Bitterbow Sharpshooters

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bitterbow Sharpshooters

Creature — Jackal Archer

Vigilance, reach

stikmn33 on Green Ramp

6 years ago

There's a lot of changes which need to be made. First drop all the Primordial Wurms, switch them for Pelakka Wurm or more Aggressive Mammoth, not having trample on a six drop is so important. Also you need more land you should play at least 23 forest in a deck like this. Ditch Bitterbow Sharpshooters, Ridgescale Tusker, Wall of Vines and Wild Wanderer. There are much better drops at that slot. Take a look at some of the other mono green list in here and see what they are playing, they usually have budget alternatives to some more expensive cards, Vine Mare is a good example of this.

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Archer's Alliance

7 years ago

Zealot of the God-Pharaoh is a pretty weak wincon; Lightning Bolt is pauper-legal, and with its 3 toughness, as well as its expensive activated ability, you probably won't be able to whittle down your opponent in time. Bitterbow Sharpshooters is a nice archer fatty that can pressure opponents freely since it has vigilance.

Since you're including Viridian Longbow, it might be worth including Thornweald Archer to destroy creatures every turn.

Suggest cutting 2x Tel-Jilad Archers, 1x Hush, 1x Salvage, 1x Avoid Fate, 1x Shatter for 3x Bitterbow & 3x Thornweald or 4x Bitterbow and 2x Thornweald.


7 years ago

Dang it, I just typed out a long response, but then I hit upvote before posting, and my response is lost to the interwebs . . .

I will try to recreate a bit.

At first glance this looks like a budget deck, because of the large number of commons. But then you have three chandras in the sideboard, so I don't know what to think....

That said, there are a couple cards I'd suggest.

Ramunap Hydra looks like a straight upgrade to Bitterbow Sharpshooters.

I'm not sure how much value you are getting from Khenra Charioteer, as it seems like your heaviest hitters will already have trample.

There are upgrade options for Rampaging Hippo, Verdurous Gearhulk jumps to mind, but there are cheaper options like Charging Monstrosaur.

I very much like Wildfire Eternal and Inferno Jet together.

I would be worried about 21 lands with this kind of mana cost stuff, but that's for you to playtest and see if Druid of the Cowl makes it work.

I'd also suggest considering Shapers' Sanctuary.

Good luck.

Vortain on R/G Warrior Aggro

7 years ago

I think this needs a fair amount of work. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, so take what I say with a grain of salt, knowing many others could give you far better advice.

I think you have a few different things you are trying to do:

However, there's so much going on, I don't think most of these things will happen consistently. You only have 1 of each of the cards mentioned above, ensuring that you'll rarely see them played (especially the Zeal combo, which isn't that good to begin with).

I think you should just focus on a few things, mainly Warriors, Exhaust, and the Haste ability, as I think that's what you want your deck to mainly be. The suggestions I make are mainly using exactly what you have, only pulling a few cards from elsewhere.

I'd say get rid of the following:

  • Trial of Zeal - It's not an instant, and it only deals 3 damage. Getting the combo off with Cartouche of Zeal is unpredictable. I'd much rather see 4 Hungry Flames in your deck, where you can clear their minions out, and deal a bit of extra damage to the player.
  • Open Fire - Again, Hungry Flames is better here, as your focus is creatures dealing damage, so just having the option to deal 1 extra damage to the player seems like a huge loss, verses the ability to clear out their creatures and deal damage to the player. Additionally, Shock seems like a much better card at only 1 red mana, if you want more Instant damage.
  • Grapeshot - You have a lot of mid to high costing cards, so at most you may get 1 extra damage with this consistently. Again, for 1 red mana, Shock trumps this (in your deck).

