Dark Withering

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dark Withering


Destroy target nonblack creature.

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

SufferFromEDHD on Vohar - Reanimator

10 months ago

Nice deck. A bit heavy on creatures? You need a few more Dimir tricks.

Ideas Unbound, Windfall and/or Dark Deal big card draw

Deep Analysis little card draw

Increasing Ambition big tutor

Mystical Teachings little tutor

Dark Withering great removal

Circular Logic great counterspell

Forbid and/or Demonic Collusion forever

Null Brooch > Negate

Saccox on Sedraxis covenant

3 years ago

DP87,Arthurshepard80 bello fare due discorsi in italiano invece che in inglese! Il mazzo si intende ultra budget come quelli che faccio io,farei le seguenti modifiche:ridurrei le Bloodhall Priest a 1-2,sono incisive se non hai carte in mano,leverei i Ravenous Bloodseeker che non mi piacciono e userei gli spazi per 4 Thrill of Possibility e per aumentare qualcos'altro(mi piacerebbe trovare spazio per piu Extractor Demon e Shambling Remains ^^);i Murderous Compulsion non mi piacciono molto come rimozione,meglio Lightning Axe , Dark Withering ecc... Per quanto l abilita dissotterrare non sia fortissima ti da la comodità di poterle scartare e poi usarle successivamente,mentre con follia devi avere sempre almeno un mana in piu per poter usare l abilità.

HalbrechtHalbrecht on Ellie's Rats

4 years ago

I agree on the black counterspells — so much fun to surprise people with! I also use Withering Boon in non-Modern decks. I do think Imp's Mischief is best for this deck, but unfortunately it's both a little pricey plus from that same Time Spiral era that gives you trouble. :\

Speaking of budget, I'd honestly just wait for Fiend Artisan to rotate out, as it's biggest demand seems to be in Standard (and Pioneer). I've only seen Modern and Legacy toying with it a little, so hopefully it'll drop a bit.

Siiiiiiiigh..... Yeah, I know Marrow-Gnawer is too slow. That's just a case for me where it's a pet card that I don't want to cut, even though I know I should. Honestly, the phrase "it's too slow for modern" is one of the reasons I backed off of Modern in the first place. I got tired of all the things I liked being increasingly too slow. I tried EDH for its promise of "play with the cards you love", and it's alright I guess, but it just doesn't quite scratch the same itch for me as 60-card constructed (I know, I know, heresy in today's Commander-centric world!). So I've been relegated to kitchen table Magic. LoL. But anyways, I agree that Marrow-Gnawer shouldn't be in this deck. It definitely works better in a deck with 4x Cabal Coffers and other ways to accelerate rats out.

That all said, I actually dislike the Nezumi, too (same with Orochi, Kitsune, etc.). Marrow-Gnawer just happens to be so good with rats that he got a pass from me. Same with my other rat deck, that's focused on discard — Nezumi Bone-Reader synergizes so well with everything else in the deck that I couldn't not include him! Still ugly, though. LoL. I just pretend they're the rats from The Secret of NIMH.

Here's my "last hurrah" for Call to the Netherworld — I agree, Unearth is better, but only because of the cycling. I would play Call over Claim any day, and here's why: Claim is reliable, sure, but it can only ever do that one thing (recur a creature), at the same mana rate (1 mana), in the same way (by casting it). The thing is, worst case Call can do that too, just a little less efficiently (1 mana to cast, 1-2 mana to cast the returned creature). But considering the most common time I'll want to use recursion is when I'm discarding creatures to Pack Rat, I'm fine with trading that efficiency in the other parts of the game with the large benefit Call gives me with Pack Rat online. Because then it's doing the thing (recur a creature), at a comparable mana rate (1-2 mana depending on creature), in a superior way (by discarding it for value). You can never discard Claim to fuel Pack Rat if you want to also use it to recur a creature.

That all said, I want to reiterate that I agree about Unearth being much better. After your reply, I realized that my bias towards Call is because it's in a mass discard deck (I also run a couple Dark Withering in that deck in addition to Tragic Slip). I'm also always fine casting Call for in that deck if I need to, so it's never a dead card for me. But yeah, in your deck, Unearth is far superior.

That's so interesting! I wonder why that specific era of cards were affected? I'm not familiar with South American history. Was there any sort of political or economic issues or something like that which would have affected trade/import at the time (2006-2007 was the US release)?

