Need help deciding on my next commander!
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 15, 2015, 10:45 a.m. by michael921
My forever waifu is Pharika, as shown with Pharika, God of SNAKE TOKENS, but her devotion to the game I feel is not strong enough to fight against many of the other commanders. I want to build a more competitive edh deck, which means that I have to find a new waifu that pharika will be able to co-exist with. My favorite colors in order are G,B,W,U,R. I'm also looking to build a budget competitive deck, as I don't have much money to throw around, but I would like to avoid infinite combos if possible. I'm working on a budget of about $100 by the way.
Best Potential Waifus
- Yeva, Nature's Herald => Powerful Ability, but it seems like she would become a Green goodstuff deck... Her fashion is great though! Pet bear, good flowing dress, accessorized nicely, I like the card, but maybe not the deck she builds. Power 7/10, Fashion 7/10
- Rubinia Soulsinger => The little of sister of Merieke Ri Berit, who I don't really like. I enjoy that her power level varies depending on who I'm facing, and how colorful her dress is, but I don't like how she's always looking at other people... Power X/10, Fashion 6/10
Middling Potential Waifus
- Drana, Liberator of Malakir => I love Drana's backstory and the flavor of zendikar that she brings with herself, and is always there to support her comrades. She also has a really cool cape and hat, which is obviously important. However, I'm not sure how I feel about her mono-black ways and she might be only with me for me blood... Power 6/10, Fashion 6/10, Flavor 9/10
- Selvala, Explorer Returned => By far the most fashionable of the waifus i'm looking at, which earns her a significant placement among the other candidates. I like her ability to ramp up, but I'm not sure about benefiting everyone else at the table. Also, even though she just returned, I don't know when she might go out exploring again and leave me behind... Power 6 or 7/10, Fashion 10/10, Flavor 6/10
- Trostani, Selesnya's Voice => Selesnya was my guild before I found golgari, but the fashion isn't quite there for Trostani. I also feel like she's been around for quite a while, and I like my decks to be unique. That being said, she still is very powerful. Power 7/10, Fashion 4/10
- Titania, Protector of Argoth => Love the dress made out of leaves, love the power level behind the card, not sure about the limitations. Titania really builds only one deck, and seems to only care about her land more than me... Power 7/10, Fashion 8/10
- Captain Sisay => All the Waifus! I'm not sure I can handle Sisay and all of her friends by myself, or pay for their flight. Still fashionable, flavorful and powerful! I'm also not sure how jealous Sissay would get though as you spend more time with her friends than her. Power 7/10, Fashion 6/10, Flavor 5/10, Waifus 99/10
- Meren of Clan Nel Toth => She if a member of the golgari, which is by far my favorite guild. In addition, she is also quite fashionable, and is always bringing her friends back to the party. However, many of her friends are undead and kind of uninteresting to talk to. That being said, her best friend is a ZOMBIE DRAGON. Power 6ish/10, Fashion 6/10, Flavor 6/10
A Challenger Approaches!
- Yasova Dragonclaw => While I don't prefer red, Yasova gives me a different way to steal creatures like Rubinia, who is currently my top pick. I love her pet saber tooth, and her glaive as a weapon, but she can't get out of the past. She has a sweet parka, and is incredibly intelligent, shown from the forgotten realms articles. Power 5/10, Fashion 6/10, Flavor 6/10
- Prime Speaker Zegana => Another UG commander, I love how the Simic are always looking to the future and trying to create. However, While Zegana's dress is really cool looking, it seems that She would rather work under someone else's command and just just get back to her research. Power 4/10, Fashion 6/10
Who do you think I should build for a more competitive deck?
If there are any other waifus I should consider, please suggest them in a similar style to what I've done! (I'm a vorthos which is why my decion making is like this :P)
Thank you!
buildingadeck says... #3
I would go for Meren. Selvala will get hated off almost instantly, and Drana is just not as good as some of the other Mono-B commanders. Meren makes an awesome sac deck.
November 15, 2015 12:55 p.m.
My vote also goes to Meren of Clan Nel Toth. She accumulates value over time, which is what G/B tries to do most games anyways. If you make a deck, you can tag me for help.
November 15, 2015 12:58 p.m.
Savra, Queen of the Golgari, Sisters of Stone Death, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Asmira, Holy Avenger, Captain Sissay, Jenara, Asura of War, Karametra, God of Harvests, Rubinia Soulsinger, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice(if you're into tree, spirit things), Titania, Protector of Argoth, Yeva, Nature's Herald, Anthousa, Setessan Hero. Those are some names to get you started. Also if you need an help building those decks feel free to ask. I consider myself a bit of an EDH buff.
