
Instant (1)

Based on Zada PDH by PdMeasles. I tweaked some of the deck, including removing the instant/sorcery recursion pieces, and the kuldotha rebirth package. The deck is pretty well all in combo, mostly because I intend to play this with commander decks, not other pauper lists. From testing, the deck appears to generally be a fragile combo deck, but should be able to compete with actual commander decks with the ability to frequently attack for 40-100+ between turns 5-7.

Strategy: The deck needs a few moving parts, namely Zada, targeted draw, creatures, mana and finishers. the early game generally consists of token production and card draw, often setting up for a single large turn attacking most or all players for lethal amounts. The fast mana and rituals helps to turn a large draw turn from a bunch of tokens in play into a full combo/kill turn by generating extra mana from among the cards drawn.


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Reckless Barbarian and _ Goblin in for Guardian Idol and Merchant of the Vale. More rituals are always appealing, and _ Goblin can be set up to always generate 4+ mana, while Reckless Barbarian can be a body for more card draw, and a ritual later when needed.

03FEB2023- Blazing Crescendo in for Inordinate Rage. Not quite a strict upgrade, but very close to one. Blazing Crescendo letting us play the cards exiled on our next turn is very close to drawing the cards, and occasionally better due to max hand size.

17MAY2023- Ral's Reinforcements in for Goblin Gathering.

21JUL2023: Guttersnipe in for Impulsive Pilferer.

01AUG2023: Quarrel's End in for Faithless Looting.

20SEP2023: Witty Roastmaster and Flick a Coin in for Satyr's Cunning and Downhill Charge.

12NOV2023: Sunshot Militia and Ancestor's Aid in for Reckless Charge and Forbidden Friendship.

02FEB2024: Witch's Mark and Felonious Rage in for Rile and Bitter Reunion.


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59% Casual

41% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Uncommons

60 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.09
Tokens Detective 2/2 WU, Devil 1/1 R, Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Elemental 1/1 R, Elemental 1/1 UR, Goblin 1/1 R, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Skeleton 1/1 B, The Atropal, Treasure, Wicked, Zombie Army 0/0 B
Folders Artisan/Pauper EDH Lists
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