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Best Commander Storm You'll Ever See

Commander / EDH*


Budget (Under $50 without lands) Golos deck featuring some very janky and very underappreciated cards like the Hondens, the Commander Storm cards, and paradox haze. We want to cast our commander out as many times as we can to run the storm count up for a huge pay off with any of the Commander Storm cards.

Golos is amazing for this because:

1) He's colorless. Cheaper ramp, no need for fixing, and perfect for Ashnod's Altar two colorless

2) Commander identity is WUBRG. You can play ALL 5 commander storm cards and ALL of the Hondens! And have access to many tools to help.

3) His ETB. You get a land every single time he enters the battlefield. Not only will this help getting him out time and time again, it helps filter out the deck for those juicy Commander Storm Cards.

The game plan is simple. What are we going to do? Summon and blink Golos as many times as we can, to ramp up lands and the storm count.

How are we going to do it? Use blink spells for lands and use Ashnod's altar to sacrifice the many tokens we'll have and send Golos back to the command zone and use the mana to pay for his rapidly increasing costs.
But, why? Because it'll be fun as heck

We'll ramp up to get Golos out. If we can use his ability then great, if not than that's okay. Tutor and dig for Ashnod's Altar. Ashnod's altar is the star of the show so we need to get it as soon as possible.

Along the way, we build up our token army using Paradox Haze, Honden of Life's Web, Assemble the Legion, Chronozoa and our landfall triggers that produces bodies.

This will also allow us to play with the very underrated Hondens and the immensely fun paradox haze.

Hopefully, we'll have plenty of mana at our disposal as the game goes on with more lands than your opponents combined and many token fodders to sacrifice. So we can sacrifice Golos and resummon him multiple times in a turn to run the command count up.

Play Fury Storm and Skull Storm and that's it!

Some very obvious upgrades:

Dual and utility lands. Better mana ramp like Sol Ring or Thran Dynamo

Actual infinite combos for infinite mana to cast Golo's infinitely. Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake is an easy and relatively cheap one.

More tutors for more consistency

Get Zendikar's resurgent Mirari's Wake for insane mana value

Probably play any other version of Golos.


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90% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.18
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Beast 4/4 G, Bird 1/1 W, Copy Clone, Kor Ally 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 RW, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W, Treasure
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