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Cutie Patooties and Atrocious Abominations

Commander / EDH Budget GU (Simic)



OK, so, this one's going to be weird. To explain what this deck's about, you should know that:

  1. Turquoise is my favourite colour.
  2. Blue and green make turquoise.
  3. In the first AFR booster I pulled Gretchen Titchwillow and fell in love with the cutie.
  4. Minn, Wily Illusionist is also cute, and so is the Grazing Gladehart, Maraleaf Pixie, Tome Raider, Wildborn Preserver...
  5. I like cute turquoise things.

So I put together, using only cards that I already owned, a commander deck headed by my dear Gretchen.

Titchwillow's Drawlands

I understand that this deck is incomplete. In fact, there's a lot of room for growth. The way I see it, the deck could naturally evolve into one of two directions (and maybe both?):

  • Abusing the amount of lands/mana to bring out BIG BEASTS;
  • Abusing Landfall;

I'm not sure which direction this will go into -- any comments are appreciated, and it will largely be dependent on the pulls I get. Like I said, the first version of this deck is a pot-pourri of random cards I wanted to have in a deck. Now, let's talk strategy.

First, let's take a look at the star of this show, Gretchen Titchwillow. Costing only she can come out quite early on in the game, and with a P/T of 0/4 she's not too weak, but still prone to removals. Her ability is quite simple; for you draw a card, and you may put a land from your hand into play. We're going to be relying on her ability as often as possible when other draws are not available.

While it can be tempting to put out your commander early, we want to keep Gretchen ready for the late game, so we won't be playing her until we can take advantage of her ability, like if you have landfall abilities waiting to be played.

Mana ramping isn't as important as sheer lands in this deck, so there aren't a lot of creatures with mana abilities (Maraleaf Pixie being the only one, actually). We want to be putting down as many lands as we can, and we achieve this with the following cards:

  • Beanstalk Giant's Adventure allows us to straight up dump a land from the library for , which will boost its eventual arrival;
  • Neverwinter Dryad's ability allows us to fetch a land and trigger landfall;
  • Scaled Herbalist will let you play a land if you have one in your hand;
  • Harrow costs a land, but nets you two untapped;
  • You Happen on a Glade's Journey On can bring lands into your hand if you're lacking some;
  • Explosive Vegetation and Explore are self-explanatory;
  • Unexpected Results is an interesting one I've been wanting to play for a while. Since the deck contains a lot of lands this will likely (~40% of the time) be bounced back. You can try to hit one of the high-cost monsters, however.

We're aiming for big plays in the endgame, so we'll want to be drawing and stalling as much as possible. Luckily, this deck contains a lot of both opportunities.

Let's start with the drawing. A lot of spell are simply there to allow you to draw a card, such as Tome Raider, Pore Over the Pages, etc. However, the real fun comes with the cards which react to drawing. These are: Faerie Vandal, Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse, Lorescale Coatl, Minn, Wily Illusionist, and Wizard Class. Syr Elenora, the Discerning also indirectly benefits from having many cards in your hand, but we'll talk about her later.

In most decks involving drawing, scrying is just as important, which is why we have the Djinn Windseer and Contact Other Plane (50% of the time).

Now, in order to setup our endgame, we'll want to survive. The following strategies are used to remain in the game long enough to pull out our big players:

  • Dragon Turtle taps another creature for some time
  • Charmed Sleep will, well, put another creature to sleep, and you can turn your opponents' creatures into a frog or a snake with Frogify and Snakeify, respectively;
  • AEtherize will return attacking creatures to their owner's hand, and it won't target them either, bypassing hexproof, and Scourge of Fleets comes into play removing multiple creatures when the conditions are right;;
  • Clinging Mists will also delay you taking damage for a turn;
  • Split the Party is also interesting since it targets the player, and not their creatures, thus bypassing hexproof again.

Now that we've got our lands on the field, let's take a look at our wincons. Note that these aren't automatic wincons, but they'll definitely make for entertaining plays!

Big Beasts

I won't outline all of them here, but this deck contains a large number of creatures which are difficult to deal with, so overwhelm your opponent when the time is right!

Monstrous Sealock Monster + Inkwell Leviathan

Once Sealock Monster becomes monstrous, target an opponent's land to turn it into an Island. Your Inkwell Leviathan is now unblockable and it also has shroud!

Beanstalk Giant + Monstrous Onslaught

By the time you bring it out, you'll have a large monster by your side. Protect it with Shielding Plax, then boost it with Elephant Guide for massive Monstrous Onslaught damage!

Syr Elenora + Wizard Class + Drawing

This one should speak for itself. Protect Syr Elenora with Shielding Plax if you get worried, but with */4 and Ward she's not a pushover either.

So that's it for a deck I built using only cards I already owned. Please feel free to leave comments!


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98% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

27 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.97
Tokens Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Goblin 1/1 R, Illusion 1/1 U w/ Illusion Tribal, Kraken 9/9 U, Skeleton 1/1 B, The Atropal, Monarch Emblem, Treasure
Folders Yes
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