Vampire's stay midrange

Modern* keyb


Pheardemons says... #1

Not sure how you found my decks, but always willing to give advice for decks. Especially vampires! Love the tribe. Been wanting to make a vampire deck myself. Couple of questions before I give any kind of advice.

1) How budget are you? Or are you willing to take suggestions and save on buying cards?

2) You say control, but you are kind of everywhere in that regard. Control as in take over the boardstate? Control as in deciding what your opponent is able to play? Control as in reacting to whatever they play? Do you prefer counters (I.E.Mana Leak)? Reactionary (I.E. Cruel Edict), or disruption (I.E. Thoughtseize). You can definitely have multiple kinds, but always better to stick to one theme.

3) What does your meta look like? If you don't know, are you looking for a universal board and sideboard?

4) In your own words what're you looking to do with this deck? Main combinations, specific cards that you want to keep no matter what (if any).

November 17, 2016 10:09 p.m.

keyb says... #2

Thanks i need alot of help inn the start.

1) Budget is big, means i can buy almost anything. Trying to make it Tier 1-2. I will take all suggestions.2)Controll, as i dont want any suprises. Counters are fun, but im thinking of sticking with 4 Countersqualls? and then 4 inqustion of kozilek and 2 duress or something? My main target is too stall the game, too overrun with my planeswalker or vampire like bloodline keeper.3)Meta might be only Tier 2. There are some really good matches who play infect. I have so far lost too much, so i understand i need to doo some big changes. If i understood Meta correct? Also i want to take this deck to tournement inn modern.4)Bloodline keeper, Blood artist, gatekeeper of malakir, and Ashiok. Combination is to have the board clear as much as possable, with my opponent saccing. And also use counters, and maybe more counters inn sideboard agaisnt burn.

Hope i ansvared your question good enought.

Best Regards Keyb

November 18, 2016 4:32 p.m.

keyb says... #3

About controll, i think i want to stick to Reactionary the most and some disruption inn start, too stop rush. But as i said, i will take all suggestions and advices. Do you have any ideas for the sideboard as well? Damniantion is expensive, but good. Shuld that be main?

November 18, 2016 4:36 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #4

Give me a couple hours as I have a dinner to go to tonight, and it'll give me time to think about how the deck should be in the way that you described. Would you prefer me to make my own list (example) and let you look at it? Or would you prefer me to break down the deck you have and offer suggestions of cards to replace it with another type of mock list in the description?

November 20, 2016 6:53 p.m.

keyb says... #5

Thanks so much for taking time too look at it. If you could brake it down and suggest cards to replace, would have been awesome. I played with it today with a friend and wonn 7 out of 8 games. Lost agaisnt rancor with experiment one and bloodrush. But if your own list is easyier you can do that too.

November 20, 2016 7:13 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #6

Alright. So I'll give you multiple options for the deck. First will be mono-black, second will be black/red. If you don't care about counters I won't even go into blue/black as vampires don't benefit from blue unless you are specifically going for counters.


Benefits of Mono-Black is that you don't have to sacrifice life to fetchlands and shocklands, plus Vampire Nocturnus becomes that much more powerful. Also some suggestions that you are definitely missing for vampires; Feast of Blood, Urge to Feed, and possible Blade of the Bloodchief, Bloodghast, Guul Draz Assassin and Guul Draz Vampire.

As far as black control goes, the basis should be 4 Inquisition of Kozilek and 2 Thoughtseize. You can reverse those if your meta has a lot of high CMC decks such as tron ect. This can help you take cards out of your opponents hand that you possibly could not handle late game. For Vampires Feast of Blood and Urge to Feed are definitely the cards to go to. Gaining four life, plus pumping your vampires. Powerful cards.

Let's go to creatures.

You can go one of two ways with that. You can go the route that Captivating Vampire is the main win condition. You can play a lot of smaller vampires and then control all of your opponent's creatures. This route is somewhat unstable as if your opponent is control, low on creatures, or have enough removal to hit Captivating Vampire then your win condition falls apart. I would personally go the second route of Vampire Nocturnus to be the win condition and just beat your opponent down. Vampire Nocturnus isn't legendary, which means if multiple can be played the abilities will stack. So your creature base is pretty solid, I'd just change some of them.

2 Guul Draz Vampire

2 Guul Draz Assassin

4 Blood Artist

3 Vampire Nighthawk

2 Captivating Vampire

3 Gatekeeper of Malakir

3 Vampire Nocturnus

3 Kalastria Highborn

3 Bloodline Keeper  Flip

25 total creatures

This would probably be a balanced way for the creatures to be as powerful and midranged as vampires get. Obviously this is more of a universal list, rather than any kind of specific meta.

