Fade from Memory

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fade from Memory


Remove target card in a graveyard from the game.

Cycling (Black) ((Black), Discard this card: Draw a card.)

multimedia on Big Black Deck (K'rrik)

5 years ago

Hey, yes Insidious Dreams is an underrated, underplayed, tutor and it's an instant. If you have or can get Yawgmoth's Will then definitely add it. I didn't see that you're playing Zombie Infestation and you're right it can make a Zombie for Gravecrawler as long as you have two cards to discard which can be faster than Dreadhorde Invasion. I'm honestly not a fan of Infestation, but if it's working for you then great.

Other ways to consider to make your deck more competitive is more speed. Lower the avg. CMC with more one drops; cards that make mana and/or cards that can draw. One drops that draw can draw you cards faster because you don't have to pay mana for them as well as put more counters on Krrik faster. One drops that make mana are helpful to make mana for colorless mana costs of cards to assemble combos faster.

Rain of Filth and Bubbling Muck are powerful when playing a lot of Swamps. Culling the Weak and Sacrifice is good with Krrik or other creatures. All four of these cards can be particularly helpful when you're trying to assemble Aetherflux + Citadel which needs seven colorless mana. Sacrifice makes seven mana by sacing Krrik. Krrik is not needed after you assemble this combo and Sacrifice is an instant. You can pay Phyrexian mana for Citadel, pay Phyrexian mana for Sacrifice, sac Krrik to then make mana to pay for the rest of the combo.

Black one drops that draw to consider (I'm honestly only a fan of Wisps): Aphotic Wisps, Cremate, Scarab Feast, Fade from Memory. Cycling can be paid for with Phyrexian mana.

For your current deck there's less reasons to play so many high CMC creatures because you're winning with combo. Vilis, Razaketh, Pontiff, Sidisi and Gray are the best here. Instead of playing others, you could replace them lower CMC cards or other tutors: Mastermind's Acquisition and Dark Petition which can find important combo pieces. Tutors taking up high CMC card spots can better advance your game plan of winning with a combo rather than just having a big creature on the battlefield.

AveragePlayer on Hogaak: My Favorite (Infinite) Combo Deck

5 years ago

And how about Soul of the Harvest and maybe even Spellbook ? and stuff that can control opponents gy? like Cremate Necrogenesis and Fade from Memory ? that way Living Death becomes a lot better

dingusdingo on None

5 years ago


I don't think you quite understand what I was trying to say. Black does have strong incremental draw power ( Dark Confidant Necropotence Phyrexian Arena Mindblade Render ), but for a combo deck that is trying to win on the a combo turn those cards aren't doing a lot besides +1 storm count. Black doesn't have a lot of efficient cards that read "draw cards". Blue has a whole host of cantrips that make storm a lot smoother, like Brainstorm Ponder Preordain Sleight of Hand and the like. Black has Night's Whisper and Sign in Blood , with more mediocre entries like Read the Bones or Ancient Craving . Black is lacking efficient storm draw, which is what Aetherflux Reservoir wants. The current best option for a K'rrik + Aetherflux deck is Ad Nauseum, at which point you might as well as be playing Sidisi for consistency and tutor in command zone.

No one is denying the draw power of any of the cards you listed, but please read for context. EoT trigger with Necropotence isn't doing a lot with Aetherflux when you need to be drawing and playing 15 cards for your kill on the same turn, because of 7 card hand size and exile clause you'll never have the gas in hand from JUST necro to get to 15 spells. Obviously the card would still get slotted in the deck for hand refill but don't get it twisted dude. When I say black needs better card draw for the deck, I'm being serious. Density of small black cantrips that would make an aetherflux reservoir deck work just aren't there, and the ones available don't allow you to shave enough CMC off with this commander to make playing them worthwhile. Having big draw bombs like Necro is great, but using a tutor to get to Necro is a waste when it should be finding DD or Aetherflux, and the draw effects don't dig deep or don't give scry, making it harder to draw/topdeck into the Necro.

Posts like these are why I wish tappedout had a seperate cEDH forum. No reason to incredulously "did I just read a sTrInG oF wOrDs?" or hyperlink banned cards. You didn't add anything to this conversation dude.


