kura, Secret Tron EDH (EYW: Green)

1 year ago

IllWarriors +1 A couple of questions/comments....

  1. I saw your description for the purpose of the colorless mana rocks, both creature and noncreature. Thought vessel is to prevent discard, but given all of your land tutors, isn't it very likely that you can find reliquary tower should you need it? Do you need/want the redundancy? Are you trying not to tutor for reliquary given you want the tron lands? Would you not be better served by adding additional dorks at 1 - 2 CMC? Heart Warden is like a mindstone. If you were to reduce your reliance on artifact ramp given you're playing green, you could add in a Bane of Progress should you wish to mess with all of the opposing artifacts you want inevitably find on the table.
  2. Regarding tempt with discovery, doesn't your meta just wise up and tutor for LD such as strip mine/wasteland each time you get a tron land, effectively netting you only 1 untapped land and 3 cards in the grave? Or are there other utility lands your opponents can find (Nykthos, coffers, urborg, eye of ugin, etc....) that they find more valuable than destroying your tron lands?
  3. Burnished Heart - Given you're playing green, why not add in a Skyshroud Claim, Pir's Whim, Harmonize or another ramp/draw spell?
  4. Skullclamp - Given you will be sacrificing your commander a lot, you have a fair amount of dorks, and the boardwipes that will be seen, I feel skullclamp can be beneficial to you. You can also stack the triggers of your commander and clamp (should you know your topdeck).
  5. Eternal Witness > Regrowth (can be clamped, blocker, etc...)
  6. Lurking Predators - How has this played for you? Given your wincon is Eldrazi, are you okay with losing the casting benefit of the Eldrazi in favor for their static + triggered abilities?
  7. Are you looking for cuts?
  8. Your land count seems a bit low, especially if you have cards that allow you additional land drops. I understand your commander is a tutor, do you often find yourself missing land drops, particularly in the early game?
  9. No fetchlands for crucible of worlds?
  10. Scapeshift - Land tutor! While it may not be needed, it can easily help you assemble tron, find cradle as well as..... Field of the Dead (note it triggers upon ETB for all lands), Castle Garenbrig.

Would love to hear your thoughts on each suggestion, let me know if you are interested in cuts. Solid deck!

Profet93 on Azusa, Just Lost...

1 year ago

First and foremost you want to find your land count. Players who prioritize a faster build utilize more mana dorks and a lower avg cmc tend to go as low as 38 or as high as low-mid 40's. For those who like to ramp into bigger spells and sacrifice speed for resiliency and late game, low - high 40's. Some players go 50 and above but I find that not needed. Azusa decks tend to cast their commander and then drop all their lands, run out of gas, top deck, play a big spell, have it removed/countered and just are in topdeck mode. You need to establish a good source of draw, whether it be burst or steady card draw, ideally, both. I will get to that later, if I don't (given I'm writing this late at night, please remind me). Also, please remind to mention utility lands, as Azusa decks have a large amount of wiggle room to utilize a landbase to solve difficult challenges. Depending on how you want to make your deck, fast and explosive or slower and more resilient, I can provide you better suggestions. For now, I'll go with the basics. I can suggest cuts in the next comment should you desire.

Crucible of Worlds - Super important, right at budget mark. This, combined with good fetchlands or the slow fetchlands, will allow you to thin your deck of lands (giving you greater chance of finding something useful), all while ensuring you don't miss land drops.

Sol Ring - Not needed in Azusa, but Turn 2 Azusa with this, into lands allows you to get the "quick" strategy you are looking for.

Mind's Eye - Draw, some people like Memory jar but I find this cheaper and more suitable, especially for your meta.

Greater Good - Extremely powerful sac outlet to prevent theft/exile, fill up your grave (with lands to recur for later, or whatever is appropriate at the time). Seriously, do not sleep on this or crucible of worlds

Sylvan Library - While double your budget, add this to the maybeboard for later as its very useful. It is synergy with Abundance (can outline the detailed synergy later, but its really good), shuffling effects (think fetchlands to shuffle away cards you don't want on top), as well as Course of Kruphix/Oracle of Muldaya effects. Best Turn 2 Azusa play IMO.

Momentous Fall - Used in response to removal, gain life and most importantly, draw cards.

Realms Uncharted - Works best once you get better utility lands. But it acts as a tutor, usually 4 fetches. That way, you fuel crucible of worlds. Bonus points if you add Petrefied Field.

Beast Within - Green's best removal, add this.

All Is Dust - One board wipe for when everything goes south. Not needed per say, but has saved me many times. In green lacking removal, sometimes things just need to die. Bonus points with Sanctum of Ugin to find an Eldrazi

Boundless Realms > Reshape the Earth - Given you don't have enough utility lands, this is much better. Even if you did, reshape is very expensive for what it does, more so in this deck.

Pir's Whim - Politics removal and ramp in 1! Not needed but nice to have

Rishkar's Expertise - Best burst draw spell in green. While they can remove your greatest power creature, since it doesnt target, it goes to the next highest. It also helps mitigate tempo loss which is a big issue most draw spells have. Really powerful!

Regarding creatures, its personal preference. I have suggestions but until I know which direction you're going in, I'd rather wait. I personally love Eldrazi, specifically the Kozilek's as they allow you to refill your hand. Distortion allows you to be the blue player and Butcher allows you to, well, slaughter 4 permanents.

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Profet93 Tempt with Discovery is a card that is specific to my playgroup, as almost every time it is played it nets a minimum of 3 lands. In other playgroups a switch to Pir's Whim or Rishkar's Expertise would probably be a good choice, Tempt with Discovery is a hilarious circumstance between my friends that often ends with at least 1 or 2 other people taking the bait

Profet93 on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Great discourse and swaps, agreed all around. I don't like Zendikar's roil as 5 cmc is too expensive for 2/2's, albeit continuously. Though, there is synergy so I understand why it was in the list. Truth be told, part of me wants to add it back in simply because of the perceived synergy, despite the actuality that it underperforms in most cases.

Regarding Tempt of Discovery 1) What are your primary targets 2) How often do they take the bait. The primary benefit of Tempt is that it brings your land into play untapped, so tutoring for a cradle or nykthos with Tempt is huge. The only impactful lands are yavimaya hollow and maybe the sac lands. I don't feel tempt of discovery is worth it depending on your answers to #1 and #2. A potential swap for it could be Pir's Whim.


"S̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ P̶r̶i̶s̶m̶a̶t̶i̶c̶ O̶m̶e̶n̶ o̶n̶l̶y̶ a̶f̶f̶e̶c̶t̶s̶ l̶a̶n̶d̶s̶ y̶o̶u̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ i̶n̶ p̶l̶a̶y̶" - Is this not correct? Or was your point more focused on the end of your paragraph?

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