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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target player reveals his or her hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.

Curstdragon on Creeping Death

1 year ago

9-lives Distress is just as budget without the legendary restriction but I've got so much creature spot removal that the extra mana cost isn't worth it for the potential loss of extort mana in the early game. I appreciate the input regardless.

jaminfine on Prossh / Food Chain

2 years ago

Consider adding some all-out attack cards like Overrun, Triumph of the Hordes, or Overwhelming Stampede. Prossh comes out with a bunch of 0/1s, but they can be more than just chump blockers and sac fodder! You did it right with Beastmaster Ascension, as that does kind of a similar thing, but I think the trample that these sorceries have is super important. It's the difference between becoming a giant threat that your opponents have a turn to block and then respond to, versus killing them on that same turn. A casual table might groan at the poison counter victory though!

Consider removing Charnelhoard Wurm because it doesn't have much synergy with the deck. It looks a little big and a little scary, but maybe not enough to justify the mana cost.

Consider removing Inquisition of Kozilek because it is just a worse version of other cards in your deck that do a similar thing. For that matter, if you find yourself playing multiplayer games more than 1v1s, you might want to also take out Duress, Thoughtseize, and Distress because they scale very poorly in multiplayer. If you find yourself playing 1v1 most often, take out Mass Mutiny instead.

Consider adding Nullmage Shepherd for some great repeatable removal.

Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, Darksteel Plate, and Champion's Helm can be great additions for protecting Prossh and a couple of those give him haste which is super good.

Prossh and other token decks also love to have Parallel Lives and/or Doubling Season in them for double the tokens!

DemonDragonJ on Phyrexianized Versions of Existing Cards

4 years ago

Now that Phyrexian mana exists, I feel that WotC has not truly used that mechanic to its fullest potential, so I shall make some Phyrexianized versions of existing cards, and I hope that everyone likes them.

Praetor's Disdain Show

This card is obviously modeled after Cancel or the original Counterspell; I had originally planned to have it cost only , but that would have made it far too powerful, so I increased it.

Praetor's Scorn Show

Thus far, there has never been a card that uses multiple colors of Phyrexian mana, so I have made such a card, which is modeled after Utter End, but it only destroys a permanent, rather than exiling it, to prevent it from being strictly better than the other card. Alternatively, I could increase the cost to and keep it as an exile effect.

Praetor's Spite Show

This card is modeled after Thoughtseize, Distress and Duress; I originally planned to have it cost , but I then thought that it would be too powerful, in that case.

Praetor's Shield Show

This card is modeled after Righteous Aura, and I was originally planning to have the casting cost be only , but I increased it to prevent it from being too powerful. I am not worried about the activated ability being capable of being used for no mana, because a player will not pay 4 life unless the source of damage that they wish to prevent will deal at least 4 damage.

Phyrexian Replicator Show

This card is obviously modeled after Doubling Season, but I increased the cost to prevent it from being strictly better than that card.

Phyrexian Purge Show

This card is modeled after Planar Cleansing, and I am not worried about its casting cost, because I made it very mana-intensive; a player will pay 8 life to cast it only if they are very desperate.

Phyrexian Grimoire Show

This card is modeled after both Greed and Book of Rass (which, as a side note, really needs to be reprinted), so its casting cost is between the costs of those two cards. Its controller can draw cards for no mana, but 4 life is a high price for a single card.

Temporal Flux Show

I could not conceive of an impressive name for this card that contained the word "Phyrexian," so I used a name that had not yet been used for a card. I modeled it after Time Warp and Temporal Manipulation, but I increased its cost to prevent it from being strictly better than them.

Gitaxian Tome Show

This card references Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur and is modeled after both Jayemdae Tome and Arcane Encyclopedia.

Phrexian Blueprints Show

This card references Urza's Blueprints, and its overall cost is lower, because I feel that, if that card had been printed today, it would be less expensive due to power creep.

Phrexian Amulet Show

This card is modeled after Quicksilver Amulet.

Those are all the designs that I have conceived at this moment, so I shall post more as I conceive them, but what does everyone think of the cards that I have designed, thus far?

Digg_ on Jund Waste Not Breach

4 years ago

Maybe 4x Skizzik instead of Collective Brutality

4x Distress instead of Liliana's Caress

Also maybe some madness cards? If your going to be making yourself discard.

zephyr_chang on Rat Rack

5 years ago

You will most definitely need more removal. At least some Fatal Push ? And with the amount of discard you are running, Blackmail is probably better than either Distress or Horrifying Revelation . I would be careful of an opposing Chalice of the Void since this deck has many 1-CMC spells.

Archaos_the_Gemfish on Rat Rack

5 years ago

I run a similar deck actually. I like the rat theme too. However I would personally sideboard Distress and mainboard Burglar Rat instead and Smallpox for Inquisition of Kozilek . Maybe Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage would help too

jconeil1988 on **five color tokens under construction**

5 years ago

honestly, buddy. I think you are trying to stretch this too much. I would first try to cut down to 60 or closer by focusing on the main strategy, which seems to be the Presence of Gond + Midnight Guard combo. From there, you need to focus on how to protect that combo. 5 colors is not going to help this too much. Green and White are essential. I think you do need three colors here. Blue is an obvious choice to help protect the combo and supply draw to get to your peices, or, you could go Black. I'd personally go black because it allows you to still use Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and flashback a card you don't even have here, Lingering Souls . It also does allow you to protect your combo by giving you access to Duress and Distress . If it were me, I'd have a skeleton of this deck looking like this Nick's Tokens. Haven't figured it out too much, but you'd also want a 2-4 pieces of removal in it too.

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