Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 811 | 602 COMMENTS | 97756 VIEWS | IN 281 FOLDERS

+100 UPVOTES —Oct. 11, 2016

I've finally achieved +100 upvotes on this deck!

I'm so happy that you have all found this deck to be interesting, and hopefully inspiring. I would like to thank everyone who's helped improve this deck over time - it never would have achieved its current form without so much vital input from the community.

And as always, happy deckbuilding to you all!

KaraZorEl says... #1

The only problem I see here is that you have a "sacrifice this creature" theme, but you don't have that many creatures. Nor do you have draw excel or creature search. I would suggest dumping the equipment aspect of this deck entirely and focus more on the creatures.

Your biggest problem will be people who counter or take possession of your general before it can transform. That will shut down your entire deck.

May 16, 2016 12:08 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #2

KaraZorEl: There are several token-makers that create sacrifice fodder, but actually I don't have a heavy sacrifice theme in this deck (for reference, consider my Beggars and Kings: Meren EDH). Plus, many of my creatures sacrifice themselves. I only need one death trigger to flip Avacyn.

What do you mean by "draw excel"? I have as much draw as I could reasonably manage (without slower artifacts like Mind's Eye). I don't have much creature search, true, but that's also a thing that Boros colors don't have much of. All of the artifact options (Citanul Flute and Planar Portal come to mind) are too slow to be useful here.

With all due respect, I don't think you understand how a Voltron deck functions :) I can't "dump the equipment aspect entirely"; I wouldn't have a deck left if I did so. It's the core of my deck - the aggro plan is secondary.

And finally, you're right that counterspells are bit of a problem here. I side in Red Elemental Blast and Pyroblast when I'm playing heavy control - can you think of anything else to address this problem? I haven't had anyone steal my commander yet, but if it becomes a large problem I'll add in Brand and Homeward Path.

linuk: The High Market is one of the cards that might be cut soon, but it's there to make sure I can always have a creature die when I want to. Also, its lesser purpose is to kill Avacyn in response to an opponent attempting to steal her. You're right that it's a weak link, though, and I might just switch it for a basic or a shock.

ToolmasterOfBrainerd: Thank you for taking the time to leave such a long comment! I've made some large changes since you left your comment, however, so a few of your points have already been addressed. My response is split into "paragraphs" below:

I've never seen Reverent Mantra before, and that's a very interesting card (especially since I could burn a tutor or something late-game to cast it for free). I have several copies of Brave the Elements sitting around, and I'll try fitting on in for a little while. It has one big advantage over RM, which is that I can use it to shield my creatures from Avacyn's flip without shielding my opponents' creatures as well.

The big reason Fanatical Devotion is in here is twofold: first, as you identified, only half of my creatures die to Avacyn's wipe rather than all of them. However, it also protects my commander (or whichever creature is suited up) from Wrath of God and friends. That being said, you're right that it's seemed underwhelming recently - it's another of the cards I'm thinking about cutting. Plus, for its job, Mark of Asylum and Martyr's Cause usually do the trick better.

Boros Reckoner came out because 1) nobody attacks with big things in my meta (if they can be blocked, at least), 2) 3 damage to a player is small in EDH, and 3) Repercussion does it better anyway. I had a few silly moments with Blasphemous Act, but honestly that's too janky even for me.

I'm not interested to switching into Snow-Covered lands, mostly because the lands in my deck are really pretty IRL (yes, yes, I care about that). However, my Zada deck (Red Scare: Zada EDH) could definitely use a Snow-Covered Mountain upgrade, so thanks for reminding me.

Demonmail Hauberk has actually proven its worth again and again (I was surprised too): 1) it's a HUGE power boost for my commander and often pushes her into OHKO range, and 2) it can flip her at sorcery speed when I need to wipe the board. However, you're correct that Hero's Blade and Neglected Heirloom  Flip have been less than stellar, and I actually took them out recently. I also got my hands on a Champion's Helm and a Wheel of Fortune, which replaced them. It plays really smoothly with the current build, which I like.

The only problem now is that I sometimes don't have enough power boosters. The magic number is 11 power on Avacyn, because I can kill in one hit with double strike or Inquisitor's Flail. If I manage to get a power quadrupler (such as a double IF or an IF and double strike), I only need to get her to 6 power.

