Unexpected Results

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unexpected Results


Shuffle your library, then reveal the top card. If it's a nonland card, you may cast it without paying its mana cost. If it's a land card, you may put it onto the battlefield and return Unexpected Results to its owner's hand.

ILuvMtg on Cheating Costs With Jodah!

1 year ago

kimosabe, Thank you!

Apex Devastator is a tad expensive for me, although I’d love to have it. I’ll probably add Emergent Ultimatum. Unexpected Results is a maybe.

kimosabe on Cheating Costs With Jodah!

1 year ago

Hey there ILuvMtg I like your take Jodah. Not as creature heavy as most builds I've seen. Emergent Ultimatum comes to mind. Apex Devastator is also pretty... well.. devastating. And if you're looking for just a fun card Unexpected Results never know what you'll hit. I also have a Jodah sorcery deck see $5 Foot Long (Jodah) for more inspiration.

Good luck

philosopher on Green splash on colorless canvas

3 years ago

Hello Morenoftheflag,

I found a deck that seth/saffronolive played and below are some lands that will help: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/2569192#paper

Shrine of the Forsaken Gods is good in the late game.

Nephalia Academy is good against thoughtseize decks.

Mage-Ring Network lets you store colorless mana.

Castle Garenbrig gets you 2 extra green mana

Unexpected Results is the only way cheat out an eldrazi in pioneer, that I know of, so this is a reason to splash blue to get your big bois out.

I hope this helps,


Blobby_Bobby on Sneaky snake

3 years ago

Unexpected Results, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Boundless Realms may deserve an eyeball. Trygon Predator is a lot of utility for Simic.

Magnanimous on Pioneer No Mana Cost

4 years ago

Aetherworks Marvel, Unexpected Results, Omniscience all fit the description but aren't great.

Reanimation like Blood for Bones and Bond of Revival could work if you just wanted to beat down with huge threats.

I'm guessing the Expertise series, Electrodominance, and As Foretold aren't what you're looking for.

Dubious Challenge, Madcap Experiment, Jalira, Master Polymorphist, and Dreamshaper Shaman also work.

limitsoflogic on Tireless pilgrimage

4 years ago

Very nice deck!

I'm especially impressed that you built a Golos without a bunch of timmy moves to exploit his free cast ability. Most Golos decks are just sucker-punch strategies that punish you for being too dumb to take out Golos. But this one actually works with or without him!

(Also Unexpected Results , yaay!)

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