There Is No Cow Level!

Commander / EDH* Megalomania


MachoGau says... #1

I've been really intrigued by Leovold but I wasn't able to settle on a good deck theme so I ended up building Tasigur. That said, I love your decklist! Flusterstorm and Tendrils of Agony are amazing. I also really like your inclusion of Exploration over something like an Azusa, Lost but Seeking. I know I'm very picky about suggestions so the only thing I could recommend is really finding a place for that Cloud Key in your Maybeboard. I definitely like it over the Whispering Madness but that's just me :>

October 31, 2016 2:28 p.m.

Razulghul says... #2

Hey, I'd suggest possibly adding Lightning Greaves just because every time I've seen this commander hit the board there's 3 players instantly trying to remove it. I'm also not a huge fan of Beseech the Queen, the biggest downside besides the cost is that you have to reveal the searched for card and that can suck. Diabolic Tutor is better imo but others swear by it so meh.

Lastly kind of an out there suggestion, but Geth's Grimoire and Words of Waste are really nice when you are wheeling.

October 31, 2016 4:27 p.m.

Megalomania says... #3

Thanks for the comments and the upvotes.

MachoGau - Cloud Key is just a backup for Helm of Awakening so its inclusion will depend on how well the current number of wheel effects in the deck will perform upon actual playtesting. I prefer cutting Time Reversal over Whispering Madness because the latter sort of fits the curve better.

dlamars - you're probably right about Beseech the Queen. The only reason I am trying it is because of this deck's relatively low ave cmc. I might settle for Diabolic Tutor or for a Mystical Teachings if Bessech the Queen proves to be ineffective.

Lightning Greaves is okay but I think Kira, Great Glass-Spinner might be more effective since it is able to protect itself unlike the Greaves. But since I feel the need to add a bit more artifacts, i'll put it on my maybeboard. Any suggestions on what to cut?

October 31, 2016 9:07 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #4

How devoted of a storm deck are you planning on making this?

November 4, 2016 5:41 p.m.

Megalomania says... #5

It is to my deck what the DD lamban is to yours. Lol. I am using it because the basic Leovold concept kind of supports Insidious Dreams. I'm still thinking of an alternate win con. Any suggestions?

November 4, 2016 8:28 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #6

since your combo draws you out how about Laboratory Maniac? I have a damia combo deck that is rather unrefined but it is fun Mind Over Matter + enough draw from say Arcanis the Omnipotent could be a good back up combo for you if you find the need for an admittedly slower but additional combo to draw out.

November 12, 2016 6:38 p.m.

Megalomania says... #7

Thanks for thd comment and upvote, Bhaal666. LabMan is a very effective win con but as a matter of personal taste, I tend to stay away from using any card that says "you win the game". But somedays I do think of just substituting Tendrils of Agony with the LabMan. Maybe I should give it a try.

November 12, 2016 7:01 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #8

Stop pulling your punches :-) Try it out. Its literally the only win condition Leo does well.

November 13, 2016 9:11 p.m. Edited.

Lilbrudder says... #9

Aside from labman, the only tangible inprovements I can suggest at the moment cost alot of money.

November 13, 2016 9:32 p.m.

Megalomania says... #10

But isn't the DD/labman combo a much riskier win con than Tendrils? I mean it is a lot easier to assemble but you're practically going all in with DD. The current combo I am using allows me to draw all the countermagic and mana rocks in the deck to help me deal with whatever surprises an opponent might try to pull off. But I do agree that the only logical alternative to the build i'm currently running is yours. lol. I'm just not sure if the speed is worth the risk.

At this point, i'm open to the costly suggestions. I'm just about ready to spend on the ABUR duals. I feel they just might be the upgrade I need to give the deck the consistency in the mana base I desperately need.