November 15, 2015 1:18 p.m.
Oh, you want descriptions, well...
Captain Sissay: A competitive commander that can be difficult to make on a budget but I've seen it done. Why have one waifu when you can have all the waifus.
Karametra, God of Harvests: A popular budget commander and it seems like you're into gods.
Rubinia Soulsinger: Hilarious budget commander, better dressed than most of the golgari commanders you are looking at.
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is a very popular commander that can be done on a budget. I'm not sure what to say about their appearance.
Yeva, Nature's Herald is a big, smashy smash commander. Play big creatures, when the game. Also pet bears are very fashionable.
I'm not gonna do all of my list, but that's a start.
November 15, 2015 1:26 p.m.
michael921 says... #7
magiceli, thank you for all of the suggestions! I've put my favorites into the lists above, with fun description :)
Why is Selvala hated off instantly? I know you can get into infinite loops with her, but is there a reason besides that? One difficulty I'm having is having too many decks that I want to build including Athreos, Mazirek, and a new Waifu deck. I may have Athreos be my tiny leaders deck though.
Also if I do go with Meren, a sacrifice theme is obvious, but maybe a self mill and recursion theme is what i should build around?
November 15, 2015 4:21 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #8
Mazirek is broken (friend of mine made a SUPER competitive version). Meren is pure value (my variation on her, not yet tuned: Beggars and Kings: Meren EDH). And my favorite deck of all time is a Sidisi combo deck, which also has a $25 incarnation (below). Hey, you said you wanted cheap, competitive decks...
November 16, 2015 5:36 a.m.
michael921 says... #9
My issue with mazirek at the moment is that HE is obviously not a waifu :-P but I agree that he is absurdly powerful. Most people are voting for meren, but I'm not sure if that's because she's new or the best option for what I have. And sidisi... I like the hyper budget version... But I would give her flavor a 3/10, so I'm not particularity interested in her...
Thank you for the suggestion though!
November 16, 2015 8:20 a.m.
My $0.02:
Lilli. She's got the whole 'girl next door' thing going on as Liliana, Heretical Healer, but she can also flip out and seriously rock the thigh-high boots as Liliana, Defiant Necromancer Flip. She's not the most loyal Planeswalker ever, what with her hoard of zombo groupies and all. And I think she's still kind of got a thing for that frazzin' blue mage. But if you can keep her in counters, she's your gal for sure.
Teysa, Envoy of "My eyes are up HERE!" Er, I mean Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts. Nobody, but NOBODY is more fashionable. She may be a little old for you (112, I think? And yeah, she walks with a cane). But man has she aged well! On the down side, she has a seriously creepy family, and she seems to be more than a little under their thumb. And she's been making eyes at Tajic now for a while. But lemme know man, I think I may go after her if you don't...
Glissa, the Traitor, maybe? She's a little on the creepy side, but she REALLY knows how to accessorize! Plus she's hated Ezuri, like, forever. So smashing on all the new Claw of Progress decks together would make an especially satisfying series of dates for you and her.
In the end, I think I'm with magiceli on Yeva, Nature's Herald. I think she'd be really good for you--she's almost entirely unlike Pharika, so would provide a nice balance and a new perspective. And you'd be good for her too--she could use a taste of the dark side. And from a fashion standpoint: Yum! I recommend you go for full romance and have your first date at a Renaissance Faire. I fully expect y'all will fall in love and she'll step into your life. With a bear.

November 16, 2015 1:46 p.m. Edited.
Since you mentioned you're trying to build a somewhat competitive deck, I'm going to recommend Captain Sisay. She's by far the strongest commander out of those listed if built correctly. Having access to a giant toolbox of legendary permanents is incredibly terrifying. The only possibly concern is that she's expensive to build correctly. Elesh Norn, Gaea's Cradle, Avacyn, and several other key cards all cost a pretty penny to purchase.
my second recommendation is Meren. She's quite new, so her full potential hasn't been achieved yet. She's already shaping up to be one of the best commanders available to GB. (By the way, she's from Jund, not Ravinica's Golgari clan. Just felt obligated to clear that up). She can be built strong on a much lighter budget. Just having Fleshbag loops and various graveyard shenanigan strategies is often enough to win most match-ups. Also, she can be easily upgraded to Mimeoplasm or Karador, which both run somewhat similar shells competitively.
