Mission Briefing

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mission Briefing


Surveil 2, then choose an instant or sorcery card in your graveyard. You may cast this card this turn. If that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead. (To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)

KongMing on Turn 3: Dude, Where's My Deck?

3 months ago

Here's the results of a Playtest I just did.

High Tide, Sphere of the Suns, Ponder, 2 Frantic Search, 2 Island

Took the play

Turn 1: Island, Cast Ponder into Frantic Search, High Tide, and Lonely Sandbar. Draw the Frantic Search, topdeck High Tide, pass

Turn 2: Draw High Tide, play Island, cast Sphere of the Suns, pass

Turn 3: Play Lonely Sandbar, enters tapped. Tap Sphere to cast High Tide. Tap an Island leaving U floating to cast the other High Tide. Tap Island and leave U floating to cast Frantic Search into 2 Breakthroughs, discard a Frantic Search and a Breakthrough. Untap 2 Islands and Lonely Sandbar.

Tap Island and Lonely Sandbar for UUUU, cast Breakthrough with X of 4. Draw Fraying Sanity, Island, Anticipate, and Ponder, discard Island. Tap Island for UUU and cast Frantic Search into Anticipate and Opt, Discard Opt and an Anticipate. Untap 2 Islands and Lonely Sandbar.

Tap Island for UUU and cast Ponder, seeing Frantic Search, Island and Island. Draw the Frantic Search. Tap Lonely Sandbar and Island for UUUU, leaving UUUU floating and casting Frantic Search into 2 Islands, discard the Islands, untap 2 Islands and Lonely Sandbar.

Spend UU on Anticipate into Island, Island, and High Tide. Put High Tide in my Hand, bottomdeck the Islands. Spend U on High Tide. Spend U on Opt into an Island, bottomdeck it and draw an Island...

Tap Island for UUUU and leave UU floating to cast Anticipate into Island, Island, and Breakthrough, put Breakthrough in hand and bottomdeck the Islands. Tap Island for UUUU and cast Breakthrough with X of 4, draw High Tide, Cloud of Faeries, Fraying Sanity, and Careful Study, discard Fraying Sanity and Careful Study.

Tap Lonely Sandbar for U and cast High Tide. Cast Cloud of Faeries for UU, untap both Islands. Tap Island for UUUUU and cast Anticipate into Sphere of the Suns, Sol Ring, and Opt. Take Opt, bottomdeck the other two. Cast Opt, bottomdecking an Island and drawing Traumatize!!!

I am one mana short of being able to cast them both... And they are the only cards in my hand. Big sad. I will have to play Fraying Sanity on them for now, and then hit them with Traumatize next turn, praying draw mana and they don't have counterspells?

Turn 4: Draw Sol Ring. Theoretically cast it and then Traumatize my opponent and win the game once the Fraying Sanity trigger resolves.

Overall thoughts: If I had an Island instead of a Lonely Sandbar as my 3rd land for turn, I would have had the mana to finish the game up on Turn 3.

This kind of makes me think about an alternate, Surveil version of the deck, with the same High Tide engine, but more Surveil cards that thin your deck of unnecessary cards in case you shuffle with a Ponder later. I'd maybe swap the Opts, Anticipates, Breakthroughs, and for some combination of Consider, Curate, Mission Briefing, and Enhanced Surveillance. Mission Briefing is really powerful because it lets you recast your Frantic Searches. I'd also swap the Sandbars and a couple mana rocks for Islands.

Additionally, if we're thinking Surveil, and we want to bounce our Cloud of Faeries, how about Unauthorized Exit and Unexplained Disappearance?

Unlife on Vendilion clique combo

1 year ago

I love railgunning, and it's something I still play in my own monoblue EDH deck. A few recommendations:

Spell Crumple and Hinder both let you remove a problem card, and help enable the combo. Plus, they back up clique if the cost gets too high.

You're always going to want open mana, so I'd recommend a few more rocks. Being able to flash in your commander means you can spend a few turns just casting ramp, and still have mana up for counters or commander.

Snapcaster Mage and Mission Briefing are another pair of cards that can let you reuse things already in your graveyard. Mnemonic Wall acts as both blocker, and lets you return a combo piece to your hand.