November 14, 2016 3:27 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #11

For most generals yes DD/labman is very risky. However, Leo protects it extremely well proactively with hand disruption and at the draw stage with his draw ability in response to removal. The biggest issue you face with DD is the piles get messed up due to exile. If you get the initial hand lock, you can usually DD within a turn or two before most decks can recover if you have the no mana pile I use. A somewhat cheaper pile could work nearly as well that you would not miss it. With that being said, I honestly think the ABUR duals would help you A LOT more than DD+ labman. In testing your deck I missed them far more than anything else. I also don't know that I would drop the alternative storm win as I hate only having one win condition.

November 14, 2016 8:58 a.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #12

This is weird. The list shows I only have 98 cards in the deck but the number of cards shown at the bottom is 101. Can anyone tell me what's happening?

November 24, 2016 6:08 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #13

I have two questions:

1)How have Arcane Denial, Kira, Great Glass-Spinner and Turn Aside worked out for you?

2) Nature's Lore and Three Visits: Since your using a storm win condition and Exploration, are these and High Tide better than mana dorks, which are consistent T2 Leo, but clash with storm?

November 25, 2016 11:09 p.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #14

Arcane Denial and Turn Aside can easily be replaced by 1-2 cmc counterspells. Turn aside is here mostly because my current meta hosts a lot of decks that are built for Duel Commander which means lots of spot removals.

Kira has worked better than I expected. People tend to give up when they see Kira after the puzzle box lock.

As for the ramp cards, it seems like a slower but safer approach. Tbh, I haven't really given them much thought. But they are worth considering especially with the current state of my meta. I'm not sure about High Tide though. I seem to have very little use for it.

November 26, 2016 8:03 a.m.

Enral says... #15

Hi, I like your deck. Have you considered Riftsweeper? It is a great card to pull your exiled combo pieces back. Mana Drain seems like a great card for your deck too albeit a little color intensive. Protective card for your storm like City of Solitude/Grand Abolisher seems like it would help depending on how counterspell/removal heavy your meta is.

November 28, 2016 5:25 p.m.

Megalomania says... #16

Thanks Enral!

First off, Grand Abolisher is so as much as I would like to have it in the deck, I can't. City of Solitude affects me and it will more likely screw me up than help me. Leovold + Puzzle Box is often enough to protect my combo by keeping my opponents deprived of their hands.

After purchasing ABUR duals, I doubt I will have the budget for Mana Drain any time soon. And you're right about it being mana intensive. I'd like to keep my countermagic cost as low as possible. Thanks for the suggestions though. I hope to hear more about what you think about the deck.

Riftsweeper - I think I would rather have an alternate win con than put a slot in for a card that will hardly get used outside that very specific condition.

Lilbrudder, I did some thinking about the ramp and I think I should give it a try. Thanks! Btw, don't you think Farseek is better than Nature's Lore/Three Visits? It has a lot more targets in the deck.

November 28, 2016 9:03 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #17

Your very welcome bud :-) I am not a fan of Farseek. Going in tapped is a big no for me since I like to use that extra land for a top deck tutor or 1cc counterspell. Granted if you don't have original duals there are a few scenarios where its potentially better, but overall I will always take the forest fetchers since they are essentially free with Helm of Awakening and serve as ramp the turn you cast them with High Tide. I'm curious what you have against High Tide btw? Its one of the best things storm has going for it IMO. As soon as I added the untap spells like Snap and Frantic Search its been pretty incredible. It also helps alot with DD since you can produce more than enough mana to end the game the turn you cast it and/or get a significantly higher storm count for tendrils.

November 28, 2016 9:27 p.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #18

I got nothing against high tide. I just don't have a combo for it in the deck. The only way for me to get enough storm counts to take out everyone is using the Future Sight combo.

November 28, 2016 9:47 p.m.

GoldenDiggle says... #19

I have been wanting to build a Leovold deck, his true value is in his low CMC, a rarity in BUG.

I would definitely suggest Jace's Archivist. Amazing value, and soft locks opponents from filling hands as long as you sink . (Even better, activate on the turn of a player you have a grudge against for maximum salt.)