November 16, 2015 3:50 p.m.
michael921 in response to your question about Saffi I believe she is almost purely combo bait. It is difficult and awkward to build her without infinite combos. If you want a combo deck she is great but there aren't many other strategies or synergies that work with her.
November 16, 2015 8:29 p.m.
Also while smashy smash Yeva is the obvious way to go it's not your only choice. You can use flash to abuse powerful ETB effects on your opponents turn. Eternal Witness to bring back a combat trick, Avenger of Zendikar to get some chump blockers, Acidic Slime as instant speed hate, Genesis Hydra for a bunch of instant speed creatures or even Centaur Chieftain for a large scale buff. Just saying there are multiple ways Yeva can be played.
November 16, 2015 8:42 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #14
I'd go with old school Drana over the new one. Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief has been rocking that cape for a while now, plus you've got to love the flavor on that ability.
Regarding Selvala, she gets hated on because she draws everyone cards. Many people don't like when you draw all their opponents cards, even if they get one too. The fact it's stapled to a mana ability and helps you ramp into scary things doesn't help either. Selvala is also used as a stax commander sometimes, and people always hate on stax.
November 17, 2015 10:13 p.m.
If you're still considering Selvala, check out White (and Green) Flag which has definitely been fun to play.
To be honest though, giving everyone else card draw isn't really a good way to build a competitive deck. I would still recommend building her for fun, but Captain Sisay or Meren would be better if you're trying to make a competitive deck.
November 18, 2015 1:21 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #16
Skydra2: Actually, there are some pretty competitive Selvala decks that go off with infinite combos. It doesn't matter if they draw cards if you kill them before they can use them.
November 18, 2015 3:54 p.m.
michael921 says... #17
Thank you for all of your suggestions! I will eventually build a selvala and drana deck, but not for this one.Daedalus19876, I'm trying to stay away from inifite combos, as it creates a bad social dynamic.
I'm also shying away from Captain Sisay as the good GW legends are all really expensive which put it out of my price range unfortunately.
After deliberation, I have a new top three to choose from thanks to all of your comments and my girlfriend chiming in on the fashion (she liked rubinia)! Also what are your thoughts on vela? I really like her, except for the blue part.
November 21, 2015 12:05 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #18
Putting fashion aside, I don't care for Vela. She's very conditional and if anyone is playing those colors she becomes a lot worse. She doesn't do anything that Dimir isn't really good at doing anyway.
Oddly enough, she seems like she'd be at her best in a ninja deck.
November 21, 2015 3:02 a.m.
FYREKNIGHT says... #19
i'm currently making a Marchesa, the Black Rose deck and believe she is a great commander. She can withstand boardwipes and kill spells. Plus all her people could suicide bomb the player with the most life and then return untapped. Also you have options like Unspeakable Symbol so that you can have instant speed saves.
November 21, 2015 7:31 a.m.
michael921 says... #20
FYREKNIGHT I'm not particularily interested in Marchesa. Thank you for your suggestion, but I'm trying to avoid red and I also simply don't like how marchesa looks. I'm glad that your deck is coming along well though!
ComradeJim270, That is true about her loosing strength if other people are in dimir, which is the top two most popular EDH colors (I believe), but I believe you can get into some fun bouncing and sacrificing shenanigans with her second ability. And if it wasn't obvious fashion is a big consideration of mine.
NarejED, sorry about the late reply, but I know that she's from Jund. I was trying to say that she was Golgari colored, but I'll make that more clear in my post :)
My biggest issue with Meren of Clan Nel Toth is that she's super generic for BG, and I would want to build an interesting unique deck, and I don't see how to do that. Most of the builds that i've seen, she can be replaced with Jarad or Savra and the deck would function the exact same. That's why I'm leaning away from her and instead probably going to make a mazirek deck from the precon.
magiceli, what are your thoughts now? Especially with the option of Vela?
November 22, 2015 4:45 p.m.
I'm not a fan of Vela, she is conditional and builds rather boring decks. She doesn't give you much direction to build in. I'll go over power levels of you current picks and possible deck choices.
