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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Morsel Theft
Kindred Sorcery — Rogue
Prowl (1)(Black) (You may play this for its prowl cost if you dealt combat damage to a player this turn with a Rogue.)
Target player loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. If Morsel Theft's prowl cost was paid, draw a card.
amicdeep on
1 year ago
guessing your trying to stay budget so will try to keep that in mind in recommendations
Dauthi Voidwalker unlockable, utilises discarded cards, alows you to steal opponents removal and tempo plays. run 4
Thieves' Guild Enforcer play a couple of rogues and shes a 3/2 deathtouch for 1. ideal 1 drop run 4
Changeling Outcast strictly better than boggart or stinger, run 4
Vampire Cutthroat runs better than boggart or stigger most of the time, use as extra 1drop if needed
Bad Moon you have only one load effect, this doubles your lord run 3-4
lands Castle Locthwain run 2-3 Hive of the Eye Tyrant run 2-3
as your a creature deck sometimes you get wiped an need to rebuild (this is not a budget card) Agadeem's Awakening Flip run 1-2 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire literally no downside and makes the deck slightly better, run 1
if you have a land slot left unused Ifnir Deadlands also exists and is solid removal in the late game.
you ideally need some more and better removal literally anything. a mix of Victim of Night, Eliminate, Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst
in an ideal world you'd also run 4 Bitterblossom (if you do run 4 Morsel Theft which you should be running 4 of anyway the 6 life shift on a cantrip for 2 is on of the main reasons to run rogues)
cards to drop. Oona's Prowler, Frogtosser Banneret, Noggin Whack, Defile, Prickly Boggart. all have better options for the slot
i also find that Earwig Squad tends to do much better in the sideboard (its an excellent hate card agaisnt some decks but a bit useless against others)
Balaam__ on Block This, You Filthy Casual
2 years ago
Thanks for posting everyone.
@smack80 I suppose this would fare ok against some of the precons out there, that’s not a bad idea. Might be a nice way to introduce a newbie to different concepts and styles of deck building.
@DreadKhan lots of good suggestions, as always. I can’t believe I missed Blanket of Night. It’s a bit more mana intensive as you said, but since I can’t run the top tier Urborg for $ reasons it’s another potential swampification card to consider. Good call. Oona's Prowler is another good one. Morsel Theft also seems surprisingly capable here, and is probably a good sideboard option against burn/drain decks as you mentioned. Thanks for the suggestions, and when I revisit this one I’ll most likely work some in.
DreadKhan on Block This, You Filthy Casual
2 years ago
Just tossing it out there (because it can let you toss a Filth to the bin), Oona's Prowler, which is a discard outlet for both players, suicidal in some metas obviously, but a 3/1 flying rogue for 1B is pretty pushed other than that, and if your deck is already making them pitch stuff, it'll be hard to debuff your Prowler. They just reprinted Prowler, so it can be had on the cheap.
Glint-Sleeve Siphoner is a rogue that draws cards in mono-black. If your deck runs some removal it ends up being pretty hard to block, so it can draw more than 1 card sometimes.
Vampire Cutthroat is a nice 1 drop, lifelink is a nice perk. When I had a similar deck, I actually enjoyed using Morsel Theft as a small draw spell/life gain effect, very helpful vs Burn, and if you can manage to cast it for B, it'll feel pretty good.
Another way to make things Swamps in Legacy on a budget is to use Blanket of Night. 3 mana for the effect is worse, but idk, auras seem questionable vs some decks, maybe I'm wrong?
I honestly wonder if you shouldn't shave a land or 2 for Dark Ritual? I'd probably go down 2 lands and 2 of something else for 4 of Ritual, but I love that card and always try to use it, even when it doesn't strictly work.
GnuofDeath on Fear the ZVGDARK
2 years ago
How often you cast Morsel Theft for it's prowl cost? The deck seens lack some more rogues with evasion.
lagotripha on On the Prowl
3 years ago
Budget rogues is a sweet brew - I ran it a long while back. I really reccomend running as many 1 drop rogues as you can - I was running up to 12, alongside card draw to keep them going, preferring unblockables as you can to take advantage of blackguard/thought thief and prowl. The higher up the mana curve you go, the more expensive the list gets as it turns into the faerie/ninja style lists.
