Metropolis Reformer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Metropolis Reformer

Creature — Angel Cleric

Flying, vigilance

You have hexproof. (You can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

When Metropolis Reformer is dealt damage, you gain that much life.

TheoryCrafter on Liesa but Angels

3 months ago

If an Orzhov Angel Stompy deck is your objective I concur with multimedia's suggestions about ramp and draw. To add to ramp abilities, may I suggest adding Starnheim Aspirant? It will not only feed into Righteous Valkyrie, but get yer angels on the battlefield sooner. I also concur about the removal of Legion Angel. As a non singleton format, you can't keep extra cards in your sideboard unless they specifically state that you can have any number in your deck.

Speaking of wish cards, some players get salty about wishboards. You may want to find an alternate card for Sparring Regimen to switch in just in the event you have problems with someone and decide it's not worth the arguments. To make wishboard access a tad stronger may I suggest adding Mastermind's Acquisition to your deck? It will allow you to pull another lesson from outside the game or to search your library.

Considering your commander enables casting and, by extension etb triggers, and you have a lot of blink effects, you should consider having Seraph Sanctuary in your deck for the lifegain. And since you have a death trigger in your commander, Teysa Karlov could be a help throwing off counter spells that target triggered abilities.

I also noticed the inexpensive controlling aspects of your deck are largely inexpensive exile cards that benefit the target's controller. I see two options for you. The first is to replace those out. Revoke Existence and Soul Tithe are examples of options if yer interested. In fact, these would make make great additions to what you already have. The second is adding Divine Visitation. If you end up having to use those exile cards on your own stuff then you'll be able the turn them into angels. It also will also allow Halo Fountain to feed into the Enchantment. All of this of course will feed into Seraph Sanctuary.

Speaking of control, I would recommend having Angels that can do that job would help to solidify the tribal aspect of your Angel deck. This would include, but not be limited to Angel of Finality(for decks strong in graveyard interaction) and Metropolis Reformer(Gives you hexproof).Since you already have an angel with landfall in your deck, that would give you the opportunity to add another. Admonition Angel will allow you to exile more creatures.

Speaking of landfall, if you choose to add Divine Visitation, May I suggest adding Emeria Angel? These cards together would feed into Seraph Sanctuary. Also, if you wish to lean a bit more into landfall you should consider more cards you can sacrifice for basic lands. These include, but are not limited to, Esper Panorama, Fabled Passage and Obscura Storefront. These should help with landfall triggers and maybe free up a card somewhere else.

I understand this is a lot. Regardless of which direction you choose to take for this deck you are off to an awesome start. Thank you for reading me out and I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

raspberryfish25 on Linvala, Giada, & Akroma

4 months ago

Hey I stumbled upon your deck and I figured I would give you some feedback. Overall, I really like your Giada deck but I worry that your mana curve might be to high especially since you are in white. have you looked at switching out some of your higher mana costed cards for lower CMC cards? Here are a few cards I run in my Giada deck that are lower CMC and have really packed a punch


Dowsing Dagger  Flip: Easy to flip because all your creatures have evasion.

Sword of the Animist: Gives you consistent ramp every turn.

Land Tax: While not technically ramp does a great job making sure you never miss your land drops and allows you to thin your deck of basic lands as the game goes on. I think Land Tax works well in a deck like this because of the large amount of basic lands you are running.

Card Draw

Mask of Memory: Since your creatures have evasion it is very easy to have it trigger each turn.

Conjurer's Mantle Same as Mask of Memory but also gives one of your Angels vigilance and +1/+1 which is more relevant than you would realize.

Horn of the Mark: What makes this card so unique is you get to draw a card for each opponent you attack with two creatures so you can draw up to 3 cards per turn.

Pyre of Heroes: While technically not card draw does allow you to "trade up" your weakest angel for another angel from your deck with one higher CMC


Together Forever: I can't express how strong this card has been in my deck. Since Giada is putting +1/+1 counters on your angels you can pull all your angels back to your hand in the event of a board wipe.

Win Conditions

Aetherflux Reservoir: Works well with your lifegain effects in your deck and allows you another outlet to utilize all the life you are gaining.

Angels to Consider

Wojek Investigator, Angel of Jubilation, Angelic Field Marshal, Firemane Commando, Serra Paragon, Thraben Watcher, Metropolis Reformer, Angel of Vitality, Serra Avenger, Segovian Angel, and Sephara, Sky's Blade. Most of those angels will help to lower your curve and allow you to play your angels faster.

Angels I Would Remove

Akroma, Angel of Wrath: Unless she is in there for flavor she cost way too much for what she brings to the table. Consider replacing her with Sephara, Sky's Blade.

