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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Atog

Sacrifice an artifact: Atog gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

MrMortifex145 on Mono Black Control - 2022

2 years ago

Profet93 Thanks for the suggestion! The deal is that Chainer's Edict flashback becomes extremely relevant, I've been playing mono B for years and we never really had a strong card advantage engine so having singular cards that replace themselves or give card advantage becomes really fundamental, especially since this deck can really drag out games with all the removal, plus more removal late game can be really cluch since most decks now have singular chuncky boys as win cons (gone are the days of Atog + Fling thankfully). As for the life loss I 100% agree and I've always been against Snuff Out in mono B. However, now that turn 2 Tolarian Terror is a thing, having two Snuff Out in my experience does save some games since you don't have to wait for turn 4 to Cast Down it and hope they don't have a Counterspell or Spell Pierce. Before Tolarian Terror was meta, instead of Snuff Out I had the second Crypt Rats and Oubliette in the main and an Okiba-Gang Shinobi in the side. This would honestly be my favorite version, maybe when Tolarian Terror isn't so prevalent or if you don't play that much against it I would recommend these cards. Really appreciate that you like the deck!

arguslogos on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Alchemy Laboratory


When ~ enters the battlefield, create a Reagent token for each card type among permanents you control.

Whenever an artifact token is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you discard a card this way, draw a card. (Reagent tokens are artifacts that have ", sacrifice ~: Flip a coin. If you win the flip, put a +1/+1 counter or a charge counter on target permanent you control.")

Now that Reagent Tokens exist with the others, can you design a cross between Morphling and Atog to consume all the types of artifact tokens?

Chasmolinker on Budget Mirrodin Besieged

3 years ago

You could always add red for Atog as an additional win-con

Balaam__ on Balaam__

3 years ago

Chasmolinker I had a question about your latest Jund deck for modern. I’m just going to assume you’re correct in what I’m about to ask, so I guess I’m just looking for an explanation.

You mention that Atog can use the help provided by Awakening Zone, but atog specifies that it must be an artifact that’s sacrificed to pump it. Awakening zone just makes colorless Eldrazi tokens (the card itself doesn’t specify they count as artifacts). Is this a gap in my knowledge of the game rules? Are all colorless creatures or tokens considered artifacts, or am I missing something else here? Honest question; like I said my knowledge of the finer intricacies of the game isn’t all that great so there’s a big chance I’m unclear on something. In any case the deck looks great, well done.

lagotripha on Grixis Academy

3 years ago

Asmo does have some neat setups with artifact synergy - especially with engineer offering resurrection.

A big one I've worked with is Artificer's Intuition, while Riddlesmith can work it isn't where I like to take it.

Part of the reason I've found asmo a lot easier in budget brews is cycling lands - either Sojourner's Companion and artifact taplands or cycling derserts.

Blood Fountain has been surprisingly good in Atog style count artifact lists, and the discard is also there. Bomat Courier in more aggressive lists too.

And as always, a 1-of Trading Post is exceptionally good with food tokens.

lagotripha on Rakdos, the Ugin Engine

3 years ago

I've seen a few b/r artifact lists - from Slag Fiend / Atog brews, strategies that try and cheat Sundering Titan into play, and lots of random combos. Red and black have some really cool artifact-loving creatures and spells - from Wildfire to Disciple of the Vault .

If you are trying to use Embercleave you want 1 drops and go-wide. If you want engineer you want artifacts that like dying and coming back. If you want Gaduk you want to sacrifice artifact creatures and bring them back.

For this list, which wants to go to midrange and pressure life totals hard, I'd run Lightning Bolt + Galvanic Blast + Shrapnel Blast as the spells, and play a lot of 1-of creatures that make or like artifacts if I was going more casual, or grab an established value engine for artifacts if I was trying to be competitive. Having 9 points of burn in hand is a lot easier in artifact lists with red, and black does excellently at applying the pressure to force the life total that low.

Right now, MH2 has given modular a kick, so Arcbound Worker , Myr Scrapling , Sparring Construct . Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp are all still good without dipping into white. Scrapyard Recombiner is also neat. Its not the only option - there are a lot of cards that support artifacts in dealing damage or grinding out attacks - they've been printed in almost every set and they are good. Look at competitive lists sideboards to get a stronger idea of what is out there, or nab strong artifacts that rotate out of standard.

WolfShadowmancer on The Pog Atog - (Not Affinity!)

3 years ago

SmashRadiation Not exactly. Regeneration specifically negates the "Destroy" effect, not a creature dying (a.k.a. being put into a graveyard). Sacrificing a creature is different from that creature being destroyed. Both have the same result, a creature goes to the graveyard, but how they get there is different. That's why Diabolic Edict and other such edict effects are so good. You have to put it into the graveyard, no way around it. Fun fact, WotC used to call this "Burying" a creature because it got put into your graveyard without any arguments. Regeneration didn't work to save it. So if you ever see an old card with the word "Bury" on it, now you know that gets around regeneration and indesteuctible.

One way to make the combo work is with two Myr Retriever s and two Foundry Inspector s but that's a lot of hoops to jump through. If you're not strapped for cash, Ashnod's Altar and two retrievers is a more manageable combo, with Reckless Fireweaver or Impact Tremors on the field, but that gets away from the theme of your deck.

My advice is to go with a bunch of cheap artifacts that cantrip like Ichor Wellspring and Chromatic Star , fill up the Atog with fuel and let 'er rip with Fling / Temur Battle Rage . Definitely run Great Furnace and Darksteel Citadel for extra munchies. Your biggest threat is all the cheap removal that runs around in Pauper, so flinging might be the best way to go.

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