Meren of Clan Nel Toth is possibly your most powerful choice, she builds reanimator. Also Green and Black are 2 of the most powerful colors in EDH. A drawback is: a lot of the good cards you want in reanimator EDH and even Meren herself can be expensive and you mentioned wanting to build on a budget. Power: 8/10
Yeva, Nature's Herald can be a very powerful build, going either green goodstuffs or ETB abuse. Green is a powerful color in EDH. However I prefer playing Multicolored in EDH. Power: 7.5/10
Rubinia Soulsinger is a very fun commander and can be built very budget. However she can also scale to be made more competitive as the Blue is arguably the strongest color in Multiplayer EDH and Green is a close second. Power: 6.5/10
Drana, Liberator of Malakir. I really don't know much about her in EDH but she seems decent. She probably builds Black aggro or Vampire Tribal. Both strategies are fairly budget (although competitive mono black lists can get expensive). Power: 7/10
Selvala, Explorer Returned is another commander I am unfamiliar with. It seems she would build group hug or combo (IMO neither of those are that powerful). I imagine she could be built very budget. Power: 6/10
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is the one on your list to compete with Meren for power level. She's one of the most played commanders for a reason. She builds tokens, lifegain, Selesnya goodstuffs or some combination of those. All of these can built for pretty cheap. Main drawback is how mainstream she is. Power: 8/10
Titania, Protector of Argoth seems powerful. She is probably the most limited in deck choices as she really only builds one deck. I have never played against her but I can see how she would be powerful. Power 7/10
Captain Sissay is your most expensive option. Depending on how much you are willing to spend on this deck her power ranges from 6.5/10 - 8/10
In the end the decision is really up to you. When you do decide I can help you with some ideas (I love building EDH decks).
I hope these suggestions helped.
November 22, 2015 5:37 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #22
magiceli: I contest many of your choices, actually. However, keep in mind that I play in extremely competitive circles, so my arguments may not quite be true in casual playgroups. Good stuff can be built in most colors, so I'm chatting about the power levels of the decks that the commanders most easily fit in.
Meren is actually very slow, requires an odd build (big things to reanimate, small things to sacrifice first), and is rather commander-dependent. I actually have a value-sacrifice-stax Meren list I'm playing around with now, and although it's fun, it so far lacks the sheer power of some other decks I play with. The Mimeoplasm puts her to shame :( Which is sad, because I want her to be good. In terms of power, 6/10
Mono-green isn't the worst single color in EDH (that honor probably goes to white, for its lack of card draw) but unless you're playing blue or black, mono-colored decks are a bit risky. Yeva's deck is pretty vulnerable, especially since it doesn't decrease mana costs at all (what you usually want in mono-green, unless you're playing Elfball, in which case you probably want a different general). 5/10
White/Green isn't a super-strong combination in EDH, and although I've seen plenty of fun Trostani decks, they're usually a bit fragile and can be outraced and overpowered (Power level: 5/10). However, Captain Sisay is fantastically powerful because she's a TUTOR - something that WG is lacking, and she often finds the most powerful cards ever printed. Power: 8/10, but expensive to build right. Oh, and Selvala can build some fantastic combo decks, since she's often left alone by everyone (since she's giving cards) then wins out of nowhere. 7/10
Titania can be fantastic, but really does only have one way to build around her. Check out this deck (Deforestation) for a nice approach. Built right: 8/10. Built badly: 4/10.
Hope my perspective was helpful :)
November 22, 2015 9:22 p.m.
I was speaking from more of a casual perspective, I don't play that much competitive commander so that's were I got my choices. However I still think that Meren can be very good. She is slow to get running but afterwards that deck is very resilient.
November 22, 2015 11:20 p.m.
michael921 says... #24
magiceli and Daedalus19876, thank you for your help! I'm not going to do titania, because of how limited she is, and her price as shown by the deck. I'm also not going to use sisay, because while powerful, costs too much. I really want to do a test with the precon to see how I like meren, because I ran rubinia in her precon (pretty awful) but I enjoyed playing her.
I should have also made my description more clear in that I'm looking for a more competitive deck, like a 75% build, not a 100% competitive deck. That's why I'm also not going to go with selvala, as she relies on infinite combos to win.
November 24, 2015 12:03 p.m.
How about Sidisi, Brood Tyrant? Daedalus19876 has a great build for her :D
November 24, 2015 12:14 p.m.
Rubinia is probably the least competitive of your top choices but if you enjoy playing her feel free. I would say that out of your top choices Meren is the most powerful and Yeva is second. It also depends on if you are planning on playing multiplayer or 1v1. If you will mostly be playing multiplayer I would say that Rubinia might be better than Yeva just because Bant is so much more interactive than mono green.
