Need for Speed

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Need for Speed


Sacrifice a land: Target creature gains haste until end of turn.

sergiodelrio on Dean's car collection

4 months ago

Cool idea and execution! Too bad Need for Speed is a useless card.

Racers' Ring could almost replace Temple of Abandon

CommanderNeyo on Hazezon, Shaper of Sand - Desert Warfare (v0.4)

4 months ago

Because sacking deserts to replay them is so potent - I would recommend adding Need for Speed.

KayneMarco on Yuma, Shepherd of the West (Desert Primer)

10 months ago

Anger for Need for Speed since part of your goal is getting lands into the yard. I’ld pull Sand Scout since it only triggers once per turn. Drop Elemental Bond, shouldn’t hurt any since you have a number of others with the same effect or better. These are bout the only things I can suggest right now till you get a little more of an idea bout which way you wanna take the deck. Also, I wasn’t suggesting you make your deck like my Hazezon deck. Was just using that deck as an example of how many lands you could possibly be playing per turn. I get wanting to make unique decks.

treeforcorvus on Narset, Enlightened Master

1 year ago

Cataclysm *list* can work against you based on opponents' picks and though Enter the Infinite is impressive & works with Omniscience, I don't see Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac, nor do I see Grapeshot. Consider instead Boros Charm + Armageddon which most people will hate & sometimes outright scoop after.

Mana Vault is more of a risk than you might think without untap mechanics (See Derevi, last paragraph). Consider Thought Vessel or even Library of Leng.

Replace Lion's Eye Diamond with Land Tax. The latter also helps offset the pain from Need for Speed, which is a cool find.

Consider Smothering Tithe instead of Mystic Remora: Remora usually only nets a few cards at beginning, and will often slow you down more than it helps. The former performs MUCH more consistently, and will net you more mana to focus on spells and counters.

Concerning your SB: If you want to go maximum lock-stax, I'd recommend Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. Use Winter Orb, Static Orbfoil & Stasis, use Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper, maybe even Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines. Use fetches + basic lands, huge ramp, and Back to Basicsfoil just to spite opponents. NB: Mana Vault smacks with Derevi.

SinAffliction on Angels, Dragons, and Demons..OH MY!

2 years ago

Markizzy SOrry for the late response. yes you definitely should put some haste things in there mine are. Hall of the Bandit Lord , Need for Speed , Lightning Greaves , and Dragon Tempest . Those are the ones I would recommend for sure. Also, thank you so much for the upvote.

McToters on Lord Xander Taxing your Deck

2 years ago

Hey there! Happy to throw some suggestions on this.

Tunnel Vision works as mill but it can also be a nifty last chance tutor on yourself. Depends on how you look at it.

Bedlam would help you worry less about opponents blockers when you swing with Xander.

Kindred Charge could be interesting.

Relentless Assault, Combat Celebrant, are all choices that can help trigger additional combats so you can trigger Xander.

Need for Speed or Anger for haste!!!

Hahaha can you tell I'm a red player? I'll do a bit more research and comment back in a bit! Nice brew! Cheers

Last_Laugh on Narset Combo

3 years ago

Since you aren't running a single creature, Proteus Staff will quite literally let you stack your entire deck in the order you choose.

Replace Fervor with Need for Speed and/or Mass Hysteria. Ashling's Prerogative is another option (I ran all 3 and Hall of the Bandit Lord)

Aqueous Form/Spirit Mantle are great to make Narset evasive and in the case of Aqueous, lets you dig 5 deep with Narset.

Long-Term Plans, Mystical Tutor, Scroll Rack, and Brainstorm are all worth it for the ability to manipulate your topdeck for Narset.

I'd also suggest replacing Thran Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, and Chromatic Lantern. A good rule of thumb in Narset is 2 drop or less mana rocks (3 drop is ok if it adds more than 1 mana like Basalt Monolith, Coalition Relic, or Worn Powerstone). I'd personally recommend Talisman of Creativity, Talisman of Conviction, and Talisman of Progress.

Feel free to check out my list for inspiration. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Narset, American Beauty

Last_Laugh on CEDH Narset

3 years ago

Nicely built but I do have a few suggestions.

Ramp: Pentad Prism is the only 2 drop rock that'll net +2 different colored mana (albeit once). Copy Artifact doubles as any mana rock (or Strionic Resonator #2).

Haste Enablers: Need for Speed, and/or Ashling's Prerogative (especially since all your creatures are even cmc) deserve a spot over Fervor.

Topdeck Manipulation: Brainstorm (had to do a double take... how is this not already in the deck?) and Ancestral Knowledge (before Narset it finds mana rocks and after Narset it sets up absurd turns).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Narset, American Beauty

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