Non-creature spells

2 Feast of Blood

3 Urge to Feed

4 Inquisition of Kozilek

1 Thoughtseize

4 Night's Whisper

14 non-creature spells

Thus leaving you with 21 lands that can all be swamps. I'd probably put a couple Ghost Quarter in there.


With adding the red you have access to more vampires as well as more control options. Mainly Terminate and Lightning Bolt. I would switch Terminate for Feast of Blood and Lightning Bolt for Urge to Feed.

Creatures would be Olivia Voldaren and Stromkirk Noble. I would bring Vampire Nocturnus down to one, and put in one Olivia Voldaren. I would then bring Vampire Nighthawk and Captivating Vampire down by one each leaving three openings for Stromkirk Noble.

Of course Black/red changes the lands as well.

4 Bloodstained Mire

2 Polluted Delta (there solely for more fetches in general, not the blue fetch).

2 Blood Crypt

2 Smoldering Marsh

1 Mountain

8 Swamp

2 Ghost Quarter


3 Relic of Progenitus - Graveyard hate against dredge, Tarmogoyf, Snapcaster Mage, ect

2 Bile Blight - Against token decks. They can be seriously fast and overpowering.

3 Geth's Verdict - Against Boggles as hexproof would destroy you. And any other deck that plays singular huge creatures

3 Dragon's Claw - Against burn and any kind of red deck.

2 Damnation - Creature heavy decks

2 Thoughtseize - or Inquisition of Kozilek depending on what is mainboard. There to help against combo decks or other decks that you can't handle.

If you decide to go the black/red way you could also look into Kolaghan's Command which I would most likely replace the two Thoughtseize with. Also either Shattering Spree or Shatterstorm for affinity and tron based decks. I would replace those with Bile Blight. Also maybe one or two Crumble to Dust to completely take tron of of their lands, also doesn't hurt to destroy Celestial Colonnade against control as well.

Obviously these are suggestions, take what you like and build off of it. Sideboards are definitely meta dependent but I'd probably go with those against an unknown meta. Let me know if you have any questions about these suggestions.

November 20, 2016 9:33 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #7

November 20, 2016 9:36 p.m.

keyb says... #8

Hey! Thanks for looking at the deck, the monoblack you are suggesting is like my old deck, but stronger with the cards u add. Like Guul daz assasin was one of my favorites. I think il try monoblack again, and maybe take sign inn blood if my opponent has 2 life and i can just cast a sorcery on him. And i think il take 2 of vampire nox, because lands is'nt a color. And 1 of vampire kalitas, because he can winn games on hes own. And 3 of captivating, since hes easy to remove. Black red must be more aggro than control, so i think il try this.4 Gatekeeper of malakir, 3 guul draz assasin, 2 of gul draz vampire, and i think i shuld drop kalastria? I dont like her that much. What do you think? This deck can be strong inn modern meta, i can feel it!

November 21, 2016 5:49 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #9

Kalastria Highborn is there to keep your life in check. You would probably lose A LOT to burn, so she is there as a mainboard way to last. If you can do her effect at minimum 3 times against burn, they probably won't win. You have enough creatures to stop them, therefore they have to win with their spells. They'll eventually go hellbent which gives you the advantage to pick up after that.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is definitely a good card, just remember if you have him AND Blood Artist on the field you do NOT get the effects of Blood Artist, nor Kalastria Highborn for that matter, because Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is a replacement effect.

Red/Black just adds some more efficient cards in the way of vampires. Terminate and Lightning Bolt are some of the BEST removal in the format, and adding red allows you to access them. Stromkirk Captain is also a damn good midrange vampire card, that comes in with a HUGE target on his back. Olivia Voldaren can get you the when you're behind if you have enough mana.

One thing to remember is play with what you love. I am a true advocate to play to have fun, instead of winning, and that keeps magic a game to keep coming back too. In saying that, competitively you do need to revamp the deck in the sense that yours is too slow and clunky at the moment. I gave you some suggestions, but the absolute best way to figure out what is better is to get the cards and playtest against as many decks as possible. This will also help you realize what is best for your sideboard. Have fun with vampires my man.

November 21, 2016 8:45 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #10

Somewhere in there you should absolutely include one or two copies of Drana, Liberator of Malakir. Great card to boost all of your vampires to make them more powerful. This with Vampire Nocturnus on the battlefield should be a game ender.

