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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Incinerate deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player or planeswalker). A creature dealt damage this way can't be regenerated this turn.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

4 months ago

halanvaina My main suggestion is to stop trying to build a deck around Crumbling Sanctuary... 5 mana is far too high for a card that only lets you begin to enact a plan. It also undoes any work you've done towards defeating your opponent before its cast.

Good red cards i'm seeing in the meta include:

^ all of the above seem to be fairly frequently used within the meta, as seen from the links already provided in my last post.

From your statement "Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro" - yes this is true. But one thing worth noting is that your deck isn't doing any of the typical things a non-aggro deck would be doing... so your current build is kindof aggro, just extremely slow. If you're wanting to build towards Midrange or Control, you need a LOT more interaction with the opponent to slow them down. If you're wanting your deck to be more geared towards Combo, then you need to have reliable ways to win the game extremely quickly. In any case you can't decide to be both a slow deck and a non-interactive deck - your deck needs to either be very fast, or very interactive (that is the case for all decks generally speaking).

From your other comments:

  • What specifically do you think Feldon's Cane is helping you with? You keep defending it in a super vague way but I'm seeing absolutely zero reason to be running it (I also just re-read Crumbling Sanctuary and realised Feldon's Cane doesn't even help with that, so I honestly have no idea what value you think this artifact is bringing).

  • The problem with Devastating Dreams is that it costs you and your opponent the same amount of lands and creatures - your deck includes both of these so you're unlikely to make any big advantages in this area (especially as your deck needs a LOT of lands to function). But then, it additionally costs you (and only you) a bunch of cards from your hand. I don't see how that every advantages you.

  • On your comment "It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands". What do you gain from losing all your lands? As the opponent almost-assuredly has a lower mana-curve than you, won't they just get back into the game quicker? Especially as they'll still have a hand of cards. Yes it can work with Mogg Maniac but your deck isn't geared around pulling off this combo so it feels unlikely to give you a payoff high enough to warrant this interaction.

My suggestions would be as follows:

  • What archetype are you wanting this deck to slot into? If its aggro, you need to drastically lower the mana-curve (i.e, have nothing over 3 mana. You need to be able to reliably apply enough pressure to deal lethal by turn 4-5). If it's midrange, you still need to lower the mana-curve a bunch, but additionally you need a bunch of cards that interact with your opponents boardstate and slow them down. If it's control, you need to have the vast majority of your deck as interactive pieces and game-controlling effects. If its combo, you need to reliably be able to win the game by turn 4-5.

  • Once you know what archetype you're wanting to build, you need to decide what strategy you're wanting to enact here... so far it feels like there's no clear direction going on - I can assume by the name of the deck you're wanting to base this around Crumbling Sanctuary, which I can't ever see working unless you're building some form of control-shell, which will likely need more than just red as a colour-base. But in any case, you need to ditch all cards that aren't either enacting your plan, or strengthening the archetype you're in.

If you'd like I can try and build you some kind of example list, though i'd need to have a clear indicator to the answers of the above 2 questions on archetype and strategy.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on

1 year ago

This looks really good! What do you think about Incinerate instead of Lightning Strike? I'm not sure how often regenration comes up...

I think 1 or 2 Fireblast could be good as a nice surprise finisher :)

jethstriker on mono red burn needs help

1 year ago

I suggest adding Eidolon of the Great Revel at least in your sideboard. Even if its not helping you in the mainboard because of your meta, it should help you on burn's hard matchups. The only card choices I'm having doubts on the mainboard are Incinerate and Lightning Strike. But then your on mono red so your card choices are constrained. I suggest Skewer the Critics and 1-2 copies of Grim Lavamancer on the mainboard to round out your build.

jamochawoke on Eternal Flame

3 years ago

Lightning Helix would probably be better over Incinerate or Guerrilla Tactics. Might move the Incinerates/Tactics to the sideboard in case you run into regeneration creatures or hand disruption. While it's a cool survival tactic, you might not see a Wall of Hope to run Prismatic Strands with and you've only got the 4 creatures. I think the reversal cards are fun, but at a certain point it's better to just kill the opponent than live longer so Life Burst is another option to swap out rather than the Incinerates. You're also running a bunch of low cost instants, but have no way of refilling your hand. White struggles with that outside of EDH (which is why its game plan is on stalling or tax) but red has tons of options to refill the hand in Legacy.

