Unbender Tine

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unbender Tine


Tap: Untap another target permanent.

king-saproling on Jodah's Unification with Nothingness

2 years ago

Just realized the Door enters tapped. Could run things like Amulet of Vigor, Burst of Energy, Dream's Grip, Emerald Charm, Aphetto Alchemist, Kiora's Follower, Unbender Tine, etc. (there are a lot of cards like this) to mitigate that. They can also untap Jegantha or Arcum which is nice.

zachz on Tap 'em Out!

2 years ago

Really enjoy the concept of the deck. I think you have, if you pardon the terrible pun, an untapped potential that can be added to your deck.

Untap mechanics can accelerate your own card tap abilities, and give you the rare opportunity to tap an opponent creature multiple times per turn. There's several that I found worth suggesting:

Azakyte on Extreme Healing

3 years ago

Thank you two for the help. I really like the changes you suggested! I'm a bit sad to see Unbender Tine go. I find that to be a fun card to use but I know I can probable find a good use for those elsewhere (Maybe).

Thank you for the warm welcome to tapped out!

Corrosive_Cat on Extreme Healing

3 years ago

Honestly you're probably much better off with Ajani's Pridemate rather than Cleric of Life's Bond. Easier to cast, and no once-a-turn limit!

What kinda format are you going for here? Looks leaning towards Modern, but Wall of Hope isn't legal there. You can set your deck's format on the edit page! I'd recommend Pioneer; plenty of cards to choose from, there, and not so competitive a space.

Also, I'd really recommend not using straight lifegain spells like Rest for the Weary. You're better off using those card slots for something else. I'd recommend ditching those and the Unbender Tines right off the bat, bring you to the generally recommend 60-card deck.

Hope this helps; I love the enthusiasm! If you want more tips I've more I could say and recommend.

king-saproling on Target opponent is your teammate [BANG!]

4 years ago

Cool deck!!! I really dig the intent here. You might like these: Null Chamber, Vizier of Tumbling Sands (can untap your friend's lands or mana rocks), Aphetto Alchemist, Unbender Tine, Hyperion Blacksmith, Tidewater Minion, Fatestitcher, Ghostly Touch, Nin, the Pain Artist, Captivating Glance, Act of Treason (steal an opp's creature, then use Zedruu to permanently give that creature to your friend), Braingeyser, Arcane Artisan, Proteus Staff, Diviner Spirit

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