Goblin_Guide on Black Deck Wins

4 years ago

First suggestion: Fuck you. Play red.

Second: Alms of the Vein, Olivia's Dragoon, Dark Withering, and Brain Gorgers.

Again: Fuck you. Play red.

Chandra585 on RU Mad V3

4 years ago

first off, cut your Evolving Wilds for Swiftwater Cliffs. You want your tapped lands to tap for both colors. The Ash Barrens can be cut for basics as well. It seems like you are trying to make two different themes work, Ninjas and madness. Both are totally playable, but in the same deck, they take up each other's space. I recommend cutting the Ninjas. That frees up 7 slots in mainboard and one in side. You should fill these slots with efficient discard engines like Insolent Neonate, Faithless Looting, and Merchant of the Vale.

If you aren't dead set on blue, I would replace it for black. Black gives you access to cards like Psychotic Episode, Dark Withering and Grave Scrabbler.

multimedia on Merciless rage needs upgrading

4 years ago

Hey, you can do a lot with a $60 budget for upgrades. For non madness, do you still want to play the Worldgorger combo? Again this combo will be at least $20 of the $60 budget. Without the combo you could make plenty of other upgrades for $20, but the combo makes your deck much more competitive.

For multicolored decks I always start with allocating enough of the budget for the manabase, to add some playable lands. I figure I need to have a good manabase otherwise what's the point in making the deck if I can't consistently cast cards. For your deck I would start with adding these lands:

If playing non madness, still play some madness cards that become better when you discard them with Anje. There's really reason to not take some advantage of playable madness cards with Anje as Commander.

Other advice I can give will be determined on if you want to play the Worldgorger combo. I'm basing it on the combo because your deck can look quite a bit different if not playing the combo.

Tyongo on Damia's Draw and Discard Dance

5 years ago

It's a pretty nice start, with some key discard cards already in there. In the tests I've done, I feel the discard theme is not doing quite enough right now. You need the powerhouse cards such as Zombie Infestation to really start doing things, but you should have some more powerhouse cards. I must admit, though, that I'm not quite sure what other powerhouse discard cards would be.

I do have some other suggestions. Replace Frilled Mystic with Diplomatic Escort or Stronghold Machinist . While they don't do the exact same thing, with the Escort and Machinist being tap abilities, they do have the additional effect of adding to the discard possibilities. Frilled Mystic is pricey in terms of mana, so you'd be better of playing a normal counterspell if that is what you really wanted.

Underrealm Lich could be amazing. For every card you draw, you essentially get to draw three and choose one that best fits your current needs. It does fill up your graveyard very fast as well, but I think that'll be helpful the majority of the time.

Taigam, Sidisi's Hand could be very nice. It's essentially a card without downside, as you'll have your commander out most of the time anyway, which means it's just an extra card. You'd even be able to choose which effect to activate first, which means you draw to seven with Damia and get another card with Taigam. The activated effect is a decent way to get rid of threats on the board, as long as you fill your graveyard quickly enough. Combined with some more graveyard filling effects, it could be very useful.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang is a nice political card, and also has synergy with the graveyard theme in these colours. It fills it up, and you can make some nice deals. Should be fun.

Brawn is an awesome card in this deck, as you'll be able to use the big creatures you have, such as the growing Chasm Skulker or Oneirophage, and actually smack people really hard. It's another great card in a graveyard synergy deck, so it should work well.

In case you need more removal, Dark Withering is a madness removal spell. Not the best, but madness cards are quite rare. A general tip would be to pay close attention to the new Commander 2019 set, because one of the decks will be Madness themed, which means there'll be new madness cards and reprints soon. That's nice for the price of cards as well.

Abandoned Sarcophagus is a nice card for all the cycle cards you have in the deck, as you'll get to cycle them as well as cast them from your graveyard.

Psychic Possession is also a great card in combination with your commander, as the downside of skipping your draw step doesn't do anything for you, so instead you'll get to draw a lot of extra cards for each card your opponent draws.

Tamiyo, Collector of Tales or cards with a similar effect could be nice against a certain types of decks. cough Shattergang Brothers cough

Overall, I think that adding a graveyard theme to the deck could make the discard theme a lot better. You already have a few cards in your deck that allow you to cast or return cards from your graveyard, so why not add more and allow the two themes to complement eachother? Sidisi, Brood Tyrant could be a starting point to look for some more cards.

Best of luck, and happy deckbuilding :)

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