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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Target player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. You lose 2 life.

Andramalech on
Darkest Heart Challenge - Horror Tribal
3 weeks ago
kamarupa I finally got around to my review! Let's break it down piece by piece, but lead our review with gratitude and praise. You've completed the challenge! That's awesome because completing any task is worthy of a high-five. Now let's break it down:
"..To round it out, I included a number of ramp spells, draw card, lots of removal, and a bit of counterspell.." and you did! I'm rather impressed not only by the frequency and presence of your spot removal, but by it's costs, and efficacy and expansive supply. The level of removal reflects that you understand how to protect your deck, play a good game, even if the pieces you're protecting are glaringly out of meta. Who cares about that? We don't. I care about your competitiveness. And it shows. Solid 9/10 for this category, the category of competitive choices.
I'm going to personally comment on the artistic value of your choices, as it corresponds to the artworks in each card. Your choices are (to me) very apparent, and I refuse to complete this review without bringing special attention to the various printing choices you made, which led to a cohesive list of cards that reflect horrors, and horrific events. It's seriously worth checking out you guys. Infernal Grasp is a choice selection. And surprisingly? Hurkyl's Recall is also pretty impressive, from an artistic standpoint. It invokes eeriness, an unsettling swirled nature.
This series of collected cards and the artwork attached to them, reflects a lot of advanced choices and a critically-influenced line of decisions. You could use things like Dismember, and is only thwarted by the occasional off-choice like Thoughtseize. Not like it's the worst thing.. but I'm a critic for artistic decision. Some of your choices are fantastic, others like Chart a Course kind of break the illusion. I can't stand by this principle 100% because competitive choices needed to be made. I think overall for artistic value, I provide your deck with a 9/10.
I now need to address a fundamental issue with Mastermind's Acquisition; the gatherer ruling references that in Casual play this card provides no issue, but in a tournament setting- you would need to fetch a card '..from the sideboard..' of which, in EDH.. there is none. I reference this in some of my rule zero EDH builds. A sideboard DOES NOT exist in EDH, womp womp. I mean, it doesn't affect how I review or feel about your build, but I couldn't do this justice without mentioning this on the off-handed chance you attempt to go to an event with the deck.
Construction wise, I have a small gripe with including creatures that nowhere include the typing of Horror. This is because with my builds (albeit Wacky Arm, which was a joke of a build.) I chose only creatures that were Horror typing by one way or another. The typical typal support in Adaptive Automaton
and Metallic Mimic are not unwelcome for their competitive edge, but rather how I personally feel that it goes against the principle of the challenge. I will consider this a mark against.
Considering what I said above, I also want to acknowledge that you technically still included exactly 25 Horror Typed creatures. So you did it! My gripe above can't really stand outside of priniciple. Is it allowed? ...yeah, it's just frowned upon.. but what a deck otherwise! Time to wrap up this compliment sandwich.
Alright! Lets review; Aesthetic, Construction, Competitive. 9/10 in all categories. With regards to how you favored the challenge, I feel confident in giving this deck a solid 9.8/10. So little to comment about what to change.. it's obvious this deck is perfectly suited to the duelist who created it, and it's a great deck at that. Clap for you, and congrats- I'm definitely gonna say your build wins! (imo)
Thanks for inviting me to take part in this challenge with you! I've really enjoyed it.
wallisface on
Kamarupa’s Challenge
1 month ago
I think Choke is a card you’d probably leave in the sideboard to battle decks that use islands. But I think Power Conduit is a good mainboard addition:
- 4x Blooming Marsh
- 3x Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
- 1x Overgrown Tomb
- 4x Polluted Delta
- 4x Swamp
- 4x Verdant Catacombs
4x Urza's Saga
- 4x Power Conduit
- 1x Shadowspear
- 1x Expedition Map
- 1x Nihil Spellbomb
4x Fatal Push
- 4x Damnation
- 2x Cling to Dust
- 4x Collective Brutality
- 3x Shadow of Doubt
4x Thoughtseize
4x Bloodghast
legendofa on Lotus Petal vs. Chrome Mox
1 month ago
Not competitive (especially Legacy), but I'm an 8-Rack enthusiast.
Setting up fast is important. Once you have your Rack lock set up, at least in my experience, you only really need a couple mana each turn, so the mana from that Chrome Mox might be less valuable than the card that got imprinted. Especially with a set of Dark Rituals, it should be easy to set at least one Rack effect and a Hymn to Tourach or Thoughtseize on turn 1 and build with 1-2 mana a turn from there, with a little burst for Liliana of the Veil or Ensnaring Bridge or whatever as needed.
So my vote's for the Lotus Petal. Prioritizing your denial and removal seems more important than a guaranteed extra each turn, but I'd be very interested to see how well it works in practice.
Ravndark on
Lantern Control *Primer*
2 months ago
KongMing The decks back then were using a loop of Pyrite Spellbomb to continually ping the opponent. It's become less useful as of right now, since a lot of Activated Ability hate is out there. I've been questioning if that's the route I'd like to go again, but finding room is hard. Cutting coloured lands makes the Ancient Stirrings and Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek a little harder to cast.
Xica on
How to deal with [[The One Ring]]
4 months ago
I didn't want to list counterspells and targeted discard, since they are the trivial choice.
I mean all of them work.
And there is a LOT of them. I didn't want to list all flavours of Counterspell with various up and downsides. And same goes for Thoughtseize, Duress, Mire's Toll, Collective Brutality. There are way too many.
And targeted discard is a way sketchier proposition than counterspells, as they turn the game into topdeck - where they don't help against the one ring.
wallisface on Brew ideas for Scrawling Crawler
4 months ago
Another very rough idea, deliberately not using OneRing as it might be gone in a month, and none of this list makes any sense in a world where it still exists.
- 21x Lands
- 4x Orcish Bowmasters
- 3x Sorin of House Markov Flip
- 4x Scrawling Crawler
- 3x Boggart Trawler Flip
- 4x Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
- 3x Birthing Ritual
- 4x Necrodominance
- 3x March of Wretched Sorrow
- 4x Soul Spike
- 4x Fatal Push
- 3x Thoughtseize
legendofa on Brew ideas for Scrawling Crawler
4 months ago
First pass, probably lots of room for improvement:
24 lands
4x Scrawling Crawler
4x Blood Moon
3x Thoughtseize
This tries to win off passive damage, although the Crusader and Orc Army can chip in if they get a clear lane. Blood Moon and Damping Sphere shut down opponents' production, and you don't need to be casting a big pile of spells each turn anyway. Bolt and Thoughtseize are a pretty typical 1-mana removal package, but I'm soft on Thoughtseize as a late-game draw. Kederekt Parasite also feels subpar, but it's the cheapest draw punishment available. In testing it, I would watch the ratio of forced drawing to control effects--handing opponents free resources is dangerous, and if you can't shut them down, you're setting yourself up for failure.
Have (3) | Azdranax , BillyBalverine , PrismMTG |
Want (3) | concorde , ACrispyTaco , Kripkenstein |