Nahiri, the Lithomancer was also in the first physical draft (before I put it up on T/O). She just...didn't do enough. Her +2 was rarely relevant (because I usually don't want to move my equipment around), her -2 was just okay (my equipment is cheap, and hopefully not dead), and her -10 was unreachable. Plus she'd get punched to death pretty quickly. I've been considering putting her back in, especially since I now added Argentum Armor, but I haven't decided yet.

Reveillark is a great card, and might have a place here. However, I have three complaints. First, it can't hit a few important creatures like Magus of the Wheel (who is just amazing, btw). Second, it's at 5 mana, which is a space I try to reserve for my commander in an aggressive deck. Third, Sun Titan already kind of does the job (though redundancy is always nice). I'll consider it (though $9 is a lot for an "I'll consider"...)

Mana Geyser has caused me headaches before (man, I wish it added W instead of R!) but when it works, it WORKS. Having WW(Rx20) should win the game on the spot, heh: it'll often go Mana Geyser on T6 into "empty my hand, equip everything, swing to kill". I might be persuaded to cut it, but there are other cards I'd get rid of first. It's expensive (mana-wise) but extremely consistent: I've never had it give me less than 12 mana (since I play mostly in 4-5 person pods).

And finally, it's ironic, but almost all of the aggressive cards you mentioned were in here but got removed eventually (with the exception of Brimaz). I thought they'd be good too, but they each turned out to have problems.

In order: Tajic, Blade of the Legion had no evasion and always got chumped - and I'm not playing many evasion equipment because my commander has inherent flying. Iroas, God of Victory was good, but took up my T4 without contributing any power or damage (I might re-add him, though - he's under consideration). Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran has a small effect for 5 mana IMHO (compare to Jor Kadeen, who made the cut). Knight of the White Orchid was difficult to cast T2, and less useful afterwards. Balefire Liege was great for pumping everything, but I'm not casting enough WR spells to get value off of his second half (and again he takes a slot at 5 mana). And I haven't tried Brimaz, King of Oreskos yet...maybe I will...

Wow. That was...a longer comment than I intended. Thanks to everyone for their input again! :)

May 16, 2016 2:06 a.m.

Citridon says... #5

Have you considered Blight Sickle? Giving Avacyn wither can make her flip count against your opponent's indestructible creatures, or when you can't give her deathtouch.

May 17, 2016 11:49 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #6

Citridon: I hadn't considered it, but it's not a bad idea! It does interact poorly with Eldrazi Displacer, but you can't have everything. I haven't had too much of a problem with small, indestructible creatures currently, but Blight Sickle will definitely go in my sideboard when I get around to making one, haha! (Along with Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Blood Moon, etc.)

May 18, 2016 1:26 a.m.

Citridon says... #7

I see what you mean about displacer. In my list, I run Akroma's Memorial, Mark of Asylum, and Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant to focus on preventing damage from her flip.Depending on your budget, Light of Sanction will do the job too.

May 18, 2016 10:57 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #8

Citridon: do you have a link to your deck around her? I'd love to see your take. Personally I find Akroma's Memorial too expensive (in terms of mana) and Light of Sanction too restrictive (doesn't protect me from opposing Blasphemous Acts) but Rune-Tail is a good idea. Every EDH deck is 20% better with the demifox! Do you ever have trouble flipping him if you draw him a bit later?

May 18, 2016 12:57 p.m. Edited.

ohmless says... #9

sweet deck. +1'ed I like that you included some very fun creatures that are great commanders on their own.

May 19, 2016 12:27 p.m.

Citridon says... #10

Daedalus19876, I'll try amd get my Avacyn list on here this evening. I just started with tapped out, so I've only gotten my Standard decks and one of my modern decks listed.The one time I drew Rune-Tail late game I had basilisk collar. Avacyn flipped amd got me 93 life points...

May 19, 2016 1:48 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #11

Citridon: I've had similar things happen :D

I've flipped Avacyn while she was holding Basilisk Collar and there was a Dictate of the Twin Gods out; the life swing is just ridiculous. It's a shame there are so many infinite combos in EDH that don't care about life :(

Even more fun was when I cast (in one turn) Repercussion, Mark of Asylum, and Blasphemous Act to kill everyone.

May 19, 2016 2:20 p.m.