But if you're intent on running so much lifegain Felidar Sovereign or Test of Endurance might be an alternate wincon for you but if Storm and spellslinging is of greater interest to you, you might consider Angel's Grace and Near-Death Experience over all the lifegain. If just being an annoying opponent to face in Red/White is the goal, keep the protection cards and instead slap in some Gideon of the Trials in there.

zapyourtumor on Fire & Lightning it burns, oh my!

3 years ago

Adding some creatures for a mix of some aggro with the burn is usually good (e.g. Monastery Swiftspear ). Eidolon of the Great Revel is also a powerhouse. Browbeat is bad, if you want to run draw Light Up the Stage is much better, or maybe Magmatic Insight to get rid of your dead lands.

Incinerate and Lightning Strike suck, I'd go up to 4x Searing Blaze and 4x Rift Bolt instead.

For the sideboard, Red Elemental Blast (and Pyroblast ) are both not legal in modern. Chain Reaction is two expensive and late game, Curse of the Pierced Heart is way too slow and Reverberate is usually not great either. I'm not too well versed in burn sideboards so I won't give any suggestions here -- you can probably find plenty of good suggestions on google.

Saccox on Istant shot Pezzent

3 years ago

Hi zach3584,thanks for the comment and the upvote! i don't use Lightning Bolt ,in my decks only use cards ultra budget that nobody use. An example,i don't use Lightning Bolt in a deck but use alternatives: Wizard's Lightning , Skewer the Critics , Incinerate , Collateral Damage ecc... If you want, look at my other decks too, tell me what you think and follow me ^^

EnbyGolem on $10* Burn

3 years ago

Thank you so much for your insight, ellie-is!

My original decklist had 2 Guttersnipes but I actually just took them out earlier this week. In the games I've played so far, I've found that it very consistently gets removed immediately and at best, I've only been getting in 1 or 2 spells. This is even worse in multiplayer where there are 3 other people that prioritize getting rid of it as soon as it drops. Sinking 3 mana to get it out and resulting in little or no value has been really rough and has straight up lost me several matches. I tried sideboarding it but I ended up cutting them to afford that Searing Blood and an extra Incinerate.

The inclusion of Lava Dart is really interesting though and would pair very well with more trigger-based creatures like Guttersnipe. I do think that that build would have more explosive potential but it would also be easier for opponents to throw it off track. I will definitely have to think about it!

I agree, Landslide is terrible in multiplayer! I basically have to have at least 2 sideboard cards so I can swap them out for those matches. In regular 1v1 though, it can do a lot of damage and close out games in tight spots! I really want Flame Rifts instead of Searing Rays but they are just a little too expensive to include with this configuration. I do really like how the current build does not require any creatures to function. It is really nice if I can get an Electrostatic Field or Thermo-Alchemist out to chip in damage while also blocking any aggro creatures but the deck still functions fine without them. You are right though, adding 2 more alchemists might be really nice too...

I do reeeally like Rolling Earthquake and they have been an absolute bomb in the matches I have played! They used to be side-boarded for multiplayer only but they have actually been wrecking it in 1v1 as well. I would just swap them out for regular Earthquaketo save on money but they also actually run $.69 from the site we've been using which is the same exact price I got Rolling Earthquake for, surprisingly.

I do really like Satyr Firedancer as a sideboard option - maybe I can shift some card around to include it!

And thank you for your thoughts on the nonbasic lands. I agree as well - the price is just so tough to get as it is and I would rather spend anything extra on an adaptive sideboard :)

Thank you again for all the suggestions! I have a lot to think about!

Cotter11 on

4 years ago

Cavern of Souls Protects against counters from blue. With the number of creatures in this deck, this should be a high priority!

Goblin Chieftain is better than Reckless Bushwhacker, in my opinion, as the buff and haste effects are permanent, not just for the turn. But that's down to personal choice!

Reality Hemorrhage, unless there's a specific reason for the 2CMC, Shock is better by default, or you've got Incinerate, Searing Spear, both for greater damage.

I believe Shared Animosity has a place in this deck, as it can push turn 3's over the top, especially if you already have a Legion Loyalist and 2 other creatures on the field.

Lastly, being creature heavy, I understand Mogg War Marshal, but Dragon Fodder or Krenko's Command offer the same number of creatures, and power, but you get to keep both creatures without ever having to pay additional mana.

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