Frogtosser is a fun card, but without a second cheap cost reduction spell, its probably better just to play some cheaper cmc rogues, unless you plan to ramp into a particularly key card.
Most of the below cards are really cheap, and you should be able to test different kinds of shells using them. You can mess around with mostly blue shells and add some negates, or mostly black and add push - but the best thing about rogue decks is that so long as you keep switching it up your opponents won't know exactly what they are facing, and will have to play accordingly.
Key evasive 1 drops Black - Nightshade Stinger Shadow Alley Denizen Vampire Cutthroat Thieves' Guild Enforcer Changeling Outcast
Blue - Faerie Miscreant Merfolk Windrobber Slither Blade Triton Shorestalker Mothdust Changeling
Key card draw options Low removal meta - Curiosity , Curious Obsession Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
Morsel Theft is a lightning helix at the face that draws a card when you are hitting your opponent, but bad without a board state.
Key artifact meta - Thieving Skydiver
'sorta' card advantage options
Noggin Whack / Acquisitions Expert a solid 'no hand for you' plan does a lot to keep your rogues on the battlefield. If sieze/inq is out of budget, Bribery or plain old Duress variants can still get you there.
Cards to avoid (traps)
Disciple of Deceit - the card disadvantage and tap/untap on it is punishing. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive relevant rogues already evasive Thieves' Fortune - if you are looking for answers its likely they've already stopped you hitting them in the face.
Secondly, Pyre of Heroes is an interesting option to turn 1 drops into 2 drops, letting you have more consistent access to lords like soaring or blackguard. It also dodges counterspells like vial, even if its not at instant speed and doesn't help after a wrath. Its worth testing with some proxies to see how it matches you against the decks you are likely to play, as artifact removal is common (but getting them to sideboard it in is also good). Glasspool Mimic Flip is notable in this case as a way to search out a clone of a lord without taking up a full creature slot, while Zulaport Cutthroat offers an option to drain out an opponent (even if it doesn't trigger prowl).
I hope this helps - have fun brewing!
BigChauncey on Mono-Black Burn
3 years ago
Trying Nightshade Stingers in place of Night Market Lookouts. I only really like NML in my opening hand as they usually end up only being one damage and one life gain otherwise. The NS's also add another evasion option which comes in handy vs Black and vs affinity. The biggest help is vs affinity though as your fear/intimidate evasion is off vs them. Nightshade Stinger can still get through in the sky to turn on prowl on your Morsel Thefts.
amicdeep on Dimir rogue
3 years ago
i've used mono b rogues at fnm and placed top 3 a couple of times with the list.
lessons learned, thoughtseize is just that good, being able to take away that key piece of removal was often the linchpin to winning games (it also works really well with new nighthawk)
i also used a third lord effect with Bad Moon, this often meant i was swinging with unblockable 4/3, which really helps when trying to close.
lastly rogues as a archetype is pretty proactive, reactive cards like remand work in fairies or ninjas but with rogues it tends to hurt more than help, id recommend Morsel Theft in that slot, (or if you really what a counter spell then Drown in the Loch )
lastly the artifacts, cloak and dagger is ok, but it dose mean your taking a turn off to play it and turn 2 is when you what a lord or bitterblossom copter is a little better, but the fact it does not trigger prowl and it doesn't get any buffs and almost everything in the deck is already a issue to block, it feel unnecessary.
cards i would consider are Distortion Strike (pumps and allows stinkdrinker to attack, and it dose this twice)
Rankle, Master of Pranks haste is great at the fact it can trade you fairy token for a combo piace while also acting as disruption and card draw is great .
Soaring Thought-Thief a solid lord and fairly easy to turn on in modern (i mean fetchlands flying everywhere), it also works well with i cmc hand disruption and fuels nighthawk
depending on build Earwig Squad, Brazen Borrower, Merfolk Windrobber may all be solid mb additions
sboy4 on Vampire Party
4 years ago
Thanks for the input! Originally i overlooked Changeling Outcast because I thought it would be about as useful as a viscera seer. It is now included as it can help finish parties and is an evasive rogue to trigger Morsel Theft.
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