Unquenchable Thirst

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unquenchable Thirst

Enchantment — Aura

When Unquenchable Thirst enters the battlefield, if you control a Desert or there is a Desert card in your graveyard, tap enchanted creature.

Enchanted creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.

Argy on The Pioneer Blues

3 years ago

Due to you taking so much time to comment on this deck, TriusMalarky I'll explain why I didn't like these other card suggestions.

Runner's Bane - being able to pin down larger creatures is sometimes essential. I've found this to be so against Enchantment decks, for example.

For this reason Bind the Monster is also not a good way to go. I often win games by only one or two points, so every bit of life loss counts. It's one of the reasons why this deck is Mono Blue.

Unquenchable Thirst - I don't wish to add any Deserts to the deck, as that will dilute my mana base too much. It's stretched as is. I also can't afford to have an opponent creature with Vigilance, that I can't lock down.

That leaves our friend, Singing Bell Strike

TriusMalarky on The Pioneer Blues

3 years ago

Fair. On Claustrophobia, I feel like you could consider Runner's Bane or Singing Bell Strike over it, or even Bind the Monster or Unquenchable Thirst , but that's debatable.

atomazoid on Merfolk return

6 years ago

This might just be me, but I'd take Unquenchable Thirst out of your sideboard. Unless I missed something, you only have four deserts, Hashep Oasis, so even if you slotted then in your main board, there's still a low chance of that happening. I'd replace it with a more versatile card removal card.

BlaineTog on Can't Touch This -- $11 Mono-Blue Unblockable

7 years ago

The conclusion I've come to about Prying Blade is that it's win-more. If you're doing well and can go shields-down to equip it, then it'll help you snowball the game with a quicker City's Blessing, which is nice but you were in a good position to win anyway. If you're doing poorly, you often can't even equip it until it's too late to help. Honed Khopesh is never quite as strong as Prying Blade can be, but it's never as weak, either. It can even help you block reasonably well in a pinch. All in all, Khopesh's flatter power curve makes it more consistent, and consistency is key.

Warkite Marauder is such a spicy card but I don't see it doing much for us. We don't need it to shrink down blockers and since we don't have hard removal, we can't usually take advantage of its ability all that well either. Marauder would be an all-star in some UB or UR Flying Pirates deck but I'm just not seeing much use for it here. Rest assured, though, I hella want to make that Pirates deck. I'm just waiting for the prices to drop low enough.

I agree with you about heavy hitters being a problem. You basically have to rely on a combination of bounce and counterspells -- extremely precarious. Waterknot is very tempting, but 3 mana is just so much for this deck. I'd really like to be able to make Unquenchable Thirst work but we're severely pinched on Deserts that would work for us. We really need all our lands to produce Blue mana and to come into play untapped, so that sticks up with just Ipnu Rivulet, which I guess might be nice tech against Approach decks but is otherwise just a very painful Island.

I don't know. For now, I'm hoping Admiral's Order might be enough to deal with bigger dudes, or maybe Sea Legs or Aether Meltdown can slow them down enough for us to outrace them. Or better yet, maybe we'll get something neat from Dominaria.

TheOrakle on U/G(Simic) Pioneer Merfolk

7 years ago

Great deck, I really want to play merfolk when RIX comes out! I didn't playtest or anything, but looking at the list, I would take out the Merfolk Branchwalker and Mimic, which is essentially a worse Deeproot Elite, for more protection (Swift Warden) and /or Tempest Caller as a finisher, which would also smooth out your mana-curve. Deeproot Elite is better than Mimic because a) you choose where the counter goes, it doesn't have to be on the creature that entered, b) relevant type outside the battlefield, too (for Silvergill Adept). You could, if it doesn't hurt too much, run playsets of Hashep Oasis and Ipnu Rivulet, which tap for the same mana as Forests and Islands, respectively, but ping you for it, but they have additional effects, and you could also run Unquenchable Thirst with them for removal that would be sided out against Energy decks.

+1, great deck, you see the power in Mist-Cloaked Heralds, love this brew and the idea behind it.

Toxicat on Flying Sneks and Diles

7 years ago

Hey, thx for your interest. =D

I like some of your ideas, the deck is more consistent in your version.

Naga Vitalist / Attune with Aether > Ranging Raptors

dive down > Blossoming Defense =)

Pounce > Cartouche of Strength (or half/half because trample)

basics for duals

But I dont wanna lose Ramunap Hydra (reach + vigilance and in best case 5/5), Haze of Pollen (won me some games when racing) and reaction-controll-stuff like Unquenchable Thirst (because I am bad with open mana for instants. xD)

At first I wanted some flying to be more unblockable, but sometimes even the way through air is blocked, so unblockable may help.

And I added enchantment hate, since I always lost to Authority of the Consuls

Original deck Toxicats Simic

FullmetalWes on Bad Bogles -- $7 / 1.5 tix Hexproof creatures

7 years ago

Yeah I'd totally cut out Larger Than Life. Unquenchable Thirst is a great choice! Works well with the benefaction too!

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