Angel of the Dire Hour: Requires you to hold up to much mana, run an extra board wipe instead.

Angel of the Ruins: Same as above, she cost too much for the effect she brings.

Angelic Arbiter: I would only run her if you were going to double down on stax otherwise I think she is over costed.

Other Cards I Would Remove

Parhelion II: Cool card but to high of a CMC for the payoff.

Quicksilver Amulet: 8 mana to play and cheat out a creature seems like a lot. I think if you end up lowering your CMC of your deck this card will become worse.

Return to Dust: I would replace with Heliod's Intervention roughly gives you the same effect but will let you kill additional enchantments or artifacts if necessary, plus the lifegain can be helpful in your deck since you have a lot of lifegain payoffs.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

11 months ago

am3ience : Doesn't look like Guerric has been on in over a year so his list is a little outdated. He also made some budget choices. Depending on the power level of your pod you may want to look at stronger support. I've been playing Giada semi-regularly since release and my list has evolved over time:

There a few notable angels in the year since this list:

Inspiring Overseer - while it released the same time as Giada, Guerric didn't include it. When you're going for a blink theme and Sword of Hearth and Home is out then you can essentially gain life and draw an extra card once per turn.

Guardian of Ghirapur - if you have any ETB effect angels then this one can help immensely. Or if you picked up Throne of Eldraine then you can reset it, leaving 4 white up on opponents turns which is typically the magic number for protection.

Metropolis Reformer - It's a cheap angel at 2W, has vigilance as a keyword, provides us hexproof from targeted spells and semi-lifegain from blocks or a Blasphemous Act

Firemane Commando - While it's a 4 drop it provides much needed draw off attacks which you should be doing every turn.

Roaming Throne - Not technically an angel but it doubles all the triggers. If you check my list I have categories of Angel Triggers. Anything with the keywords "At, When, or Whenever" will be doubled. Unfortunately it doesn't double Giada herself as that's a replacement effect but it can still get out of hand very quickly.

Wojek Investigator - Also a cheap angel at 2W with vigilance and usually a free clue every turn I'd consider it a strict upgrade over Angelic Sleuth. However, if you need more card draw support I'd personally pick Esper Sentinel, Archivist of Oghma or The One Ring.

I didn't add Aurelia's Vindicator or Merchant of Truth because their abilities don't justify the mana cost.

If you like Aurelia's Vindicator ability I'd recommend Angel of Serenity as the Disguise cost and ability is the same as Serenity but you don't have to jump through hoops of turning it face up. Also, you can target it with an Ephemerate or Teleportation Circle to get more than one usage out if it.

corndiggitydog on Help ME make the ULTIMATE damage deck

1 year ago

Beebles Thank you for the reply! I can tell you played this deck a lot. I appreciate the thoughtful advice.

I think the addition of damage based board wipes is awesome. I find myself having a redirect boy on the battlefield with indestructible but missing either lifelink or Sunsteel. So having a big amount of damage to get some value out of my board state is important.

Ahh yeah with Metropolis Reformer I was thinking it was the same function in the combo as Lifelink. But Reformer and a Pariah effect is a dope pillow fort type lock.

Now time to start breaking the deck down again!

BlobHobbit on

1 year ago

In terms of your maybeboard Shalai, Voice of Plenty is a worse version of Sigarda, Font of Blessings at this point so I wouldn't bother with it. Surge of Salvation is cool but it would be a mostly dead draw if you already have Sigarda and you're probably going to be sidedecking Shapers' Sanctuary anyway as an Angels deck.

Metropolis Reformer is cool but it doesn't do enough for you compared to putting in Skyclave Apparition. Personally, I would swap alll copies of Metropolis Angel for copies of Skyclave Apparition. That way you get a more broadly targeting removal than Fateful Absence while putting another creature on the board to make the most of Righteous Valkyrie.

Errant and Giada doesn't do anything for you that Sigarda isn't already doing and you can get away with adding at least one more copy of Sigarda since it's such a high priority removal target for your opponenent that getting two in one game is okay in most match-ups. Also it let's you play Bishop of Wings from the top of your deck which Errant and Giada doesn't.

Aside from that I would say that putting in a fourth copy of of Kayla's Reconstruction and another copy of Nykthos definitely needs to be done. Additionally, if you're taking my advice and getting rid of Errant and Giada then you no longer need the blue mana and so you should really play some combination of fast/pain lands along with at least one copy of Mutavault to help kill your opponent. Emeria's Call  Flip is another possibility mana wise as it has good late-game utility while expanding your land base a little.

I feel I may be a bit harsh but that would be my advice for improving this deck.

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