Lightning Shrieker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lightning Shrieker

Creature — Dragon

Flying, trample, haste

At the beginning of the end step, Lightning Shrieker's owner shuffles it into his or her library.

Paxreseda on By dragonfire's light...

2 years ago

What if you ditched Lightning Shrieker and Verix Bladewing and replaced them with Manaform Hellkite ? Spit Flame would provide its own trigger to put it back in your hand. Dragon Tempest generates its own trigger as well.

lagotripha on Thrumming Approach

3 years ago

I like this, put a single dragon in.

This makes searching for thrumming feel a lot better- it gives you two win conditions; cast a thrumming stone or see 5 approaches with Seasoned pyromancer.

While I'd love to reccomend Lightning Shrieker for this spot as this is likely the only deck that likes its drawback, Thundermaw Hellkite , Velomachus Lorehold or Bogardan Hellkite , with sideboard Chromium, the Mutable or Steel Hellkite is going to feel better to play.

In terms of consistently ramping to 5, there are a few budget red green lists that use the 'ramp to Stormbreath Dragon or Glorybringer ' plan to look at for ideas. Generally speaking its some combination of elf, sprawl, Mind Stone (which dodges a lot of removal), and various Elvish Mystic variants.

The trick is going to be filtering and lands - If this is to be a budget deck, I'd go all in on mono red - elf/sprawl is great but just casting Skirk Prospector , Wild Cantor Desperate Ritual and mana rocks will work. Red green will mean moving more heavily into green - looking at casting things like Harrow or Search for Tomorrow , but much of red/green mana is balanced around silly cards like Wrenn and Six or Scapeshift , making a competing mana base tricky to judge - elves' dorks aren't just good because they make mana, they are good because they also are creatures to give stats and trample to.

You are going to want to look really carefully at the balance between land/approach/other - I'm not sure what the most space efficient way to ramp to 5 is with that in mind - I could see this being blue artifact ramp, where you Reshape for thrumming (functionally getting 8+ copies of your combo piece)- it'd take some testing.

Finally, the biggest hurdle and oppertunity. Surgical Extraction . If you are in a meta where it is sideboarded, you need it yourself. You can extract the thing they extract to deny a target, and can set up a transformative 'exile all approaches' sideboard where you are suddenly a 40 card stompy ramp deck with a high proportion of answers.

Spell_Slam on PDH(R) - Syr Carah the Bold

3 years ago

The burn spell seems pretty bad without the prospect of a dragon at the end. In terms of Dragons, Pauper doesn't really have much. Lightning Shrieker is the strongest dragon in Pauper right now, which isn't something that will end the game. It does combo with Approach since it shuffles itself back in, however.

Dango on

5 years ago

Can confirm that Lightning Shrieker feels really good in this deck. Especially if you have Illusionist's Bracers on Zirilan to tutor for two dragons at a time in the event that you only have Stylus on the field for example. You can recur it every turn to get potential ETBs and combat triggers in conjunction with lots of your other dragons, and this is really nice because you don't have to worry about potentially removing a dragon from the game that you feel might be useful later. Lightning Shrieker is useful throughout the game for early game pressure to late game recurring triggers when you get to set up a board state, on top of effects like Scourge of Valkas and Utvara Hellkite (Both of these guys combo off well together by the way. With enough of a board state, moving to combat sets off a chain of tokens entering the battlefield, and they all trigger Scourge's ability and you can nuke a player with those ETBs before even shifting to the block step of the combat phase).

I dig the changes too. Hedron Archive is nice in mono-red decks for the draw, but I feel like you have a solid amount of draw already with nice reset wheel effects like Dragon Mage and Knollspine Dragon. With Knollspine you just have to be careful not to target a player who had too much damage dealt to them so you don't end up overdrawing haha. Good stuff all around though, I'm liking the list more and more.

Dango on

5 years ago

Gosh, that's a tough one. Your whole creaturebase basically have their own individual roles in the deck that I'm afraid that you might be lacking something by cutting any of them. I think if you have to choose one of these, try to find room for Lightning Shrieker because Archwing Dragon isn't as recurring, although it's still nice to pull out a 4/4 flyer for 3 CMC from your deck onto the battlefield, swing with it, and send it to your hand at the end of your turn. It's a really tough call and I can't say for certain with confidence because I can't help but feel as if cutting a slot or two down might remove some value you might be missing otherwise. I say play it out a bit for a while as is, and get a feel for what you find to be underwhelming or dead draws in practice and go from there. I'll be toying with my own list based on this one for a while too, so I hope I can give you some better feedback in the next few days! Cheers!

Dango on

5 years ago

Shock is just a worse Lightning Bolt. I don't think any of those are incredibly necessary considering many of your dragons have innate abilities to deal damage for removal purposes. Although Skred is a thing you may find spicy to find a use for your Snow-Covered Mountains.

Honestly, Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast are two of my all time favorite cards and prove to be useful red counterspells against a pesky blue player. It really just comes down to a meta call, and I personally would continue running them.

What are your thoughts on stuff like Lightning Shrieker and Archwing Dragon? With Shrieker you can have a tutorable 5/5 flyer with haste and trample every turn for Zirilan's ability since it continuously goes back to your deck at the end of turn while Archwing simply goes to your hand. Inherent abilities like that to avoid being exiled may prove to be extremely useful in this deck in case you aren't pulling your Sundial or Stylus. Just some things to think about to play around with a bit.

TheNocholas on Enter the Dragonfield

6 years ago

I have had a lot of luck with my God Save the Dragon Queen deck. Cards that have worked well for me that aren't on your list Heartstone, Skyship Stalker, Helm of the Host and Lightning Shrieker. If commander damage is how you wanna win Whispersilk Cloak, Nemesis Mask and Trailblazer's Boots are all great cards. Balefire Dragon and Scourge of the Throne are high end dragons that I wanna upgrade into.

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