Battering Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Battering Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures have trample.

JAPuckett85 on A Hive of Slivers

7 years ago

I have a sliver deck as well & will make a few suggestions if i may? Crystalline Sliver is by far the best sliver ever printed, imo, but he is not legal in Modern- & the next best thing is Diffusion Sliver! Diffusion Sliver &/or Opaline Sliver are crucial to playing slivers, since targeted removal is a sliver-deck's greatest enemy.. & unlike many sliver-abilities, their abilities actually stack, so with 2 Diffusion Slivers in play, a Path to Exile or Fatal Push or Lightning Bolt would cost FIVE mana just to take out one of your slivers.. I see you have 2 Diffusion Sliver, but since he is so important to keep your engine going, i personally prefer to run 3 of them (they are not aggressive enough to run 4x though, imo). Sentinel Sliver is amazing, & i would recommend 2x in every sliver deck! You can even attack, then use tapping abilities during 2nd Main Phase, effectively giving you a 2nd turn in comparison to running without him. Megantic Sliver is a total game-changer, and i have found 2x Megantic to be very very good. I run 4x Manaweft to be able to cast him, though, plus 1x Gemhide Sliver. Groundshaker Sliver is pretty bad.. I think Battering Sliver is actually better, but he is pretty bad too, imo.. I would cut them in fvor of Megantic Sliver. For a mana-base, 4x Sliver Hive is worth every penny, and 4 Ancient Ziggurat is nearly the same thing for about $1 (that is if you cut some of the sorceries, which i would personally cut all of them in favor of more slivers!). I think Spinneret Sliver is pretty terrible when you could be running Galerider Sliver as a 1-drop with a better ability. Predatory Sliver should be a 4-of, as should Sinew Sliver, which i am surprised to not see here. With 4x Venom Sliver, i would definitely recommend running at least 2x each of Striking Sliver & Bonescythe Sliver!! Another good card to run with the deathtouch is Quilled Sliver, though i wouldn't run more than 1-2 since his targets are limited to attacking/blocking creatures. Blur Sliver is ok, but i have found that cutting him is better- by the time you cast him, you should have other slivers in play, and every single sliver gives its ability to every other sliver, with or without the haste. I would rather give the slivers already in play more abilities instead of giving the cards yet to be played the ability to do the SAME THING as all the other slivers one turn earlier . Since it doesn't help with Predatory/Sinew's ability, i would cut Hardened Scales in favor of something like Collected Company. Harmonic Sliver is a must-have sideboard card, and i run 1x in my mainboard as well. Remember that Virulent Sliver has POISONOUS 1, not Infect- what this means is that your pump spells don't add any additional poison counters to your opponent; each sliver will only give them one poison counter when it connects (unless the pump is from Double Strike! More reason to play Bonescythe Sliver! That would double the poison counters as well). Anyways, sorry for the rant, but hopefully I've given you some ideas! I love slivers!! A couple more fun slivers as 1-ofs are Pulmonic Sliver and Telekinetic Sliver.. so many awesome abilities! Check out my Slivershod deck! My nephew played my Sliver deck against me with my Zombie deck and ended up swinging at me with 150+ damage at once, with Flying, Deathtouch, Double Strike, Lifelink, Indestructible, & a Diffusion Sliver!! That just shows how insanely out of hand they can get if they go un-checked. Good luck!

BlackGuildKnight on

7 years ago

If you are looking for a better option for Battering Sliver I would recommend Horned Sliver does the same thing for the same ability at a cheaper CMC. Btw looks like a great deck slivers are awesome.

wkli6 on Sliver Rush

7 years ago

Alright we are going to go through a few changes here that I think will help.

  1. Remove Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, his cost is far too high.

  2. Remove Groundshaker Sliver and in its place add Primal Rage.

  3. Remove Battering Sliver and add Skarrg Guildmage.

  4. Primal Vigor seems a bit out of place as it really only synergizes with Sliver Queen who isn't even
    your commander. I would remove it.

  5. Remove Hive Stirrings. It is not a very EDH viable card.

  6. I would recommend Coat of Arms. Be warned that it helps other players as well. Against a fellow tribal deck this may not be a great idea.

  7. Worldly Tutor is a godsend in a creature deck such as this.

That should be a good start to getting your deck more focused. You can't be afraid to remove sliver cards and replace them with enchantments that do the same thing as some slivers are severely overcosted.

Chino90 on Sliver Deck

7 years ago

Cut Virulent Sliver. you dont want to have infect damage and regular damage mixed in the deck. It will delay your victory.

replace Winged Sliver with Galerider Sliver

add Diffusion Sliver or Crystalline Sliver for protection.

Darkheart Sliver against burn

Necrotic Sliver and/or Harmonic Sliver for removal

Heart Sliver for haste

And i concur with Snap157 on the striking sliver + venom combo

When doing slivers, you want to play as many as you can so you can add their benefits. Hence, it is preferable to have low cost slivers than expensive ones. For instance, Galerider Sliver already provides evasion in the form of flying; so Battering Sliver could be left out. Maybe replace it with Two-Headed Sliver. Horned Sliver is another option.

Finally, add some draw spells, so the slivers keep coming.

Fr0sty11 on Old Sliver deck found.. any …

7 years ago

So I'm unearthing some cards when i used to play back 5-6 years ago.

I came across a sliver deck i was building but never remember finishing or playing with.

Looks like it's mostly green and white silvers.

Any advice on slimming it down to 60 cards.

Or any cards that would be a good addition. Never played with a deck without any instants or enchanments.. Is this how sliver decks are though. Hard to remember what i was doing 6 years ago when i started building this deck LOL

Not totally sure how this deck wins.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.


Forest creatures

4 Muscle Sliver

4 Gemhide Sliver

3 Spinneret Sliver

2 Virulent Sliver

3 Horned Sliver

Plains creatures

4 Sinew Sliver

4 Ward Sliver

3 Pulmonic Sliver

3 Plated Sliver

3 Sidewinder Sliver

3 Essence Sliver

3 Talon Sliver

Mountain creature

1 Homing Sliver

1 Battering Sliver

Multi colored creature

3 Necrotic Sliver

1 Crystalline Sliver

4 Sliver Overlord


4 Ancient Ziggurat

10 plains

10 forest

Ghosty on 5-Color Pauper Hive (SLIVERS!)

8 years ago

Made proxies for home-play. Performs very nice. Hunter Sliver is really cool to remove opponent's creatures. I'd suggest add 2 more copies to sideboard.

And what do you think about Battering Sliver, Horned Sliver or Groundshaker Sliver?

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