November 24, 2015 10:22 p.m.
michael921 says... #27
So I play tested meren straight out of the box and annihilated clayperce and his Smashface Gardening w/ Rith (EDH Dragons).
Meren of Clan Nel Toth is absurdly powerful. I feel like she is going to have the rafiq problem where whenever anyone sees her, its a game of archenemy. I don't really like that which is making me really lean away from her unless I can find an interesting way to build her besides stax or reanimation. I would also like to find a theme with rubinia or yeva as well.
Ravolt, my choice on not going with Sidisi, Brood Tyrant is that I simply don't like how she looks. The appearance is just as important to me as the ability.
Also how is vela normally built? I'm just interested in her.
November 26, 2015 3:38 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #28
michael921: I've played a pretty tuned Meren deck, and I've gotten annihilated before. From my estimation, she's proved to be a casual general. However, I would love to see your deck, if you've made modifications beyond the Precon.
Keep in mind that I usually play with heavy control and combo, so her ability's a bit slow to be competitive. The average deck in my meta will win between T3 and T6 goldfishing.
And you could always acquire an altered copy of a general if you're that concerned about appearance :)
November 26, 2015 4:03 p.m.
michael921 says... #29
This is true with the altered art :-p I don't have anyone nearby to do good alters and ordering one is pretty expensive.
The deck I used was the straight precon, and I plan on converting the deck to a mazirek deck.
The group I play with generally tries to keep a 75% mentality, so I don't see too much combo, which makes meren really strong. It really feels like you're playing a good dredge deck from the amount of card advantage you have. I can see how she would be slow in the face of mass tutors and combo decks though.
Im also looking to build unique decks which is a difficulty, especially with meren. Do you have any thoughts on alternate build for meren? Also what themes can you think of for rubinia and yeva?
November 26, 2015 5:06 p.m.
With Rubinia you can use sacrifice outlets like: Jinxed Idol, Greater Good, Eldrazi Monument, and Ashnod's Altar. Helm of Possession could be really funny, sacrifice the creature you gained control of with Rubinia to gain control of another creature.
November 26, 2015 9:39 p.m.
michael921 says... #31
That sounds absolutely hilarious, so I'm going to build a deck around Rubinia Soulsinger first, and also build the other two top choices :-P why choose one when you can build them all?
I'll post the deck link as soon as I have a prototype!
November 29, 2015 11:35 a.m.
michael921 says... #32
magiceli and Daedalus19876, the deck so far is posted at Stealing away souls!
November 29, 2015 3:53 p.m.
michael921 says... #33
A Challenger Approaches!
I was perusing some decks over on edhrec, and I stumbled across Yasova Dragonclaw, who could be a really fun option! Even though her activated ability has red and I don't particularly enjoy the color, she still has access to UG stuff, which is a color combination I rather enjoy, along with Prime Speaker Zegana. Both of these are interesting options that I wanted to hear from you on magiceli and Daedalus19876!
Thank you!
December 21, 2015 7:13 p.m.
I feel obligated to correct some of the misconceptions of power that have been displayed previously in the thread.
Yeva, Nature's Herald: Mono green can be incredibly powerful in EDH, the second strongest color by itself after Blue. However, Yeva's ability is quite weak. She requires Seedborn Muse and a draw engine like Heartwood Storyteller to even be usable. Solidly Tier 4. Power: 3/10.
Rubinia Soulsinger: Bant is one of the stronger color combinations in EDH, but Rubinia doesn't bring much to the table by herself. Her ability is too small and weak to be useful in multiplayer. Power: 4/10
Drana, Liberator of Malakir: She's in mono black, and her abilities encourage an aggressive creature beatdown strategy, which is not viable in EDH. Solidly Tier 4. Power: 3/10
Selvala, Explorer Returned: Played correctly, Selvala Stax can be incredibly devastating. Resolving Armageddon or Hokori, Dust Drinker the turn after she's cast can completely shut down the game, or at least slow opponents down until she can combo out. Easily Tier 2. Power: 7.5/10.