Life isn't nearly as important in EDH as you make it out to be, its a resource you have an abundance of and decks can't pressure 40 fast enough for aggro to be relevant. The problem isn't the life total for Doomsday, its what I said above, lack of black cantrips. Without a good pile cracker in hand or board, you're going to either have to Doomsday and pass (loss) or simply wait for your topdeck/card advantage to bring you a pile cracker. You do make a good point that the piles don't have a lot of flexibility though, its pretty much the pile I listed or a Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + Exsanguinate pile. Mono Black DD piles also run into the problem of crumpling under any interaction, which makes them not very appealing.


The use of Barren Moor is a great find. There are a small handful of 1 CMC black cycling cards, Fade from Memory Horror of the Broken Lands Lurching Rotbeast Razaketh's Rite Scarab Feast with an honorable mention to Gempalm Polluter and Street Wraith . Unfortunately most of these run into the problem of digging 1 card for 1 mana and being low card quality outside cycling, but this definitely opens up some deckbuilding ideas.

Hobbez9186 on Outrageous Misfortune

8 years ago

It really puts the screws to those that like to draw cards like all those B/W control decks. They typically have answers to your creatures, but not necessarily your Enchantments.

Also, sorry... Dark Ritual is not Modern Legal... That is all kinds of lame...

Ok, so now I'm card searching and see some options to use like:

Augur of Skulls. Regenerate on a Flyer is a fantastic chump blocker, but being able to just sac him to force 2 discards whenever you want can be clutch. He's also cheap enough to Disentomb and immediately replay. Hell, if you had 5 mana you could play him and use him twice on the same turn :)

Blackmail is another powerful spell that I actually like a lot better than Duress. No wonder it's listed at $3 a piece lol.

Call to the Netherworld is Disentomb with a crazy Madness mechanic. It's Modern Legal, absolutely no reason to not trade those out.

Cry of Contrition is a fun spell to play on Black Cat, but would also work pretty well on Augur of Skulls.

Despise is another good alternative to Duress that can target Planeswalkers. I'd say good for sideboard.

Drainpipe Vermin is kind of fun.

Dream Salvage is an interesting option to help speed you up after the first few turns.

Fade from Memory would be good against Delve or Reanimation in the sideboard.

Funeral Charm was such a fun little card, I forgot about this guy...

Hypnotic Specter is apparently Modern legal. I didn't expect that, and he may be good to split with Master of the Feast with two of each in the deck.

Liliana of the Veil is a... holy crap she's over $100 lol. Nevermind :)

Quest for the Nihil Stone does.. wait, back up. Damn. Modern legal and stacks just fine with The Rack. You can put two counters on that on turn 2 if you play and sacrifice Augur of Skulls. This makes the discard engine much more of a machine than the draw engine, but holy cow.

I'm not even going to finish the alphabet here, I think I have your answer.

+2 Quest for the Nihil Stone, -2 Underworld Dreams

+2 Hypnotic Specter, -2 Master of the Feast

+4 Augur of Skulls, -2 Black Cat, -2 Ravenous Rats

+4 Blackmail (or Funeral Charm or two of each), -4 Duress

+2 Dream Salvage, -2 Fate Unraveler

+4 Call to the Netherworld, -4 Disentomb

+2 Drainpipe Vermin, -2 Black Cat or Ravenous Rats.

I'd say Vermin is slightly better than Black Cat since you can force the trigger to happen and Ravenous Rats is still a good drop to force a card. The timing part of Drainpipe Vermin though for the same cmc might make it better to have 4 of them instead. Drop and immediately trigger or wait if they don't actually have any cards and trigger as soon as they draw one. Augur and Vermin also can act in response to control, so that should give you a little more bite.

For Black, the Discard mechanic is definitely easier to force than draw so it makes sense to focus heavier on that than right in the middle. I still like Sign in Blood with Fate Unraveler + Underworld Dreams and since they will draw at least one card per turn no matter what it is still a decent output of damage every turn. Hopefully all of that didn't discourage you from keeping the dream alive, but after digging through all the options that Modern has to offer, I think this is a good way to go.

smackjack on The Euler Line

9 years ago

The Delve part of the strategy just for removing one card just seems klunky.. There are much better ways to exile the hedron. Beckon Apparition, Cremate, Ebony Charm, Fade from Memory, Harvest Pyre and Headstone all exiles the hedron from your graveyard without having to meet the requirements of delve. Don't underestimate the option to exile their Reanimate or Snapcaster Mage target, something that is very relevant in legacy and that Delve cant do.