General's Regalia

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

General's Regalia


(3): The next time a source of your choice would deal damage to you this turn, that damage is dealt to target creature you control instead.

freezerboy on Does card:General's Regalia and card:Jade …

3 months ago

This is a little complicated because I run Zirda, the Dawnwaker, but say I have a General's Regalia, Furnace of Rath and Jade Monolith in play with a bunch of mana free. Something I own deals damage to myself like tapping a Ancient Tomb, and I redirect it to one of my creatures like Boros Reckoner, can I then tap 1 each time the damage is redirected to keep exponentially increasing the damage till I shoot a player for lethal?

sergiodelrio on Finding similar cards...

10 months ago

There's also General's Regalia, Nova Pentacle and Shimian Night Stalker but the Stalker is kind of weird

Raging_Squiggle on What to do against Rakdos, …

3 years ago

Is the Problem combat damage? If so, Maze of Ith, Glacial Crevasses, and General's Regalia, and Forcefield all work at stopping that. Otherwise, preemptive effects:

Blood Moon, Roiling Vortex (if they cast a colorless creature for free), Ruination, Ensnaring Bridge, and threaten effects.

king-saproling on

5 years ago

Hi BMHKain. You are an interesting person haha. Well I can't reject the call of duty. Here's what I would swap:

Elsha of the Infinite --> Light of Sanction
Jaya Ballard --> Arcbond
Alter Reality --> General's Regalia
Comet Storm --> Sunforger
Banefire --> Ashling the Pilgrim
Time Wipe --> Hammerfist Giant
Winds of Abandon --> Jeskai Ascendancy
Karma --> Kormus Bell
God-Eternal Kefnet --> Spark Double
Fanning the Flames --> Warmonger
Counterspell --> Narset's Reversal
Swords to Plowshares --> Quasiduplicate
Enlightened Tutor --> Idyllic Tutor
Scour All Possibilities --> Bonus Round
Echo of Eons --> Docent of Perfection  Flip

Demarge on Kaalia

6 years ago

hmm description is very confusing, but it's a kaalia deck so I got lead to here.

I'm going to guess the deck is kinda budget focused and an angel tribal and will try to suggest cards along those lines (though really the best thing to do for this deck would be to upgrade the land base).

Blinding Angel can allow you to lock out a creature based opponent from getting combat steps.

Angel of Despair is removal on a winged stick, so is Angel of Serenity who also can work as a Gravedigger.

Boros Charm has quite a few functions, you can save your creatures from removal, turn your Armageddon into a one sided mass land destruction, or could give say a Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (also suggest, big dmg while also being good protection) double strike resulting in a 20 dmg swing (or more).

Cover of Darkness is an avoidance giving enchantment I've considered in the past with my Heavenly Rakdos back when I didn't have as many ways to give kaalia avoidance. In this heavier one tribe version you may see a lot more mileage out of it.

it seems you have a heavy indestructible focus on your angelic army, General's Regalia can help them protect you.

Spirits on Heartless Hidetsugu, the Maniac $50 EDH

6 years ago

Hi Funkydiscogod,

Thanks for the suggestion,

I've added it to my maybeboard, Grafted Exoskeleton is $1.50, so in a $50 budget restricted, it takes a significant role. It can eliminate any players with 20 or more life.

Another issue is that I have very limited protection, 6 to be exact. Only 3 of them, General's Regalia, Glacial Chasm, Pentagram of the Ages will work with Infect, Basilisk Collar, Fortune Thief, and Loxodon Warhammer won't. General's Regalia and Pentagram of the Ages have high activation costs too. Both of my budget tutors only pull Basilisk Collar or Loxodon Warhammer.

I would have to 1) Have enough mana to cast Heartless Hidetsugu, 2) Haste (If a cost like Swiftfoot Boots), 3) Equip Grafted Exoskeleton , 4) Protect (General's Regalia or Pentagram of the Ages ). Worst case need CMC12 to utilize.

I need Expedition Map to pull Glacial Chasm but at $3.65 it's tough.

I need some better protection, but need budget protection. If I can shore up, to 5 or 6 protection that protect against Infect then I think I can make it a viable play.

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