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice: She gains, which is almost entirely irrelevant in EDH unless you're playing Ad Nauseam combo. her ability to create tokens, while useful, is too slow for competitive play. Power: 5/10
Titania, Protector of Argoth: Incredibly easy to combo out quickly and consistently. Power: 6.5/10
Captain Sisay: As previously stated, she's likely the most powerful commander here. Sisay mana denial is only just shy of Tier 1. Power: 8/10
Meren of Clan Nel Toth: The new strongest commander in Golgari colors. She's nearly as strong as Karador, Ghost Chieftan. Only her lack of access to white (and, by extension, Boonweaver Giant combo) keeps her from being truly broken. She can still Mike and Trike for the win consistently. She also can recover from counter spells and board wipes better than nearly any commander in the game. Power: 8/10
Yasova Dragonclaw: Like Rubinia, she's in a good color combination, but her ability is too low-impact to heavily influence games. Power: 4.5/10
Prime Speaker Zegana: Fairly useful ability, especially when paired with Deadeye Navigator. Power: 6/10
December 21, 2015 8:18 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #35
Prime Speaker Zegana is pretty meh to me, unless you really like Timmy strategies. Yasova Dragonclaw is an interesting case. She does tend to give good value, but is much better in multiplayer since 1) you'll have someone to attack without blockers and 2) you have more options to steal.
NarejED is correct in most of his points above, though I still think that Meren's not as good as he suggests. Plus, Mike/Trike is a very boring, non-interactive way to win. If you plan to do that every game, either play Big Mike as your commander or just go Sidisi2 and stuff all of the infinite combos together :P
And I'd still rank the mono-colors thusly (best to worst): UBGRW
December 21, 2015 10:10 p.m.
michael921 says... #36
NarejED, can you please explain why being able to steal opponents creatures, then sacrifice them isn't particularly powerful? Is it because most decks have non creature ways of infinite combos and thus you can't interact? The ability just seems powerful to me at least.
I find non interactive combos like Mike and Trike boring like Daedalus said, so I'm trying to avoid both that and stax, but that probably makes my deck far weaker. Those strategies just don't interest me much :/. That being said, I do want a deck that has a decent level of power for not too much money.
canterlotguardian, what do you think?
December 22, 2015 3:35 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #37
The fact that you thought highly enough of me to tag me in this makes me a happy CG, so I'll try not to disappoint.
The really fun thing about Yasova Dragonclaw is that she doesn't have to be the only thing in the deck that steals creatures. Dominus of Fealty, Insurrection, Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded- even pseudo-steal effects like any type of Clone effect or Supplant Form. Another thing that most people don't realize is that you can run Conjurer's Closet so whatever creature you steal with Yasova/Dominus/whatever, you just blink it at EOT and steal it permanently, since the Closet returns it to the battlefield under your control as a brand new object that the game doesn't see as belonging to your opponent. Fun tricks with Yasova.
I'm also going to speak briefly on Vela the Night-Clad. Few things in life are more satisfying than resolving a kicked Rite of Replication targeting Vela and draining everyone but you at the table for 30 to the dome.
December 22, 2015 3:57 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #38
canterlotguardian: I was going to tag you too, actually, haha. Your Yasova deck is worthy of sharing for inspiration. In the same way I hope people sometimes share my pet Sidisi deck, heh.
I think that Rubinia isn't extremely powerful because you can only steal one creature per turn cycle, and Merieke Ri Berit does the job better, and in better colors (harder to spell tho). Not awful, but there are far more powerful generals.
December 22, 2015 5:50 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #39
...My Yasova deck? I mean, I have an Intet, the Dreamer deck that does basically what he's wanting to do for this deck- and if I may be honest, probably needs Yasova Dragonclaw as the general more than Intet; I just have a love affair with the big Temur hunk of a dragon.
December 22, 2015 5:56 p.m.
michael921 says... #40
Rubinia Soulsinger can actually take more than one creature per turn with untap effects like Prophet of Kruphix, which is fun. :-) Yasova unfortunately can only get multiple activations from extra combat or extra turn unfortunately.
I also enjoy how interactive yasova and rubinia are, which is part of the reason I'm trying to avoid inifite combos.
And I'm glad that you feel happy to be tagged canterlotguardian! I find it really interesting how different commanders are perceived, and that Vela plan sounds absolutely amazing. I'm just not sure what else I would want to do with the deck, and she costs quite a bit. Mana wise.
December 22, 2015 6:28 p.m.
canterlotguardian says... #41
Vela is good for running a thief style deck. Just run everything that lets you steal something from an opponent, or in some way or another uses their own resources against them. If you would like, michael921, I can draft up a Vela deck list tonight and then post it and tag you in it so you can see basically the way I would build Vela. Control strategies that revolve around using my opponent's resources against them are kind of my thing. ;)
The_Dragonmaster says... #2
I'm working on a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck myself, don't know which direction to take though.
November 15, 2015 11:23 a.m.