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Owls pukin' in my bed

Commander / EDH


My wife loves owls, so this deck is based on flyers and bird tribes. I have done well at times with this deck. You can make it more of a defensive style with stuff like ghostly prison or you can be super aggressive. I choose a mix of both. The name of the deck is based on a common misheard lyric by the Beach Boys in their song "Help Me Rhonda". (Google it, I am not making this up) Also, my special needs son loves the Beach Boys.

The super expensive cards can be exchanged easily. For example Magus of the moat can replace moat, or use island sanctuary. If you play MTGO, most of these same cards are super cheap.

I try to keep non-birds to a minimum, but some critters are too good to pass up, especially if they limit or increase casting costs or cause your opponent pain. You can always use ole' solemn for mana smoothing. You should be able to find whatever you need with all the deck manipulation.

Some cards, like soulcatcher and swans of bryn argoll, beg to be abused. If you have better ways than me, let me know. Try to use some dual lands (like shocks for example), but if they get too expensive, just stick to the guildgates, painlands and cheap fetches. 36 lands is the least amount I would run. The more fetches you run, the more lands you should run.

I try to avoid infinite combos and cards that are way too easy. I also tend to run cards I like. One of those missing is rite of replication. I love it, but it makes no sense here. Some of the 6 and 7 mana cost birds are missing but could be added. I don't care much for win more cards. There are also enchantments that affect your flyers, which could be ran. I aim for balance.

I skipped the guile/dovescape combo, but you could run it. If you run stuff like that, ramp up the mana rocks like extraplaniar lens and the like. Supreme Verdict and Wrath could also be welcome additions, but you should have plenty of spot removal at your disposal. The removal and counters I run tend to tuck critters or exile them. This is a strength you should play towards.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.27
Tokens Bird 1/1 W
Folders Cool Decks
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