Icbrgr on Jeskai Tempo

1 year ago

I am looking to brew something looking a lot like this... My thoughts are to have synergy with Consider, Mission Briefing and See the Truth.

Icbrgr on Dimir Undoing

2 years ago

Any reason for not running some number of Drown in the Loch?

Overall I think this looks pretty cool! Part of me wants to say Mission Briefing would be good in here too.

zapyourtumor on Grixis Arcanist!

2 years ago

I mean in this kind of deck, hitting 1 sorcery + 1 instant + 1 creature + 1 land in your graveyard should be extremely easy, especially with DRC digging. But more importantly, DRC lets you filter your draws and bin more creatures for you to unearth later. I really think the card does basically everything the deck wants to do, but it is what it is.

Unless your meta is SUPER enchantment heavy, Feed the Swarm mainboard doesn't really make sense.

I'm not sure I understand your reasoning behind not running any basics? It's less about "stopping" Blood Moon and more if you have a single basic island and a single basic swamp in your deck, you can every single card in your deck besides Mission Briefing (97.6% of your nonland cards). Whereas if you don't you can play any basics, you can only cast 31.7% of your nonland cards. That is a huge difference. Also, effects like Field of Ruin and Path to Exile are fairly common.

Anyways I do like the concept of the deck, even if I don't agree with all of your card choices. Any time I can play Dreadhorde Arcanist is a good time.

zapyourtumor on Grixis Arcanist!

2 years ago

Personally I think Mission Briefing is probably too slow for this type of deck.

Lack of Fatal Push is a little weird.

Persist is so, so much worse than both Claim and Unearth since all your creatures are 2 or less cmc. I really don't think you need 9 reanimation spells either, so I'd definitely cut this one at the very least.

I highly recommend 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler for another playset of aggressive 3 power one-drop flyers.

Since Delver is more of a tempo deck, Stitcher's Supplier kind of stands out as a card that doesn't do too much. I'd probably cut it.

I see you already have Ledger Shredder in the maybeboard, I'd definitely slot at least 2 in the mainboard that card is crazy strong in this type of deck.

I prefer Consider over Thought Scour since it lets you filter a bit and you don't need to turbo fill your graveyard with Scour since Jace will be flipped easily anyways.

Expressive Iteration is a really powerful card advantage spell, also pretty cheap.

1-2 Spell Pierce is pretty strong in the current meta as well.

Drown in the Loch is a good counterspell/removal spell.

hootsnag on Hurkyl, Tempo Master Wizard

2 years ago

Portent, Crawlspace, Web of Inertia, Dream Tides, War Tax, Glacial Chasm, Monastery Siege, Cryptic Command, Extract, Portcullis, Dissipation Field, Overburden, Archmage Ascension, Frozen Aether, Reins of Power, Rapid Hybridization, Siren's Call, Cyclonic Rift, Mission Briefing, Reality Shift, and Resculpt are just a few you could potentially use. You can very easily go creatureless if you want to. You just have to lean on different win conditions and use cards like Ward of Bones /etc.

Jett2112 on Kess, Dissident Midrange

2 years ago

I love your support creatures but I feel like you should bring in a Snapcaster Mage. That and Mission Briefing will help to recur counterspells and removal on opponents turn since Kess, Dissident Mage can't do it.

This deck as shown now seems more "turbo" than "control" to me with that Ad Nauseam, Simian Spirit Guide, Grim Monolith etc. If you want to lean in to the turbo storm line consider Baral, Chief of Compliance, Archmage Emeritus and Yawgmoth's Will

Baral, Chief of Compliance + Lotus Petal + Brain Freeze + Underworld Breach = storm off till your own deck is gone and then usually have enough Brain Freeze copys to mill all opponents.

There are ways to make a storm or magecraft win with Archmage Emeritus, Storm-Kiln Artist and Underworld Breach but that would mean raising the curve and running cards that are bad topdeck by themselves.

+1 this is a proper cedh deck! Check out my "cruel control" version of Kess cedh Pox Diamond to see what I mean about the difference between "turbo/storm" and "control". Also I have a pretty extensive maybe board there that might have some spice edhrec won't show you.

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