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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Protean Raider
Creature — Shapeshifter
Raid - If you attacked with a creature this turn, you may have Protean Raider enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.

Flarhoon13 on
Admiral Beckett Brass' High Seas Robberies
4 months ago
Having completed my quest to play all 52 of my decks, I decided to try getting a win with all of my decks.
Aug 30
Admiral Beckett Brass' High Seas Robberies loss. Used Dockside Extortionist to get 8 treasures, Daring Discovery--which discovered Glaring Spotlight--let me steal a Blightsteel Colossus from Ba's The Infamous Cruelclaw after cloning it with Protean Raider. Benjamin's dragons hit me hard and Blaine's Gev, Scaled Scorch lizard deck just whittles everyone down. 0-2
mrweaselman on
Booty Raiders
3 years ago
You're going to want to set your format to I believe Pioneer, with the cards you're running at the moment.
Take out Brineborn Cutthroat and Protean Raider. They're not all that good in pirate tribal. Take out Wily Goblin for more card draw like Chart a Course, it's going to be better late game and you're not really trying to ramp into a big finisher a turn early anyways.
If you go 4 Forerunner of the Coalition you can basically go toolbox with a similar list to what you have. Otherwise I would down to 6-8 separate pirate cards.
Imo the best pirates are Spectral Sailor, Dire Fleet Daredevil, Kitesail Freebooter, Ruin Raider, and Admiral Beckett Brass. Probably 3-4 of each of those + 4 Forerunner of the Coalition for toolbox, and 1 of each other pirate you want to include.
Fiery Cannonade is better in the sideboard. Swap in against tokens or small creature aggro.
While not explicitly pirates, Angrath, the Flame-Chained is better than Angrath, Minotaur Pirate. I try to stay away from the planeswalker deck planeswalkers. Although you could run Angrath's Fury and keep the deck like the precon I suppose.
v1rg1le on
$10.00 Pirate Tribal: Admiral Beckett Brass
4 years ago
Great budget deck, thanks a lot ! And gwengwengwen great idea adding Protean Raider to get double Beckett or copy a big threat
I also personally added Rogue's Passage for added evasion and Bident of Thassa for card draw
EngineNumber9 on
5 years ago
Hey bud, got a few things that may interest ya:
- Deadeye Plunderers - Gets bigger for every treasure/artifact you own and makes them. Big time synergy.
- Protean Raider - Cheap pirate mimic. Thematic win combined with flexibility.
- Spell Swindle - Treasure generation X Counterspell.
- Storm the Vault Flip - A must include if you want Treasure synergy. This bad boy will fix you with treasure, then give you an op land.
- Unspeakable Symbol - Instant speed counter distribution that costs no mana. Need to kill a bitch? Pay all your life into an unblocked scurvy boi. Need to save someone with Marchesa/save Marchesa? This has your back; highly recommended.
- Forge of Heroes - You know Marchesa brings herself back to life with her own ability too? You do now. This land ensures she's protected straight away.
Looking at your mass mutiny, I see you want to steal peoples things en masse. Here's some other suggestions for good cards of that ilk (Because frankly, they're pretty much alternate win cons/Marchesa steal opportunities)
Mob Rule
Harness by Force
Press into Service
Reins of Power
hungry000 on
But Why Is Rum Gone?!
5 years ago
I think you should cut Metallic Mimic and Protean Raider to fill the playsets of Dire Fleet Captain , Dire Fleet Poisoner , Warkite Marauder and Kitesail Freebooter . Decent standalone cards like Kitesail are better than Mimic in Vial decks; Mimic is better in low to the ground aggro decks since you can get more value out of it by playing 1-drops. You could, of course, fill out the one-drops but it looks like you're going for a more midrangey style so Mimic is just worse than the other pirates you could play. Cutting Protean Raider is just to keep the curve closer to 2 so Vial isn't as awkward.
Yesterday on Are 'as this enters' and …
5 years ago
A few questions here.
Mox Diamond has a replacement effect applying if it would enter the battlefield, ultimately allowing it to enter the battlefield. It enters the battlefield at the same time as it would if it didn't have a replacement effect.
So I'm drawing a parallel for instant and sorcery spells — effects which say to do something 'as you cast an instant or sorcery spell' ( Splicer's Skill ) or 'as you cast this spell' ( Anoint ). So these are also replacement effects, right? They take you casting the spell and replace it with you casting the spell + another effect? As I understand it, this makes sense because some cards ( Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder ) would need these effects to apply before triggers would go on the stack from casting their respective spells.
Are all 'as ~ enters the battlefield' effects also replacement effects? I know Clone is. Is Thunder-Thrash Elder ? Is Master Biomancer ?
Also, I regret waiting so long to ask this section of this question, but I discovered a related oddity while playing Magic: Arena about a month ago. We were playing one of the weird game modes allegedly related to the War of the Spark storyline, where each player starts the game with a Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Avatar emblem. There was a creature on each side of the battlefield, and I activated the emblem, getting a Clone creature (one of Mirror Image / Protean Raider / Spark Double ), and wasn't given the option to have the token enter as a copy of another creature.
I was looking up rulings, and on Prototype Portal on Gatherer (as imprinting a Phyrexian Metamorph would also result in creating a clone token), it mentions "Any “as [this permanent] enters the battlefield” or “[this permanent] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the exiled card will also work."
Is there a ruling that I'm not understanding here? Or do I understand correctly, but this must be a case of either there's an Arena oversight or I must be misremembering?
malevolentanus on
Izzet control
5 years ago
Also for your mana curve I think if you want more 2 drops you might consider running 4 of Young Pyromancer and then maybe adding a flexible card like Izzet Charm . You can counter a non creature spell, do some spot removal, or get to your top end faster in 1 card. You could just cut a few 3 drops. My first cuts would be Protean Raider , or Call to Mind or Unwind . If you want more cards on your top end Ral, Storm Conduit might be good as a one or two of.
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