Kindled Fury

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Kindled Fury


Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike until end of turn. (It deals combat damage before creatures without first strike.)

legendofa on The more I think about …

11 months ago

I've had problems with the plane of Amonkhet for a while. As far as anyone knows, the entire non-monster, non-exiled-undead population lived in one city, which appears to have a population of several hundred thousand, definitely no more than several million. Outside of that, there's nothing of any particular importance--sand, ruins, and the aforementioned monsters and undead.

Then, that one city with the entire plane's population got destroyed twice in rapid succession. The citizens watched their gods get betrayed and killed right in front of them, and while pretty much everyone was a trained soldier, they were fighting against magically reinforced zombies who were just as skilled as them, not to mention a nearly omnipotent dragon. Very shortly after, almost before the dust settled and the smoke cleared, they were invaded  Flip by psychopathic cyborgs from outside reality. Any survivors from the first apocalypse immediately had to fight  Flip again to avoid assimilation  Flip. Somehow, they won thanks to the surviving gods, two of which (the Locust God and the Scarab God) had been part of the earlier betrayal, and the magical zombies  Flip that had been killing everyone a few (years? months?) earlier.

As it stands now, Amonkhet's population must be a tiny fraction of what it was, and everyone's been traumatized several times over. There can't be more than a few thousand people, and maybe only a few hundred. Some hero types like Djeru, Hazoret, and Samut seem to want to start rebuilding, but how? How many survivors are there, and how many of those are able and willing to work? What resources are available--building material, food, water, anything? The Luxa River got turned into blood. The Omenpaths offer another wrinkle, since if the people of Amonkhet are anything like real people, many of them will try to evacuate. If a reliable and persistent Omenpath opened nearby, I would expect pretty much everyone to leave the ruined, empty plane as refugees.

Is there any reason for the story to return to Amonkhet, or should it just be left as a dead or abandoned plane? I've asked this before, but the story has progressed and the plane seems to be less viable than ever. The only way I see an Amonkhet story progressing is if there's a previously unknown settlement that has never been hinted at, that made it through the God-Pharaoh's return and the Phyrexian Invasion unscathed, which to me is more unlikely than rebuilding a new settlement, which is more unlikely than recovering what they can and abandoning the plane if given the chance.

McToters on Feather, Jank Redeemed

5 years ago

ZendikariWol Hey thanks for all that! WOW, so to start off thanks for the spellcheck. I did that part in a rush and haven’t been able to put all my attention into setting this deck up here yet. They’re fixed now!

Now for the suggestions: I don’t see how Cathar's Companion is strictly worse than Seeker of the Way only because they’re doing different things off of casting the non-creature spell. With the companion I like the idea of making it indestructible to add extra protection against board wipes. Though I will agree to see that it isn’t very game-changing. It’s just a measly 3/1 for 3. I’m not stuck to keeping it, but maybe you can convince me to take it out! This deck is mostly jank anyway.

Flamewright and Assemble the Legion are in mainly to interact with the Path to Exile combo where I can target my own creatures while Feather is out and ramp every turn. Or use Swords to Plowshares to gain 1 life a turn lol. That one is a weak trade-off but Path is excellent, especially for ramp in Boros. If you have better synergistic ideas for me to utilize Path I’m all ears!

I will definitely be taking out Radiate for Zada, Hedron Grinder though. That is a fantastic point. As well as I expect to replace Dual Shot , Lithomancer's Focus , and Kindled Fury once I come across better cards. Same with Onward / Victory and Orim's Touch .

Oh and unless I’m reading it wrong Shower of Coals is 6 damage for 5, or with threshold, 12 damage for 5–which probably still isnt the best but I’ll see how it runs for a while.

I’m going to check out your deck now to see what I should be running in place of some of the weaker jank I’m playing. I’m always down to hear more suggestions if you have them!

ZendikariWol on Feather, Jank Redeemed

5 years ago

You have a couple spelling errors in the description. Hate to be that guy, but I feel it's better you know, ya know?

"shuold" -paragraph 1, there's a properly-spelled "should" in there too, but trust me I'm not just playing gotcha!.

"not" -paragraph 7, I'm assuming you meant "now"?