These I'd sideboard, maybe:

  • Bitterbow Sharpshooters - They are situational, probably best if you know you are going against blue/white or someone with flying. Otherwise, the high cost and lack of synergy is hard to justify.
  • Deem Worthy and Shivan Meteor - Both cost a lot to have as part of your core, and not very useful if you are going up a blue control deck, or aggro deck (again Shock and Hungry Flames would be useful in most all situations.) However, if you know they are packing some large creatures, then I'd stick with Meteor since it has a ton more damage, even though it lacks cycling and demands 2 red. If they have large creatures, you definitely rather overkill in case they can pump them.
  • Hijack - Simply put, it's situational. Sideboard when you know you are going up against heavy artifact/vehicle decks. Otherwise, something that straight up destroys artifacts might be better (there's a red card that destorys X artifacts, I think, and that would probably work better in your side board. It could really cripple an artifact deck).

These I like but not sure about:

  • Majestic Myriarch - I like this card a lot, but am playing it in a deck where I only have four five-cost creatures, a few three-cost, and the rest 1 and 2 cost. I don't think it fits well here, but with some changes it might. And you might play with it and find I'm very wrong. Try it and see how it plays out. If he can copy Haste and Double Strike, he could do well consistently.
  • Throne of the God-Pharaoh - I get the idea behind this, but I'm simply not sure if it works in practice. Play with 2 or 3 in your deck (to make sure you see if regularly) and see how it works out. Get rid of it if the damage in negligible.
  • Hazoret's Monument - I do like this in your deck, and probably would play with 2 or 3, but ditch it if it doesn't seem that helpful. But since you have so many red and red/green cards, it seems like it'd do well.
  • Garruk's Horde - It's expensive and only kinda useful if you can get it out. Maybe Cultivator of Blades would be a better option. Again, this one you'd have to test.

These I think you could choose one or the other:

  • Hooded Brawler or Khenra Scrapper or Ahn-Crop Crasher- These cards are nice in their own respect. I think the weakest is Hooded Brawler, mainly because he doesn't have haste and can be blocked. If you find you consistently get him out with Bloodlust Inciter to haste him, then maybe keep him. Otherwise, I'd choose Khenra and Ahn, and you should play 2, 3, or 4 of each. Ahn I think is especially strong.
  • Rubblebelt Raiders or Frontline Devastator both I like for different reasons. I think Rubblebelt is the better choice. Play 3 or 4 of them.

Things I like:

  • Samut, the Tested - This I think could pull off some beautiful combos with haste creatures, especially Ahn-Crop Crasher. Probably would add 1 more, maybe 2.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes - He fits the theme well, I'd just add more of him.
  • Bloodlust Inciter - Fits your theme well, gives haste, works as a chump blocker, works on curve. I'd probably want to have 3 or 4.
  • Prowling Serpopard - Didn't know about this, seems incredibly helpful. Might be situational though, and maybe should be side boarded. If you are going against blue, you want this. Otherwise, something like, Sheltering Word or Blossoming Defense would probably be good in all situations as it protects against direct damage spells, -1/-1 counter spells, etc where as Serpopard does not.
  • Khenra Scrapper - Seems like he could be pretty strong when you want to by pass creatures, especially in combo with Ahn-Crop Crasher and Bitterblade Warrior

Final thoughts

That's probably way more than you wanted (if you wanted any criticism) but I hope it's helpful. I think the main thing is to focus on Haste and Warriors and/or Exhaust. I think you just need to increase the card count you have on some cards. Here's a quick mock up I did, though I didn't spend a ton of time on it. The main thing you'll notice is I increased card counts on cards I liked, and sideboarded anything I felt was more situational. I also slightly adjusted the Mountain/Forest ratio.

R/G Warrior Aggro Suggestions

Lame_Duck on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

7 years ago

The listed subtypes for almost the entire Jackal tribe seems to be incorrect. I tried to fix it but, unless I'm being an idiot and misunderstanding the interface, it isn't possible because the only Jackal related option in the drop-down menu is "Zombie Jackal".

Affected cards:
Battlefield Scavenger, Bitterblade Warrior, Bitterbow Sharpshooters, Champion of Rhonas, Dauthi Jackal, Defiant Khenra, Earthshaker Khenra, Flameblade Adept, Hurr Jackal, Jackal Familiar, Jackal Pup, Khenra Charioteer, Khenra Eternal, Khenra Scrapper, Nimble-Blade Khenra, Resilient Khenra, Trueheart Twins, Wildfire Eternal.

Vaan on My first deck.