November 21, 2016 12:55 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #11

I like all the suggestions with Pheardemons. I would also like to add Whip of Erebos. It gives all your creatures lifelink and the ability to bring back a game ender like Vampire Nocturnus.

Edit: Also if taking mono-black route, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx can be great mana ramp.

December 4, 2016 6:54 a.m. Edited.

keyb says... #12

Yeah i agree he have good ideas, my brother is useing whip of erebos! Its really good actually, but it dosent fit here so much because of the power of the vampires. However bring back vampire nocturnus is a really great idea. I might look into it, thanks for comment!

December 4, 2016 7:06 a.m.

OOBS says... #13

Pheardemons did a really remarkable job on this, and gave you info on a few different paths this deck could take. If you are interested in a dimir vampires build, then let's see what we can do.

Okay, so there are a few things that I might try, and a few others that I'm going to question that are in your current list. First, I'd like to question how effective AEther Vial and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver are in your list. I don't think Aether Vial has enough creatures to play to make it worth the inclusion, as you only have 19 at the moment. While dumping your hand is great, an underused Aether Vial is just dead card advantage, so unless you have a lot of tricks with it when flashing in creatures during your opponent's turn, I would take it out in favor of other cards. It also doesn't work well with Gatekeeper of Malakir, as you won't be able to pay the kicker cost if it is played with Aether Vial since you are playing the spell, not casting it. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is a truly cool card. Who doesn't want to beat their opponent silly with their own minions? However, I feel like this is a bit unnecessary in this shell. While you are certainly able to cast it and play with it, I feel like it isn't building towards your win condition as quickly as other cards could. Obviously, Ashiok is fun and if you'd prefer to keep it in, by all means, do so. Some other cards I'd like to question are Asylum Visitor and Blood Artist. Don't get me wrong, these cards are great, but I feel like they won't consistently be able to produce the value you are looking for in this shell.

On the other spectrum, I would like to suggest something that I used to use in my old mono black vampires list. I ran 4 Viscera Seers, 4 Bloodghast (pretty expensive at the moment due to dredge :/), and 4 Kalastria Highborns.This creates great synergy, as you can sacrifice you Bloodghasts for free at the end of your opponent's turn to set up your draws and drain life using Kalastria Highborns. When Vampire Nocturnus is on the field, Viscera Seer can allow you to scry until you find a black card to put on top of your library to get the effect. Collective Brutality would also be an excellent inclusion, being able to discard your Bloodghasts so you can get them for free the next time you play a land.

The following deck is a direction I think your deck could head in to have interesting, meaningful card interaction while staying competitive:

22 Creatures: 4 Viscera Seer, 4 Bloodghast, 4 Kalastria Highborn, 3 Gatekeeper of Malakir, 2 Vampire Nighthawk, 3 Vampire Nocturnus, 2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet,

15 Noncreatures: 2 Serum Visions, 4 Inquisition of Kozilek, 2 Night's Whisper, 1 Collective Brutality, 1 Slaughter Pact, 3 Countersquall, 2 Feast of Blood,

23 Lands: 2 Ghost Quarter, 1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds, 4 Drowned Catacomb, 3 Polluted Delta, 2 Watery Grave, 10 Swamp, 1 Island.

This list may not be too insane, but I think that it has a lot of the right choices, and with refining, could prove to be great. If you have any questions on why I included any of the card choices in that list, feel free to ask!

The sideboard for your list can either be a universal sideboard or a sideboard more refined for your meta. If you let us know what decks you face often at FNMs or other events, we can better help you craft a sideboard.

December 5, 2016 8:56 p.m. Edited.

keyb says... #14

I agree with ther vial, i tryed it and many times it's a dead card as you said. So i am going to include it inn my ally deck with 28 creatures. And Ashiok is great everytime, but also sometimes a dead card. When i play agaisnt burn. The meta we are playing inn is Tier 1-2. Infect, jund and dregde i have been upp agaisnt. I have build the deck you suggested inn other deck on my profile. The thing is, it's a bit slow? Oboro and bloodghast can be a really good combo, but with only 1 land, i need some luck. And i see u dropped bloodline keeper. Hmm well i'l playtest and see how it goes. So far the deck i made here, almost winn at turn 7 everytime, with 3-4 creature removal spells. So i dont lose too rush. But i would defently lose agaisnt your human deck. Inn the sideboard i need to be ready for almost anything inn modern meta. Thanks so much for taking time too look at my deck.

