God-Pharaoh's Faithful

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

God-Pharaoh's Faithful

Creature — Human Wizard

Whenever you cast a blue, black, or red spell, you gain 1 life.

wolfhead on Modern Doran Company

2 years ago

Oh man well I gotta bring up Aegis Turtle again, I love that card and blue also gets you Sidisi's Faithful, Contraband Kingpin, and Deputy of Detention,

But Concealing Curtains  Flip is sweet, and what feels way back in the day I even ran Disowned Ancestor who was okay in board stalls,

God-Pharaoh's Faithful,

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer is cool with stuff like Shape the Sands,

And hear me out, a card that works great with both tower defense and ensnaring bridge is Ornithopter.

Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive does as well.

Gilded Goose gets sweet as your mana curve gets lower,

Permeating Mass cracks me up if you focus more on assault formation and High Alert, But ive never gotten around to trying it.

And I guess Brokers Initiate is just a strict upgrade to Yoked Ox with her mana sink?

Arboreal grazer is sweet I'd definitely keep him and some harbingers

And I know it's a non-bo with collected company but I gotta make the obligatory statement about how sweet Lingering Souls is with tower defense,

Though is it too slow nowadays even with bridge? Shit I feel old. At least it can chump a giant murktide for a while

Corrosive_Cat on Big Weaklings [Budget Azorius Jank]

3 years ago

TheSigillite Good stuff! Bear in mind God-Pharaoh's Faithful isn't on Arena, sadly - currently trialling Secret Door in its place, though it's not exactly blowing me away.

TriusMalarky on

3 years ago

lagotripha on Ajani's Gang (Pioneer Mono-White Lifegain)

5 years ago

I feel like the lifegain could be a little more consistant and a little more aggressive. Creatures like It That Rides as One and Glory-Bound Initiate , Anointer Priest , Bishop of Wings , Charming Prince etc. There has been a decent amount of support for lifegain printed.

Paladin of Atonement and pridemate offer a proliferate plan. Soldier of the Pantheon might be sideboardable.

Dawn of Hope offers card-draw.

There are a bunch of lifelinky 1 drops if you want to lean into that- Haazda Marshal and a bunch of 1 drop lifelinkers will work when backed by the quality p/t increases in the format.

Famished Paladin is screaming for a combo, but unless you really want to play Sorcerer's Wand or have a way of chaining those aetherflux triggers, its not worth it.

If you go multicolour, you get access to God-Pharaoh's Faithful and drain effects in black. A Gate to the Afterlife deck would be possible, as would rally. Soulfire Grand Master / Seeker of the Way offers a red/white spellsling style.

aogoli on Human Soldier Tribal (Budget) (Advice Appreciated)

5 years ago

These are the cards I dont know if follows the aggro strategy (or quick growth) on your deck: Veteran Swordsmith , Veteran Armorsmith , Topan Freeblade , Soldier of the Pantheon , Precinct Captain (sometimes you wont be able to attack for two turns. He is better when you "haste" him), Loyal Cathar  Flip (his other form escapes "human tribal", so he doesnt triggers lot of abbilities on the deck), Elite Vanguard , Archetype of Courage (cost 3 is too much, it may leave you without mana for Brave the Elements ).

Some options of cost 1: Hunted Witness , Akrasan Squire , Thraben Inspector and Ardent Recruit which would call for more artifacts and equipments. I think of him because I would use Ratchet Bomb . It is good against midrange enchantments, tokens, cretures and artifacts. And there are God-Pharaoh's Faithful and Novice Knight , they are perfect to be powered with aura and all sort of things (against red decks).

Things may help: Shelter , Danitha Capashen, Paragon , Cartouche of Solidarity , Mentor of the Meek and Felidar Umbra .

If you would escape a bit from tribal: Vryn Wingmare and Moonsilver Spear .

And there are plenty of lands that can help you draw, gives extra mana, enhance your creatures and are way under 3$. I hate to depend on luck, and I hate extra lands in hand, so I would use 20x lands, basic and non basic, plus 4x Secluded Steppe .

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