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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Blinding Light
Tap all nonwhite creatures.

libraryjoy on Balancing my 2 decks against …
3 years ago
I agree with Gavriel, except for one thing. The white deck could run a couple of Call to Glory to untap all creatures (also gives pseudo-vigilance and the element of surprise). The curve on the white deck is way too high, and there are too many counterspells in the blue deck. Repeatable token generation is definitely the way to go. Consider things like Populate, Growing Ranks, Sundering Growth. To interact with big threats from the blue deck, Oblivion Ring definitely could find a place. To give white a "sleep" effect, I like Blinding Light. And the Whelming Waves do seem especially cruel against the white deck. If you keep them in, you also need to give white a nasty edge to play. Celestial Dawn would wreck the blue deck entirely. You could also include things like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Conqueror's Flail, Grand Abolisher or Silence to give white a competitive edge against all the counterspells (and they're all pretty expensive, because they are so effective).
Rhys the Redeemed would be an awesome include for the white deck. You might also look for things that make bigger scarier tokens, like 4/4 angels Moonsilver Spear or Seraphic Greatsword. Or low to the ground anthems like Honor of the Pure. Plus a little card draw in there somehow. Not white's strong suit, but something like Mentor of the Meek might work.
discipleofgary73 on
Mono-White Keyword Banding
3 years ago
Banding is always funny.
For ramp, one of my favorite monowhite cards is Oath of Lieges. Sure, it can help opponents, but group hugs are what banding is all about, right??? There are some of the classic artifacts people have mentioned, but I want to put Burnished Hart, Sword of the Animist, Wayfarer's Bauble, Monologue Tax and Terrain Generator on your radar. Oh, and Expedition Map to grab the Cathedral. Generally, I think 7-9 pieces of dedicated ramp in an EDH deck is about right, depending on the speed, colors, and avg cmc.
Outside of ramp, War Elephant would be good just to have a trample ability out on a creature. Nemesis Mask can make sure Abu Ja'far can really do some damage. You could also try out the totem armor enchantments to make it easier to reuse Abu in this way. Trapjaw Tyrant would also be funny in a band.
Other than that, the only things that come to mind are Felidar Retreat, Kismet, Mass Calcify/Tragic Arrogance, and Blinding Light .
libraryjoy on
Odric lunarch marshal deck
3 years ago
Oooooh, just thought of another good one: Blinding Light. I love it in conjunction with Sunblast Angel, but also, I have a vicious streak lol. It's great if your meta is not super heavy on white, and it gets you a free shot a lot of times.
libraryjoy on
Black and White - please help!
3 years ago
I would heartily NOT recommend Armageddon . You can check out the thread in the Forum on MLD (mass land destruction) from this week. It is NOT generally considered polite in casual circles, and generally frowned upon overall. Social Contract and LD Discussion
As to the Planeswalker question, looking at the options, I would front the extra money and buy Sorin Markov , as he fits well here. The others don't seem like they would add a lot of value. Overall, though, I usually don't run Planeswalkers. I have a few here and there that I like in certain decks, but overall, I find they aren't really worth it to me. They just put a target on my head, and unless they significantly advance my strategy, they're not worth the slot. Now I have a deck that does some Druid tribal, and Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is awesome. I love Nissa Revane in an elf tribal deck. I like Teyo, the Shieldmage because he's a cheap option for personal hexproof, which can be very annoying. But overall, a Planeswalker is optional unless it really helps you.
Sunblast Angel and Blinding Light is a fun combo, but you need to be running multiple copies of each, and possibly some blink, to actually make it work. I had a deck that abused that, running Astral Slide , Rune of Protection: White et al, Auramancer , Momentary Blink , Cloudshift , Sunblast Angel , Subjugator Angel , Blinding Light , and Resolute Archangel . Yes, I am awful. It eventually became Hoofprints through the Galaxy, but that didn't last long, as all my friends hated playing against it. Basically, I just stopped them from attacking me by preventing damage from their sources until I could start dropping my big angels and swing for the kill. Still trying to come up with a deck for Hoofprints of the Stag that doesn't piss everyone off. Also, Sunblast Angel won't work if you're running Hushwing Gryff , FYI.
benbeldner on
Black and White - please help!