Would adding a Magus of the Future be worthwhile? It has the same effect as Future Sight, except can be protected by cards like Kira, Great Glass-Spinner. The redundancy might also help against Praetor's Grasp effects.

I would suggest Geth's Grimoire as a draw engine, but it would fizzle after 1 use and only give a slow stram afterwards. If you do put it in, it would be more like a draw burst.

You were right though, I like the interactions. The hand prison is strong. +1!

November 28, 2016 9:53 p.m.

Megalomania says... #20

Thanks GoldenDiggle. The +1 and your suggestions are very much appreciated.

I don't see the need to have a wheel on a stick since it won't prevent my opponents from drawing and casting instant speed removal to take Leovold out. I literally just took out Magus a few minutes ago. lol. No one in my meta uses cards like Praetor's Grasp and its advantage over Future Sight is pretty much negated by it being a creature (making it prone to removal) but having a redundancy has proven to be useful in the past. We'll see.

As for Geth's Grimoire, I think I would rather have Consecrated Sphinx which will provide a steadier card advantage especially in multiplayer games.

November 28, 2016 10:26 p.m.

Looks like a strong and typical annoying Leovold deck. +1, though I have no suggestions for you as its light years over my budget for anything.

December 3, 2016 6:44 p.m.

StoicRemora says... #22

From looking at this list, I know I'd hate to play against it so that means it's pretty good. A suggestion that came to mind: Your removal suite seems lacking. I understand this does depend on your meta and I see you run a fair number of counter spells, but a green deck without a Krosan Grip has a missing card in my opinion. That card always seems to come in handy, and it's very hard to counter or interact with. Plus, many aggressive combo decks depend on an enabling artifact or enchantment (i.e. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher and Food Chain) and having an extra thing in your deck to deal with that would be good.

Also, why is Notion Thief being considered? Your opponents aren't allowed to draw more than one card per turn and that one card isn't one he gets you. I suppose if you don't have your commander out then it's a different story but I think your deck should be built assuming that you do. It seems to me that you have enough interaction in your deck to ensure that Leo stays alive.

Cool deck!

December 3, 2016 6:52 p.m.

Megalomania says... #23

Thanks for the +1s and the comments guys!

StoicRemora I understand how you feel about Krosan Grip. A lot of the guys in my playgroup use it too and it has been effective. However, keeping 3 mana open is somewhat a big investment IMO especially in a deck that does quite a lot the first 2-5 turns. I try to keep the costs of utility spells as low as possible. I would rather use something like Nature's Claim or Abrupt Decay over KG.

The said cards were in the original list. I took them out because I more often find myself going on the offensive and racing towards the combo more than playing defense. This is also the reason why I do not have other spot removals in the deck. I personally think that 1 for 1 cards aren't that effective in multiplayer as compared to sweepers.

Notion Thief is being considered because of its Flash ability. It helps a lot with timing wheel effects. It also fits the curve a lot better after I tool out some 1 cmc dorks in favor of 2 cmc ramp spells. I'm just not sure what card to cut for it.

December 3, 2016 8 p.m.

Megalomania says... #24

Do you guys think adding back Ad Nauseam is a good idea? The deck's current ave cmc sits at 2.06 and might even get a tad higher if I push through with the plan of adding Notion Thief.

December 8, 2016 6:44 p.m.

mdc7233 says... #25

I love a good combo deck. give Altar of the Brood a try. Nill all for free spells is great. Mind Over Matter might open some doors for you as well, infinite mana and what not. Ancient Tomb / Underworld Connections /Geier Reach Sanitarium I've always been a fan of Clock of Omens and Voltaic Key as well. Elusive Spellfist goes well with your combo as well. Extra tutors that might be viable to you are Artificer's Intuition and Disciple of Deceit. Copy Artifact might have a home for you as well. Skywise Teachings can produce lots of tokens for you as well. Heartwood Storyteller has some synergy with your deck as well. Hope it helps. Peace.

December 9, 2016 5:51 a.m.

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