Bonesplitter Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bonesplitter Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +2/+0.

Gidgetimer on Does Continues +X/+X damage buff …

2 years ago

I'm not sure what your question is, so I will just explain how the mentioned cards work and hope that it answers your question.

Let's assume you have Muscle Sliver and Bonesplitter Sliver out and you attack with them and only them in each of the following scenarios. Each is getting +2/+0 and +1/+1. Muscle Sliver will be a 4/2 and Bonesplitter Sliver will be a 5/3. Each will do their damage on the regular combat damage step for a total of 9 damage.

If we add in Striking Sliver each will do their damage on the first strike damage step for a total of 9 damage.

Removing Striking Sliver and substituting in Bonescythe Sliver each will do damage on both the first strike and normal combat damage steps for a total of 18 damage.

Continuing with Bonescythe Sliver being out and adding in Xenagos, God of Revels, at the beginning of combat you will give a creature +X/+X until end of turn, where X is its power. You chose the Bonesplitter Sliver because it is slightly larger. It gets +5/+5 and goes from being a 5/3 to a 10/8 until end of turn. Both slivers deal damage in the first strike damage step and the normal damage step for a total of 28 damage.

multimedia on Sliver Commander

4 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Slivers. Nice Morophon and Overlord :)

Command Tower and Exotic Orchard are two less than $1 each Rainbow lands that are staples for five color decks. Path of Ancestry is a fine tribal Rainbow land and it's been reprinted in Commander Legends. Sol Ring , Arcane Signet and Commander's Sphere are three budget staple mana rocks and all are reprinted in Commander Legends which will make Sol/Arcane close or even less than $2 each.

Quick Sliver lets you cast Slivers at instant speed and cascading at instant speed is powerful because timing restrictions for the card you get with cascade don't matter. Flash with Slivers is also good with Harmonic Sliver able to destroy an artifact or enchantment at instant speed. Crystalline Sliver maybe out of budget range at $7, but giving Shroud to all your Slivers protects them from targeted removal. Combine Crystalline with Sliver Hivelord to make your Slivers very difficult for your opponents to deal with. Shifting Sliver makes your Slivers unblockable in combat unless an opponent controls a Sliver.

Amoeboid Changeling is a Sliver since Changelings are all creature types, even if they're in your library or graveyard. Amoeboid combos with Sliver Overlord to gain permanent control of any creature an opponent controls since you change that creature before you gain control of it into a Sliver with Amoeboid. Mirror Entity is another Changeling and it's ability can change all Slivers power/toughness to any number equal to the amount of mana you pay. This can result in attacks with large powered Slivers and Entity has good interaction with Gemhide Sliver + Sentinel Sliver which lets you attack and then tap all your Slivers to make mana to activate Entity. Any anthem effects such as Muscle Sliver or +1/+1 counters that are on Slivers are also applied to the Sliver after you change the power/toughness with Entity.

Cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

KINGofORESKOS on A Sliver of Naya

6 years ago

Maybe add more Venom Slivers, Sentinel Slivers, and Predatory Slivers, as in the early game, they can dominate. Deathtouch can be extremely powerful with so many creatures, and having vigilance means you don't have to commit to attacking or defending. Predatory Sliver makes your slivers less susceptible to burn spells, and makes the weakest slivers, such as Manaweft Sliver and Striking Sliver more formidable. I don't like Battle Sliver, you would much rather just remove it and run 4 Megantic Slivers, since for 1 more mana you get an additional +1/+3. An obvious replacement is to take out Fury Sliver and add another Bonescythe Sliver. Last suggestions, increase the number of Constricting Slivers and decrease the number of Bonesplitter Slivers. Nice deck, keep up the good work, and I hope these suggestions help.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

6 years ago

OP_Sigma, DiabeticFire, always a joy to have you commenting. Bonesplitter Sliver, is...whelming. While it's not the greatest option in the deck, it can be useful sometimes like when you need to beef up your slivers to make yourself a less appealing target or when I've got Mana Echoes in play, and need a one color sliver to try and combo off on to have enough mana to play something else. Honestly, it's on the chopping block for when new slivers are produced. My hope is that we'll see some in the next core set. Sentinel Sliver was in this deck, but I think it was cut to make room for Swan Song. I think I may experiment and swap Bonesplitter Sliver for Sentinel Sliver.

As for Teferi's Protection, I'm currently experimenting with it. I have a revolving card slot between that, Swan Song (which is the current placeholder), and Damnation. I don't know which to really settle on. I think the next list of slivers produced will ultimately decide what i'll go with.

DiabeticFire on The Queen's Egg

6 years ago

OP_Sigma, I also am running a poor man's version of LVL_666's deck. As someone in the same camp, I wanted to bounce some ideas off of you.

I also have found Bonesplitter Sliver to be an underperformer, and have very seriously considered replacing it with Sentinel Sliver. I find that when I am not comboing out (my meta is really low power level, so I try not to do that too often), vigilance is a really helpful keyword to have. What say you?

I have yet to run Growing Rites of Itlimoc in any of my decks. What are your thoughts on it?

I find the flexibility of Disallow to be phenomenal. It is not too expensive and I would highly suggest you try it yourself for a few games.

Is Land Tax good in a five color deck? For that matter, I don't run it my selesnya deck with ~20 basic lands. I feel like you can find something stronger.

I love this deck so much! I'm so upset we don't get more toys in the upcoming set.

OP_Sigma on The Queen's Egg

6 years ago

Hey LVL_666!I'm kinda playing the poor man's version of your deck. Im using the exact same slivers for my tests, there's only Bonesplitter Sliver that I'm not sure aboud. Huge fan of Quick Sliver.

I only own Scrubland and Savannah, plus Im still mising Scalding Tarn and Marsh Flats. Been usingKrosan Verge instead.

I use Growing Rites of Itlimoc instead of Gaea's Cradle.

Memory Lapse instead of Disallow. I really like the 2 mana instead of 3, plus its pretty tempo.

And I'm running Rhystic Study and Land Tax just in case.

Plus, I just bought Vampiric bloodlust deck to have vanilla games. I'll have to playtest Teferi's Protection .

ZendikariWol on Ultimate Slivers Theme Deck

7 years ago

So first off, slivers CAN be good and not broken. The key is which you use. To achieve this end, here are a few slivers that would create a more solid gameplay experience but have an at least okay deck. I can help with the others too, but for now we'll talk about this.

Anything that just buffs the team: Predatory Sliver, Megantic Sliver, Might Sliver, Battle Sliver, Armor Sliver and Barbed Sliver, Blade Sliver, Bonesplitter Sliver, Muscle Sliver, and Sinew Sliver are all pretty cool, but a standout for me, a SUPER fun sliver to play: Firewake Sliver.

Abilities that aren't too broken include Blur Sliver, Belligerent Sliver, Cautery Sliver, Gemhide Sliver and Manaweft Sliver, Groundshaker Sliver, Heart Sliver, Leeching Sliver, Necrotic Sliver, Quick Sliver, Reflex Sliver, Sentinel Sliver, Striking Sliver, Syphon Sliver, Two-Headed Sliver, Venom Sliver.

Consider making this deck pauper? It would probably limit it enough to be fair.

Backinthefrey on Sliver modern

7 years ago

if you're willing to add some more expensive slivers, i would personally recommend the Bonescythe Sliver, as it doubles the damage output of your sliver, while allowing for them to stay alive. it also pairs well with the Bonesplitter Sliver to add some serious damage

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