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Kaladesh Pre-Release




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Creature (2)


BW Sealed Deck Sept 23rd, 2016

Promo: Gonti, Lord of Luxury

Masterpiece Pull: Static Orb

Black looked like the deepest colour, so the real question came down to decide whether to pair it with White or Red. Red had some flashy rares, but White had more stable removal so I went with that. A good thing too, since my first opponent was GW (Architect Energy) and had a lot of large creatures that the red burn spells wouldn't have been able to deal with. I won both games with stalling board states with Revoke Privileges and Gonti, Lord of Luxury, and then won through flier damage. Animation Module also had a good showing due to the stalled board states. [2-0]

Round 2 provided me with a WR (Boros Saheeli) opponent so things went off to a fiery start as he burned out my creatures and kept up tempo to take game one. I sided out Animation Module in favour of Fortuitous Find , but never saw it so that became irrelevant. The key to winning the next two games came down to the use of Rush of Vitality and Aetherborn Marauder, even beating through Saheeli Rai. These two helped me get back to a stabilized board state and eventually he ran out of gas to fight. [2-1]

Round 3 was a BR (Chandra Burn) opponent so our creatures were dying left and right. He had 3x Welding Sparks , 2x Harnessed Lightning and apparently a few more removal spells that never showed up. Both decks went into top deck mode and in game 1 he even used his Gonti, Lord of Luxry to steal my Gonti and do it again! I eventually punched through with Foundry Screecher . Game 2 I unleashed the power of Chief of the Foundry into a Fleetwheel Cruiser for absurd amounts of damage, followed by Bomat Bazaar Barge crewed by Foundry Screecher . He unfortunately only drew 1 removal spell, so my vehicles took the game over. [2-0]

The game store owner kept trying to prod me into putting Static Orb into the deck, and as funny as that would be, it just wasn't reasonable so I didn't do it.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Limited legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

3 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 5 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Servo 1/1 C
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