3 years ago
libraryjoy i got a lot of the suggestions that you made and I am already enjoying the new deck! I was wondering if you could also take a look at my sideboard. These are other cards that I own. Some of them are a little extreme, like Armageddon for a mana - ramp deck, but should I put any of these in my main deck? Or leave them in my sideboard depending on the opponent? Another card I am considering is Sunblast Angel . Its ability to destroy all tapped creatures could be used with Blinding Light , but I feel like that would not happen enough to make it worth it.
What are your thoughts on Planeswalkers? Some that I am considering that are on the more affordable side but still good cards are Sorin, Solemn Visitor , Liliana, Waker of the Dead , Ajani Goldmane , and Ajani, Caller of the Pride . I would consider getting two of these because they are only about $4 each. Or should would it be worth it to buy only one PlanesWalker and get Sorin Markov ?
Again, I really appreciate all the help! MTG is a lot more fun when your deck works well!
the_solitaire on Attempting to create a standard …
4 years ago
I just recently built a black and white deck with a very different approach, so comparing that with your deck will not help much, but..
I compared a lot of black and white options while building the deck.
In doing so, I found that one of the main difficulties in configuring a black and white deck is maintaining focus.
The way I see your deck, you have 2 copies of Piper of the Swarm who interacts with rats, but other then the tokens generated by the piper, there are no rats. That way your piper fills in a 2 drop slot, but is in a vacuum.
Same goes for your Bastion of Remembrance and Omen of the Sun. At 6 copies in total, you have sources for white soldier tokens, but no further interaction for those tokens.
8 of 24 lands enter the field tapped.
With Elspeth you are well on your way to a deck that could either:
Go heavy on causing havoc by sacrificing those created human soldier tokens or...
Find cards that interact with your human soldier tokens and rebuild this into a white weenie deck alltogether. Given that you already have Shatter the Sky in there, going for a human soldier token generator with Shatter the Sky and Swords to Plowshares to keep your opponents boardstate miserable, then add some Disenchant and Blinding Light (not sure if that is legal in modern, but there ought to be a valid alternative) to eventually play Avacyn, Angel of Hope
Blackheart426 on
All Systems Online - Elesh (Retired)
5 years ago
This looks like one fun deck! For your consideration, you may want to take a look at Phyrexian Rebirth and Martyr's Bond as additional removal. Blinding Light can open up the field for a big swing, and if you have True Conviction on the field, it's really going to hurt. Captain's Claws might be good sideboard card to make more tokens. Keep up the great work!
newtontke on Need Help Taking Out 13 …
6 years ago
I would remove the following cards: 1. Soldier of the Pantheon- It has too small of an effect. 2.Blinding Light- It is Sorcery speed so it can only be used offensively and the effect is too small. 3. Defy Death- This effect is alright but is really situational. It is a victim of having only 100 cards.4. Staff of the Sun Magus- Too small of an effect.5. Scroll of Avacyn- Too small of an effect.6. Marble Diamond- Mediocre card that is just "alright".7. Coldsteel Heart- same as Marble Diamond.8. Reverse Damage- 100% reactive cards are often dead draws.9. Chastise- Same as Reverse Damage.10. Moonlit Wake- To small of an effect.11. Sun Droplet- +1 life a turn is awful. Use this card as a coaster.---The above cards are all bad and are easy cuts.-The last two cuts are hard, but id suggest one card for sure:12. Sensei's Divining Top- with only 1 card draw engine Well of Lost Dreams and no other shuffle effects, the top is not very good at all. Great card in a bad situation. I would cut it.---As for the 13th cut; you will have to playtest and see what feels underwhelming, too often.
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