Citridon says... #12

Here's my Archangel Avacyn commander deck

Looking back over my list, Neko-Te is also sweet with an Avacyn flip.

May 19, 2016 2:51 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #13

I'm in the midst of digging through my collection to construct something similar it should be ready for tomorrow. Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War

May 20, 2016 8:27 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #14

Casey4321: This deck is a little unusual compared to a "pure voltron" deck - check out this one here if you want something more along those lines :)

You Gotta Be Kitten Me!

Commander / EDH* forte8910


May 20, 2016 8:41 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #15

That's the thing. I half realized I have an insane number of good stuff Boros cards so it's kind of middling right now lol

May 20, 2016 8:51 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #16

Thanks to insightful commentary by Citridon and linuk, I've made some minor changes:

+1 Mana Confluence, Sea Gate Wreckage, Declaration in Stone

-1 Fanatical Devotion, Mountain, High Market

May 21, 2016 3:32 a.m.

AKBZ says... #17

Ashnod's Altar and Nim Deathmantle would allow you to benefit from the flip.

May 24, 2016 5:53 a.m.

AKBZ says... #18

On a side note, this should be a good way to gain permanent indestructibilty if you have another creature to sacrifice. Sac one creature and your commander to Ashnod's Altar, let commander go to grave, Nim Deathmantle triggers, brings back commander with floating mana. Should also consider Burnished Hart for mana ramp.

May 24, 2016 6:12 a.m.

AKBZ says... #19

Unless flip rules somehow make avacyn an illegal target for deathmantle. Then ignore that comment.

May 24, 2016 6:14 a.m.

a7xjoker33 says... #20

Loving the list, my friend. Putting together my version of an Avacyn deck now, and just seeing what people are running creature count-wise around the various forums. I'm seeing between 15-20 for a lot, which seems right. Had any experience with Feldon of the Third Path in the list?

May 28, 2016 8:40 p.m.

Sainted says... #21

have you kept in mind that the equipment falls off on the flip? that is very mana intensive.

+1 for going against the grain

June 3, 2016 1:24 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #22

SaintHipster: The equipment does not fall off on the flip. She remains on the battlefield as the same game object throughout. I can look up CompRule citations if you want :)

Though it does fall off if you truly blink her (for example, with Eldrazi Displacer). That's why I've chosen to cut most of those blinking effects in my build.

Thanks for the +1! I appreciate it.

June 3, 2016 3:32 a.m.

MagmaArmor0 says... #23

Wow, this is a good list. Lots of fun.

A few suggestions: Spawning Bed seems like a good choice. 95% of the time, it's just a colorless land. But sometimes it becomes tokens that can either give you that extra boost of mana to recast Avacyn next turn, or provide a source of sacrifice to either flip her, or equip your Demonmail Hauberk. Potential gain for not much lost, IMHO.

I'd also cut Bonehoard for Fireshrieker--Avacyn seems like she really, really wants that double strike, and Bonehoard seems like it is very situational (although this depends on your local meta and how much you really want that germ token ;) )

Also, why Elspeth, Knight-Errant and not Elspeth, Sun's Champion? Sun's champion provides more tokens and kills everything that Avacyn doesn't, for the most part. I realize she costs more, (and comes down the turn after your general), but I usually account for my general dying the turn I play it anyways, and she sets up the second play of avacyn really nicely.

Also, might want to change the general to Archangel Avacyn  Flip on here for those of us who tried to playtest your deck--for some reason, purifier won't flip right.

June 3, 2016 4:38 p.m.

ceji3 says... #24

cool deck. Sorry, I didn't leave any suggestions, I don't really play commander. +1 from me!

June 5, 2016 8:10 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #25

MagmaArmor0 and ceji3: Thanks for your comments!

Spawning Bed's a good idea, but I'm having a little trouble managing to get my colored mana as it is. Which colorless land would you replace?

Bonehoard is good in my graveyard-focused meta, but Fireshrieker's pretty good too. I'll try to find a place for both.

The reason for my choice in Elspeth is twofold. First, post-casting Avacyn, most of my mana goes towards equipping, so I often have to live off what I managed to cast in my first four turns. The other good thing about EKE is that she can also give +3 power to my commander when I need it, whereas ESC only works for my aggro plan. (I also don't own ESC.) If I could find a place, though, I'd play both.

June 5, 2016 9:52 p.m.