December 5, 2016 10:36 p.m.

keyb says... #15

And sorry for my bad english.

December 5, 2016 10:38 p.m.

OOBS says... #16

No worries. I agree with you that you would need something strong to pull ahead against aggro decks, so maybe you could add a few more removal spells and 1-2 small board wipes (like Drown in Sorrow) in the sideboard. The Bile Blight that you have in your current sideboard would be an ideal inclusion for game 2 against a deck like mine. If you are having trouble with infect, the most widely used solution is Spellskite which as you may know already, can really throw an infect player off of their game. This could also be good against burn as a blocker and would allow you to reduce the damage dealt to your face or other creatures. Against Jund bringing in a 4th Gatekeeper of Malakir from your sideboard along with 1-2 Dismembers would be great, giving you the removal and tempo necessary to get ahead. Dredge could be problematic since potential hate cards that you'd bring in would interfere with your own Blood Ghasts, but Surgical Extraction could do some real work for you. My deck is just a rough draft of what I picture your deck could be like, and would certainly need some level of refining to perfect. The sideboard should also cover the Affinity/Robots matchup, so I'd suggest Night of Souls' Betrayal as a 1 of in the sideboard. While this looks bad for you, it absolutely slaughters the affinity matchup, almost always totally shutting them down. You could also run Engineered Explosives or Chalice of the Void in the sideboard against Affinity (although these are fairly expensive, so you could probably get away with playing cards like Shrivel instead). Ghost Quarters should already help you a lot in this matchup anyway though, and you have fliers so that they have to work for their damage.

December 5, 2016 11:08 p.m.

OOBS says... #17

Also, if you can find room for Bloodline Keeper  Flip without making the deck too slow, go for it. The reason I didn't add Bloodline Keeper  Flip is because it is very susceptible to removal for a 4 drop and it doesn't affect the board on the turn that it comes into play. Of course if it has been working for you, don't let that stop you from going with what's been working!

December 5, 2016 11:12 p.m.

keyb says... #18

Ya spellskite is defently a card im thinking of inn the sideboard, and drown inn sorrow i have used before! Worked really well. Better than bale blight, almost always one kill. My relic have been good agaisnt dregde, they just cant get rid off it. And when im lucky enought too have 2, they give upp. Also works well agaisnt jund because of tarymgrof cant use graveyard, as well as the ozze. And the thing about bloodline keeper is hes transform ability, its way better than vampire nocturnus soo far. And give him 1 turn a token and bam transform, attack for around 11-16 on turn 6-7. Game wonn. But all your suggestions are on other deck i made, and it also winns on turn 6-7. Well it's hard. I have been working on the deck for a really long time, and it was best when i had like 5-6 removals and 4 gatekeeper of malakir inn main. Because inquistion is good, but blood artist loses hes good ability. What do you think of what i said? Only been playing for a year, so i have much to learn.

December 5, 2016 11:38 p.m.

keyb says... #19

Vial have helped agaisnt controll deck's because it works like a mutavault, they want too stall. But can't counter vial and i can flash out vampire nighthawk on turn 4, it's slow. But most meta winn at turn 5. So i barely need 1 turn to change the game, if i got the right card's.

December 5, 2016 11:42 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #20

It sort of didn't hit me till now, but instead of AEther Vial against control, why not run Cavern of Souls a Tribal Creature staple against counter magic

December 6, 2016 1:13 a.m. Edited.

keyb says... #21

Indeed a good card, but it cant help me get our creatures for free. But i might change it out, since ther vial is sometimes a dead card. Shuld i take 3 more vampires, like 1 more nighthawk and 2 kalastria highborn? Or 2 more removals like geth's verdict times 3.

December 6, 2016 3:16 p.m.

keyb says... #22

This is the other deck that Whisperingblade and Pheardemons have suggested.


December 6, 2016 6:41 p.m.

OOBS says... #23

One card to sideboard against dredge that I was reminded of during EDH today is Bojuka Bog. Very solid, and you might even be able to get away with running 1 in the main (although I don't necessarily recommend it, but it is an option instead of or in addition to being a sideboard card).

December 6, 2016 9:32 p.m.

keyb says... #24

Wow! Didnt know about that land! Can just have it inn sideboard and change it for a swamp + 3 relic = Dredge might have a problem

December 7, 2016 2:46 p.m.

keyb says... #25

Also Tormod crypt is nice when play agaisnt Dredge, have 4 of them inn the Ally deck.

December 7, 2016 2:49 p.m.

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