7 years ago

I recommend the following changes:

Cut 2 Colossapede, 2 Bitterbow Sharpshooters, 2 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs, 4 Aven of Enduring Hope, 2 Winged Shepherd, 1 Sandwurm Convergence, 1 Greater Sandwurm, 1 Mirage Mirror, 2 Life goes on.

Add 3 Rhonas's Stalwart, 1 Resilient Khenra, 1 Gideon's Defeat, 1 Dauntless Aven, 1 Tah-Crop Elite, 1 Vizier of the True, 1 Rhet-Crop Spearmaster, 1 Trial of Solidarity, 1 Sunscourge Champion, 2 Bitterblade Warrior, 1 Unwavering Initiate, 1 Initiate's Companion , 1 Naga Vitalist, 1 Act of Heroism.

The biggest problem of your current version is the mana curve, you have way too many mana intensive cards and very little ramp, so i would cut the 5+ CMC cards for the aggressive 2 and 3 drops from your card pool and play a more aggro version of the deck.

SlyBlu7 on Draft League N00B, HELP!

7 years ago

I'm not sure if I have anything that would make Red/Blue particularly playable. Sure, I can draw a lot of cards and eventually work up to the X+UU unlockable creatures, but that's about all it does. Plus the curve is awful.

I also put together a G/R and splashed in some white. The idea is to try to bomb Onward / Victory around T6. The rest is just combat tricks, trample, and using Pathmaker Initiate to make creatures unblockable before pumping them. Crash Through for trample and card draw, plus a few of the creatures already have Trample, and Mighty Leap and a Dauntless Aven to get a bit of flying. The whole deck falls around the 3 CMC range, with only Pursue Glory and Bitterbow Sharpshooters hitting above 4CMC. The plan is to just stay on curve, get out fast and start pumping out damage.

SlyBlu7 on Draft League N00B, HELP!

7 years ago

Hey guys - just entered a draft league. They let us pick up 4 packs to start (2 ANK, 2 HOU) and build 30 card decks from there. I think I got the short end of the pulls. Especially when I look at the awesome (frustratingly so) pulls that my GF got, who is even more of a newbie to the game. Anyway, this is what I put together:

Creatures Frilled Sandwalla , Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons, Naga Vitalist, Dune Beetle , Wretched Camel, Ruin Rat, Bitterblade Warrior , Sidewinder Naga , Ornery Kudu , Giant Spider , Bitterbow Sharpshooters

Spells Compelling Argument, Gift of Strength , Synchronized Strike , Splendid Agony, Cartouche of Ambition, Torment of Venom

Artifacts Traveler's Amulet, Bontu's Monument, Oketra's Monument

Land Ipnu Rivulet, Desert of the Glorified, Desert of the Indomitable, Grasping Dunes,1Island, 4Forest, 2Swamp

The idea that I had was to go BG for tossing -1/-1 with Vizier, and having some creatures and pumps. Splashed U for milling.

What else did I pull? Garbage, I think. White was especially thin, which is sad because it's one of my favorite colors.

White Mighty Leap , Oketra's Avenger , Forsake the Worldly , Dauntless Aven , Sandblast

Blue Strategic Planning, Spellweaver Eternal, Labyrinth Guardian , Ancient Crab , Eternal of Harsh Truths, Tragic Lesson, Illusory Wrappings , Shimmerscale Drake , Striped Riverwinder, Open Into Wonder

Black Liliana's Defeat, Shadow of the Grave, Doomfall, Razaketh, the Foulblooded

Red Crash Through, Pathmaker Initiate, Nef-Crop Entangler , Blur of Blades, Open Fire, Pursue Glory , Manticore Eternal , Hazoret's Undying Fury, Desert Cerodon

Aftermath Onward / Victory

Land Sunscorched Desert, Shefet Dunes

Now, my list of cards is recorded at the store, so I can change the deck but obviously cannot add any cards from elsewhere. I'm wondering if I shouldn't have featured Red in the deck, maybe just cut my losses and went RG to keep it simple. Can anyone help me out? It's fairly casual, but I don't really want to get my head caved in for the next two months of MtG.Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

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