Anyhow, down to the actual deck. You have a couple bulk cards I'm honestly a little perplexed by the inclusion of.

Cathar's Companion is a strictly worse Seeker of the Way.

Flamewright, while a fun card, doesn't have any synergy with the deck.

Shower of Coals is just not a good card. 4 damage for 5 mana? I know it's repeatable but it's really not great. I have a pretty hefty removal package and Imma be linking my deck below, if you'd like to look.

Assemble the Legion is in the same vein as Flamewright; a great and very fun card, with little to do with this deck. In fact- you should make a Marath, Will of the Wild token deck!

Pump spells that probably have better alternatives include Astral Steel (unless you're planning to have 5+ mana up), Captain's Maneuver (though a ton of fun, how often do you actually cast it?), Dual Shot (very weak), Enrage (also overcosted- love the flavor text tho), Kindled Fury (not bad, but there are better out there that do the same thing), Lithomancer's Focus (usually just a worse Brute Force), Onward / Victory (you can never cast the good half if Feather's out), Orim's Touch (there are just a lot of better protection spells), Radiate (worse version of Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon), Spark Jolt (scry 1 for 1 every turn is decent, but better alternatives, bla, bla, bla), Sure Strike (worse Invigorated Rampage), Surge of Zeal (usually worse than Expedite, right?), Tandem Tactics (good, not great tho).

Sorry I kinda gave you a LOT of stuff. This is about what my Feather brew would be if I made it in real life. Fortunately I use tappedout to build my ideal deck and make sure I don't waste all my money on "ooh that's really good, I'll use it sometime" cards. Feel free to yoink some ideas from my brew!

Feather's No Lightweight

Commander / EDH ZendikariWol


Austin_Smith_of_Cards on My eyes...the goggles do nothing!

7 years ago

Not quite sure what the strategy is here. Is this a tempo list?

You can do better than Kindled Fury. Wee Dragonauts is far stronger than Aerial Guide. I suggest finding a 4-drop to fill your curve, but I'm not sure what would suit your list best.

I'm liking the Lightning Shriekers. They always struck me as something with potential, and pauper is probably the best place to test. Good luck!

CheapnFast on

7 years ago

Okay, so I think the first thing you need to think about is trying to find a focus for your deck. Does playing a deck that is more aggressive appeal to you or would you rather sit back and control what your opponent does and play more slowly.

Personally, working with strictly with the cards on this list, I would be inclined to turn this deck into a more aggressive build that relies on lots of instant and sorcery spells, because you have some good cards in that realm (i.e. Cryptic Serpent, Enigma Drake, Nimble-Blade Khenra, Spellweaver Eternal, Burning-Fist Minotaur and Wildfire Eternal). Of course, if you go that route, your going to need some good instant and sorcery cards to back those creatures up. From what you have, I would suggest Magma Spray, Shock, Hieroglyphic Illumination, Kindled Fury, and Strategic Planning. I also really like Riddleform, because it will take advantage of all those instant and sorcery cards your running.

I think another big piece of advice that I wish someone had told me when I first started magic was to play 3-4 copies of every card I had in my deck and to keep the deck list as close to 60 cards as possible. Obviously there are exceptions to that rule, but that is generally something you want to abide by. If you want suggestions for other cards that are not on your list, tell me and I will help you out.

poox523 on Mono-red prowess

7 years ago

maybe put in some Crash Through for giving your creatures trample and helps prowles because it is a cheap card and can draw u a card or if you want some good removal in zombie decks u could add Puncturing Blow i also like having a Thorned Moloch, Frontline Devastator is a good late game card if u have mana u dont need, and Kindled Fury is good for tradesthat is just my opinion and you dont need to use thse cards if u dont want 2 (:

plz respond back if u have a responce thank you (:

Argy on clayperce

7 years ago

Have you noticed the art on Kindled Fury?

Neheb, the Eternal facing off against another member of the Herd.

Thought that was cool.

Argy on Giant Death Machines

7 years ago

I like this a LOT.

Some really good interactions and clever use of cards.

What I think is holding it back is that it has NO cards that interrupt your Opponent's plans.

You could try taking out:

and adding:

A Sideboard will give this a better chance of winning.

It could look something like this:

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