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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from play, you may pay (3). If you do, draw a card.

DreadKhan on Band of Kjeldor

1 year ago

I like decks based around a block, so I kept my suggestions to stuff from Ice Age block (minus Homelands which has nothing to do with Ice Age).

Why no Swords to Plowshares? When I playtested this vs my Oldschool deck (which uses Fallen Empires very heavily) your deck felt like it wanted Swords to kill off my fatties in such a way that it can't be reanimated, there is also Exile I guess if Swords is too pricey? More flying might work well too if you have lots of Banding creatures with First Strike out, maybe x1 or x2 Skycaptain? Maybe a couple Wild Aesthirs? I think you could get away with a couple Order of the White Shield in here, you have tons of creatures with Banding already, they can protect your pump knight very well.

If you ever develop the budget for it Kjeldoran Outpost is a nifty old card, there arguably isn't a better version of it even today, and it used to see plenty of play. Thawing Glaciers is another old card that could let you shave a few lands if you can fit x4 of it in somehow, if you can get a Glacier out you'll never be short of lands. Since you run so many creatures, maybe Inheritance?

For your sideboard have you thought about Order of the Sacred Torch? There is also Energy Storm to deal with flying heavy decks. Royal Decree is pretty nasty vs Red or Black decks.

Shield_of_Aiur on Minthara Sacrifice Machine

1 year ago

I've run decks like this before (albeit with green as well), they can sometimes get pretty tough to edit or improve once you make your initial roster. I can't help you choose what to swap in/out or with what, especially since this isn't a color combo I'm 100% familiar running, but I have some recommendations to expand your maybeboard...

Overall, Daxos the Returned would be a good way to take additional advantage of and further feed your experience counters, though I'm unsure if it fits the deck strategy itself 1:1.

There are any number of cards that can take advantage of a sacrifice engine, some mainstays in decks I made a while back (and since scrapped) would be Smothering Abomination, Sifter of Skulls, Blood Artist, and Zulaport Cutthroat, though countless more exist for sure, and these are all single cards.

I also would point you towards "Emerge" cards (such as Distended Mindbender), co-opting your opponent to sacrifice things as well (such as with Voldaren Pariah  Flip, Rankle's Prank, etc), and even some stat balloons like Elenda, the Dusk Rose (or DIY a stat balloon with Sadistic Glee).

Personally, some good supporting cards might be Shadows of the Past, Black Market, Moonlit Wake, and Inheritance, though these are just some examples of directions you could go in.

Lastly, I encourage you to take a look at some of the more recent sets in general, especially Wild of Eldraine's "Bargain" mechanic. It might have a good amount of synergy here.

Epicurus on Attack me, I dare you (Boros Control)

3 years ago

Fun looking deck! I have a kind of long list of suggestions for you. Some of them are specifically suggested to deal with your draw problem, but not all of them. I will say that I wouldn't expect that you would try to fit all of these in here, and I'm also shyt at telling anyone what to cut from their own deck. So I'll drop this list here and let you make of it what you will.

Brobraam on Mono White Ramp/Draw

3 years ago

Kor Cartographer ramps lands
Inheritance card draw is semi cheap: 1 mana to put down but a bit expensive cost to draw a card (3 mana per dying creature).

plakjekaas on Mono White Ramp/Draw

4 years ago

Mono white is fine as is. There's plenty of ramp in mono white, it's probably the second best color at fetching lands out of your library with cards like Knight of the White Orchid, Boreas Charger, Keeper of the Accord and such. Oh and Smothering Tithe of course.

Card advantage comes in less obvious ways, but there's plenty to be found. From flickering Thraben Inspector to fetching lands out of your deck with Land Tax, Gift of Estates or Tithe, to using small creatures with Mentor of the Meek, Bygone Bishop, Ranger of Eos and Recruiter of the Guard, to recurring creatures and/or small permanents with Sun Titan, Resurrection, Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld, to equipment with Sram, Senior Edificer and Puresteel Paladin. And don't forget that Wrath of God is also card advantage if you use it well. There's also more obscure stuff, like using lifegain + Dawn of Hope, or Martyr's Cry on your own board of tokens, or Armistice, Pursuit of Knowledge, Inheritance for slightly overpriced sources of repeatable carddraw.

There will always be a slight imbalance in the colors, there will always be one that needs to work a little harder than the others for the same results. There's plenty of colorless cards to support any deck and make it playable nowadays, and I personally wouldn't like it much if white would be homogenised with the other colors to stop the masses from complaining. We have been doing so for years, it's pretty much a meme at this point. I know people who complain about it without ever having tried to play a mono white deck. Wizards could colorshift all the good green carddraw cards to white the upcoming year and that probably wouldn't fix it, and make the game a lot less varied and interesting in the process.

I embrace the adversity and challenges that come with mono white commander deckbuilding.

Your mileage may vary.

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