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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Wanderwine Prophets
Creature — Merfolk Wizard
Champion a Merfolk (When this enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you remove another Merfolk you control from the game. When this leaves the battlefield, that card returns to play.)
Whenever Wanderwine Prophets deals combat damage to a player, you may sacrifice a Merfolk. If you do, take an extra turn after this one.
NiceKrispyTreat on Inalla's Xerox Machine
1 year ago
Ended up replacing Mirror Gallery with Vela the Night-Clad. Also replaced Passwall Adept and Wanderwine Prophets with Persist and Molten Echoes.
NiceKrispyTreat on Inalla's Xerox Machine
1 year ago
Plan to cut: - Passwall Adept - Wanderwine Prophets - Probably some other stuff
Might add: - Persist for combo with Dualcaster Mage and Ashnod's Altar OR combo with Dualcaster Mage, Molten Echoes, and Viscera Seer - Molten Echoes for combo with Bloodline Necromancer and Viscera Seer - Phyrexian Altar for combo with Dualcaster Mage and Persist - Disallow - Mystic Remora
Tae_Grixis on Wizards of the Coast, a Hasbro Subsidiary
2 years ago
Wanderwine Prophets is a better card to combo off with and get extra turns than Walk the Aeons. Just get it into place, champion the original under a copy, swing, sac for extra turn, copy and champion the original again, end of clean-up/turn, copy comes back, copy and champion the original (the copy stays around for the next turn), repeat next turn.
You need three free mana available for this so you can copy the original each time it enters. After the first turn of doing this you only need two because it's already championed on the second and following turns.
Gidgetimer on [Primer] Casting the Mythal
2 years ago
The fact that Ruthless Technomancer doesn't target has the implications that beastmenwarrior thinks it does. However; to someone not intimately familiar with the deck the given explanation was a little vague.
The proposed line of play is:
With a Wanderwine Prophets (or Mistbind Clique) token out championing the card version you cast Ruthless Technomancer.
Panharmonicon doubles the ETB trigger.
Sacrifice the token to make 4 treasures.
Card version comes in, make a copy with Inalla. Champion the original card.
Sacrifice the token to make 4 treasures.
Card version comes in, make a copy with Inalla. Champion the original card.
Use Inalla's ability to make a token copy of Ruthless Technomancer.
Panharmonicon doubles the ETB trigger.
Sacrifice the Champion token to make 4 treasures.
Card version comes in, make a copy with Inalla. Champion the original card.
Sacrifice the Ruthless Technomancer for 2 treasures.
Reanimate Ruthless Technomancer by paying 3 and sacrificing 2 treasures.
Repeat from step 2.
This works because Ruthless Technomancer's ability does not target, and as such you are allowed to sacrifice any creature that you control as the ability resolves.
beastmenwarrior on [Primer] Casting the Mythal
2 years ago
I am looking to get it confirmed with someone more rules versed, but I believe I found another angle for a combo.
Panharmonicon Effect + Ruthless Technomancer + Mistbind Clique/Wanderwine Prophets
Because of how Ruthless Technomancer is written, it is my belief that the triggers do not need a valid target when put on the stack "You may sacrifice another creature you control". This means that it can be used on valid target that entered the battlefield after the trigger is already on the stack. So when Mistbind Clique/Wanderwine Prophets re-enters play if you use the Inalla trigger to generate a new token of them, you will be able to use that token with the Ruthless Technomancer triggers already on the stack. With a Panharmonicon effect you will produce 5 treasures and one token of Ruthless Technomancer after a full cycle, allowing you to repeat it indefinitely.
Very corner case but thought to share these as I find them.
Guerric on Shadow Clone Jutsu! (Inalla)
3 years ago
Hi kimosabe! There are some interesting cards here, and Sedraxis Alchemist in particular seems like a great one that I wasn't aware of. I think my main thought here is actually just that you're pretty light on ramp, with really only Sol Ring and Arcane Signet . Inalla is especially mana hungry because if you want to use her ability, you essentially need to add one to the cmc of all of your wizards. Generally we want to have at least ten pieces of ramp in any deck, so I'd definitely add a suite of signets, talismans, and stones along with maybe Burnished Hart and Wayfarer's Bauble and you should be all set. Because adding eight cards will result in cuts, it might be helpful to decide whether you want to go with a more controlling approach or a wizards tribal approach. If you go with the former, cut more wizards keeping only the best ones and if you go with the latter, cut down on your instants and sorceries. This will also help you decide which wizards are best. In the control build, for instance, Adeliz, the Cinder Wind and Docent of Perfection Flip are great, and while I think Scholar of the Ages is too high-costed for any build personally, adding Salvager of Secrets and/or Izzet Chronarch is a good call. In the Wizards tribal approach, Adeliz and Docent aren't great and we're probably good with just Archaeomancer for instant and sorcery recursion.
You probably also want to think about wincons. Wizards aren't great attackers, so combos of some form are usually the way to go. You currently have the Ghostly Flicker combo with either Dualcaster Mage or Naru Meha, Master Wizard , though the latter doesn't win on her own and while you have Blue Sun's Zenith as a mana sink, I'd consider adding Comet Storm or the like. You might also want to add Solve the Equation as an inexpensive tutor for Ghostly Flicker . If you add Ashnod's Altar , you'll have another win con since it can go infinite with Inalla and Bloodline Necromancer , which you already have. In addition to this, Wanderwine Prophets and Timestream Navigator can win on their own with Inalla's ability and enough mana. Additionally, if you are going with the control build, Intruder Alarm is a great card which you can use with Inalla's ability to drain people out without technically going infinite.
Guerric on [Primer] Casting the Mythal
3 years ago
Swamp OUT Pyre of Heroes IN
Since the implementation of the London Mulligan I've found that I can often get away with 36 lands. As for pyre, its just too good not to go in their. Not only does it give us tons of utility (ex. saccing that Sea Gate Oracle we no longer need for an Archaeomancer to recover Cyclonic Rift from our graveyard), but it can help us to cheat our our combos. Its much easier to sac our Mercurial Chemister for Wanderwine Prophets than to have all the mana we need to protect it. While testing will show the truth, my belief is that Pyre of Heroes will be one of the most important cards printed for this deck since the Ixalan block.
Mystic Confluence OUT Counterspell IN
I love confluence, but Sublime Epiphany and Cryptic Command out class it, and I really don't have room for three expensive counterspells in here. Going back to the original will do us just fine!
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (3) | TechNoble , Jumping_Jordan , Yahtzee55 |